Ridiculously High Scores on Angry Birds (Pay) Leaderboard Page 1
  • Sorry if someone's already asked this question as I don't see it anywhere... On the Leaderboard within Angry Birds (pay), the top of the leaderboard has some ridiculously high scores. For example, the top 3 scores are 9,223,372,036,854,775,807. The top 15-20 are also ridiculously high. Obviously it's a glitch of some sort. How come Rovio doesn't fix it and get rid of the false scores so the in-game Leaderboard has only real scores? Or is there a golden egg hat gives a gazillion points?
  • First, golden eggs don't count towards your total score.

    Second, that's a GameCenter hack. Therefore, Rovio has no control over it.

    As a point of reference, Manu Malin is 100% legitimate. This is why we encourage you to use the leader boards on this site. We police and can remove phony scores.
  • Yes, I know golden eggs scores don't count. That was an attempt at a lame joke.

    I don't see Manu Malin's score anywhere on the leaderboard. I do see ernor63 (top score on this site) at #112.

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