Transfering .lua file Problem! Page 1
  • I recently tried to transfer my AB high scores from my iPhone 4 to my iPad 1. In classic AB everything works right after the transfer of the .lua file but in AB Rio and in AB Seasons I am having an issue. I place the .lua file and restart the application but as soon as the loading icon appears after the ads (Rovio etc) the game immediately closes. The same thing happens every time I launch the app until I remove it and resynchronize my iPad to my Mac and have the clear version installed again. Any guess ?

    (I am not a native so i am sorry in advance for any language mistakes)
  • I've transferred regular AB and AB Seasons files from iPhone4 to iPad2 and I've transferred regular AB from iPhone3G to iPad2. I have not tried anything with AB Rio. I use a freeware program called iPhone Explorer. A note on this program - sometimes when navigating around the files on a device, the program dies or it says a folder is empty. Simply disconnect and reconnect the iDevice and try again.

    1. Install AB on the iPad and then start it up and play a level to make sure it creates the .lua files.
    2. Pull the 2 .lua files (settings.lua and highscores.lua) from the iPhone to your hard drive.
    3. Copy the files over the 2 .lua files on the iPad, overwriting them.
    4. Double tap the home button and completely shut down AB on the iPad.
    5. Run the game again and the completed gamecenter achievements should start popping up.

    I'm not sure what could have happened in your case suicidebomber, but I'd try removing and reinstalling the troublesome apps on the iPad, then pulling fresh copies of the .lua files from your iPhone.
  • Thank you Sasquatch! You didn't just save my day but the whole winter and spring! I changed to a new iPhone and was really desperate about loosing all my records. I had tried the PhoneView system, but never found a Rovio folder. This iPhone Explorer is really nice and easy to use, and seems perfect for other transfer purposes, too.
  • Amazing, @sasquatch519, that was fantastic. I just copied all my "Free" data (AB:Free, ABS:Free, ABR:Free) from my iPhone 3Gs to my iPad 2. This worked perfect. (I only lost 1 achievement, 500 blocks in AB, but that's a Game Center issue.) Thanks so much!
  • What if you only have pcs.
  • iPhone Explorer works on PC
  • Thank you for this chain, all you AB Masters! Especially Sasquatch! With your advice I managed (with help of my husband) to transfer my AB for iPhone achievements to AB HD for iPad. But apparently a couple of achievements got lost to some wormhole... any ideas how to get them back without having to play them all over again? I can still see them in AB for iPhone and in Game Center as well. I have played both the iPhone- and iPad ABs in my iPad - don't ask me why...
    ...somehow I would imagine that if you are in Game Center you should see your achievements kind of unified for a certain game, regardless of what device or version you have played...

    (I hope you understood something of this despite the errors in spelling and grammar - I'm not a native english speaker)
  • Unfortunately, there's not much to do except hope for a sudden trigger via an app update or for Rovio to rewrite a few of the codes. I lost two feather achievements (the 50&100) but have the 200-feather achievement. I think Rovio's code may read feathers==50 or 100 instead of >=. Also, the Sync system in development may help these issues.
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