Angry birds go telepods question. Page 1
  • Ok I have been using the countdown app and found out there are 2 bomb birds race cars 1 being bomb's Big Bang and the other being bomb's Big Bang special edition. My question is where (or what set) is the special edition one in? Or is it like a event giveaway or something (like comic con or Facebook prize). Thanks
  • 1 Comment
  • I have all Telepods from catalogue that is enclosed in all packages. There are not Terrence kart telepod and Big Bang SE telepods yet on myrket. I hope that users of Countdown application might get couple of them for limited usage in real application. I don't like any kind of giveaway events on FB when only few people in the world have a chance to get that special award, so I hope they will be available for purchase in next edition of toys.
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