A question on level names and numbers Page 1
  • This website shows for the ABS levels titled "Mooncake Festival", while my tablet only says "Moon Festival." Why the difference?

    Secondly, on page 3 for the Moon Festival (the Facebook levels) you list them as 2-16, 2-17 and 2-18. Shouldn't they be 3-1, 3-2 and 3-3?

    I realize these could be platform differences, but just curious about them.
  • @Xanadude - I'm playing on PC and the title is "Mooncake Festival". Not sure about those bonus levels, 'cause those are not available for PC.
  • Moon is platform differently, but on bonus level is change after some (forget with one, not wrong is 2.5.0) update it change to 3-1, 3-2, 3-3, if your device with old version it show 16, 17, 18, but not sure why not change yet on video.

    And this already ask a few time on here, forgot on which section on this site.
  • The episode was changed to Moon Festival on some platforms but not others. We think its obvious which episode is being referenced.

    We have discussed it a few times and we have determined that its not particularly worthwhile to change all the "Facebook/Twitter" levels on Seasons for such a minor change. We believe its obvious which levels are being referenced.
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