Maybe upgrading from windows 7 to windows 8 Page 1
  • Hi everyone! I thought about upgrading my windows 7 to a windows 8 but I wonder a few things.

    1. Will my AB that I have purchased from be saved or do I need to purchase them again from the windows 8 store? Because in the description for windows 8 upgrading it says Apps, Windows settings, and personal files will be saved, but I have heard that the A from are not compatible with windows 8.

    2. If they are saved, will my progress be saved?

    3. Will other games be saved?
  • To my knowledge, the games from Rovio's shop are not designed for Win8. However, you should definitely ask Rovio specifically about this.

    ==Let's assume that the games run on Win8==
    1) You will have to re-download the games (that is, the .exe files), and

    2) Your progress will only be saved if you do so manually, following our guide. For the games from Rovio's shop, the data files are pretty easy to find and included in our guide.


    I just purchased a new laptop yesterday and went out of my way to find a Win7 OS. Part of my reason was the AB games; part was my mathematical programs; part was I'm not a fan of Win8. But that's just me.
  • @AMslimfordy - I also upgraded from windows 7 to Windows 8. But I don't like the new interface of win8. Now I'm thinking of downgrade into windows 7 again....huh. I think you are not aware of update for windows 8 .. called Windows 8.1 AKA Blue. Public preview will release on this June. This update will return the start button like win7, but keep its tile interface (win8 does not have any start button) :D

    @BadPiggies - You can keep all your Softwares + Games + Angry Birds Progress while upgrading to windows 8.

    May be this guide can help you -
  • @Aman there's already a mod that returns start button to Win 8 :)
  • @Birds I knew about that software. But that returns start menu like windows 7. Windows 8.1 will bring whole new start button :)
  • @Aman @AMslimfordy
    Thank you for the info. I don´t either like the new windows 8, but I would like the windows 8 store.

    @Birds What is that new windows 8 your talking about?
  • @Bad piggies It's an update for Win 8 and Win RT called Windows 8.1 AKA Blue. The update arrives in a few weeks. See this:
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