Palm/WebOS Update Info Page 1
  • Hi everyone,
    Can anyone tell me what's going on with Palm and Angry Birds? There are now 2 updates to AB Rio, 1 update to AB, 1 update to AB Seasons and we have not received any of them (even though the update to AB Seasons was just released). I've heard conflicting info about the support for WebOS and am just wondering what the real deal is. Thanks so much!
  • Rovio reported that they were re-vamping their tech on webOS so to continue Palm support well into the future. It's my understanding that the Beach Volley update to Rio was submitted about a week ago, and it's odd that it hasn't landed yet. As for Mine and Dine, I would assume the same thing, but I haven't heard anything specific.

    I encourage you to contact [email protected] or [email protected] and ask for specifics about webOS. We'd be glad to hear about it here. But at least you got the Seasons update, so webOS is still in the loop.

    BTW, I have heard that Pixi will not be supported so long as they have firmware issues.
  • Thanks for the response. No, we haven't received the new AB Seasons update; I just meant that it just came out for iOS so it was too soon to tell if we would get it.

    I will definitely contact Rovio and see what they will tell me. Its definitely disappointing to get hooked on the game that we now can not seem to get updates for; unless we switch phones. I have the original Palm Pre so at least if they do continue to support WebOS hopefully I'll be in the bunch.

    I will relay any information I hear back from Rovio and if you hear any specifics, please keep us in the loop. Thanks!
  • I finally heard back from Rovio and this is their latest response:

    (((Rovio Contact, Jun-23 18:20 (EEST):
    and thank you for your patience in waiting for an answer from us.

    We have been investigating performance issues on Palm devices for a long time now. Palm Pre and Pre Plus have some severe firmware issues which prevent latest versions of Angry Birds running properly. Unfortunately Palm has decided not to support them with firmware updates anymore.

    We are working very hard to solve those issues but unfortunately can not guarantee Angry Birds games to work perfectly on those devices.

    Same goes to Palm Pixi and unfortunately there will be no more updates for Pixi.

    The good thing is that when Palm is starting to roll out new devices, we will be able to support them all.

    We apologize for the inconvenience.

    Best regards,

    Angry Birds Team)))

    So I'm not sure if they will be updating WebOS anymore. If you hear any other news, please let me know. Thanks!
  • Thanks for the info, ThreeLittlePigs. That's very unfortunate, but I suppose that's better than not knowing...
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