What's with the new ranking on my ABN profile? Page 1
  • I noticed that when I go to my leaderboard, there is a little slingshot icon in the upper right corner. When I move my mouse over it, it says "Flinger with 20 points." When I go to any leaderboard that shows all the users, their total points, and their position, some users have an icon next to their names. i.e. manu malin's icon states "Rank: Master slinger with 5020 points".
    What are these points and how do I accumulate them?

    on a bit of a side note, on the achievements page, I'm guessing that these are the same as Game center. It would be nice for us non Apple birders to accumulate those achievements also. (or am I just overlooking something)
  • Has nothing to do with GameCenter. This is strictly within ABN. Some long-time users got promoted manually to higher ranks (such as Manu). All users can accumulate points within the site. For example, checking in daily and posting comments earns points. Note: Spamming won't help you, since f your comment is deleted, so are the points you had earned for it.

    The whole system is Beta right now, so there will be frequent changes until we are rather satisfied.
  • Points for comments seems to encourage pointless comments (lol).
  • But they will be subsequently deleted. And spammers can be blocked. Again, this is only in Beta.
  • It's a pretty cool idea - nice job guys
  • You just need to be sure you properly police spam - it must be dealt with swiftly and without reason :) If people see spam coming through they will begin to spam more, however if they see spam being deleted, they will surely not bother with spamming any more
  • The system already has a spam blocker, and things that are not clearly spam but are from I established users is marked as "pending moderation". It's a great system.
  • @AMslimfordy
    Nice Slim. However, I had a forum, (actual website URL that I bought for a year) that got attacked by spam bots. I fixed that problem by only allowing users to post. How has Nest survived from random comments, considering you allow guest posts?
  • @dGhost
    All guest posts, must first be cleared by us. If it doesn't contribute to the conversation, it gets trashed before it even hits the public ABN pages. For example, we get a lot of "I love Angry Birds!" just at random or swearing out of frustration on walkthrough pages. New users still have to prove that they can be mature or add to the discussion. Or have a legitimate question or need of help. But yeah, there is a lot of police work that goes on behind the scenes.
  • Also, if a comment is subsequently removed the points associated with it are removed as well. Another little known fact is that you can only receive points for your first comment on a post, subsequent comments (on the same post), don't add to your total.
  • @BirdLeader
    Ahh, I understand. Some people probably "spam" a thread with comments, and even though they're not speaking "off topic," they are still submitting multiple posts to just convey one message. But to no avail. These are not the points you are looking for... ;P
  • Is there a list of things that can earn points, or is it just commenting at this point in time?
  • Visiting daily also earns points. We would like to add other methods as well, but those are yet to come. We will likely push a post on this in the near future.
  • Odd -- I had at least 3055 points last night, but today I'm down to 3005. Wassup with that?
  • I went through and did a massive cleanup of old posts on all pages within /leaderboard. Probably a result of that, as you are an active contributor there. I'll tack on 100 to correct this. (In fact, you had fallen below the 3k mark as a result, so I had bumped you back to that ranking.)
  • @AMslimfordy @BirdLeader
    I'm sure somebody's asked this already, but you should allow points to be gathered from forum posts as well - I understand that this would involve some integration, but it would be cool if you could do so. As you can see, I'm a more active forum member than contributor to the threads, like Slim, (some of my "help" attempts go awry, or Slim beats me to 'em :P) and I think I would probably be attaining points 3x faster than I currently am.

    Plus, where I live in Australia, most of the comments only come up in the early morning, (I'm guessing when most of the world is on The Nest) and when I have a decent chunk of time to be able to comment on threads, there usually aren't any comments to comment on.

    But I'm going off-topic - a forum and thread integration would be a nice finishing touch, just polishing the already almost perfect website.
  • @dGhost Right, this would be the ultimate goal.
  • Does anybody know what the rankings are. I saw a pic once but I don't know who had it.
  • Why is my ranking not going up? I visit the website almost everyday. Also, I make sure I that I am logged into the website.
  • There could be a bug, as we're still working on this feature on a daily basis. I will look into this.
  • Oh, and FWIW, the forum is not yet connected to the new ranking system, so visiting here won't register. You have visit a page outside the forum.
  • We have a post live now, so we can direct all questions and such there.

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