ABN Positives, Negatives and "To Do" List - Everyone add to the list! Page 2
  • - I'd like to see this forum go into more of a standard type of message board. With sub-forums for different topics to be posted in. This current one just just one mass of topics which can get annoying when just browsing through it. Maybe switch to vBulletin software? I know it can be incorporated in to the main part of the site as well for articles and such. If that is not possible, I'd still like to see sub-forums added to add more organization to the site's forum.

    - This next suggestion, I don't know if it is possible, but is there any way to tap into Game Center's leaderboards to make it easier to post leaderboard scores without having to do it one by one? And of course figure out a way for other platforms as well. Or is there some other way to make it easier for people to post their scores?

    - The ability to post images, even if they are scaled down thumbnails.

    - A better profile system. Not sure what kind to suggest but I'm just not a fan of the current one. It's a bit difficult to navigate and use.

    All I have for now. If I think of more I'll post em. Look forward to seeing what changes in this topic will actually be implemented!
  • - That sounds like a massive overhaul. We recently re-implemented the categories, so perhaps that will help narrow things down.

    - I highly doubt the possibility of that, but even if it were possible, it's not a good idea. First, apps only push data out to GameCenter. GC has no ability to push data out. Next, GC is super easy to hack. Third, no other platform has the existing technology. Fourth, even if the technology existed, there are dozens of platforms, and we don't have the ability to program all of that.

    - That's on the to-do list, but there are a few concerns. One is the speed of the site: Images could certainly bog down the loading time. Another would be safety (that is, inappropriate content). And a third would be the server itself.

    - What's wrong with the current profile system? It's simple, sure, but many users choose to not contribute to profiles as all.
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