Screen "jerk" when launching a bird Page 1
  • Hello,

    On the iPad, has anyone come across the problem of the screen jerking right-left suddenly just as you're about to launch a bird? It often happens when I launch and completely wrecks my aim (sends bird too low). It doesn't seem to happen on all levels, but is quite common and very annoying. If you wait a while before launching while the screen rolls back automatically after say the first bird has hit, it doesn't seem to happen. But if you scroll back manually to speed up the next launch then quite often the 'jerk' occurs as I launch.

    No other issues with my hardware so I'm pretty certain it's a software problem.....

    If anyone has had a similar problem and can help out it would be really appreciated.


  • I've actually seen this sometimes on my ipod touch playing Seasons. I'll be pulling the bird back and either it suddenly starts jerking around and releases before I can correct or it jerks right when I release. I wouldn't say it's common but it's definitely happened. Haven't noticed a pattern to it other then many times I had just cleaned/dryed my hands after interacting with something else and I have considered the possibility it might be some sort of capacitive touch issue.
  • Yeah I've noticed this quite a bit on my iPhone. Unfortunately Angry Birds doesn't exactly run the smoothest... still a great game but (:
  • Thanks guys. Wondering if any iPad users have experienced the problem too?
  • Even on my iTouch, the bird starts to jerk around. But I've noticed that they do it in a different way.

    Red Bird: Backwards

    Black Bird: Downwards

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