Help out a university study on Angry Birds Page 1
  • Hey guys and girls
    We’re a couple of students at the IT-University of Copenhagen, who’s doing a study on Angry Birds. We’d love to hear if you think of yourself as gamers (and how?), and if you discuss anything besides Angry Birds when you’re on this board.

    Feel free to ask any questions, we’re here to learn!

    -Anders, Jonas and Yannick
  • Hey Guys - I'm flattered that you'd come here to your research. As you have probably deduced by now, we don't discuss much else besides Angry Birds in this forum. I hate to presume, but I bet most of the people who frequent ABN do NOT consider themselves "gamers" in the traditional sense. Mobile Gamers, maybe. Angry Birds Ninjas, definitely. That said, if you're just focusing on the forum crowd then your chances of stumbling across a few hardcore gamers might be a little higher. Even then, I'm not so sure.
  • Thanks for the reply though!
    Even though you don't discuss much else, is there a sense of community? It might be redundant to ask, but do people just come here to ask a question, and then never reappear?
  • Spend a little time here and you'll see that we have a strong community. Most of the people on the forums have been here a long time. Everyone chips in to make this site what it is.
  • Hey @YannickP, yeah, I'd definitely say we have a community. In my opinion, you know you're a part of an online community when you're able to discern a persons personality through their posts. And I do think we have that with a number of members. Now yes, there are in fact some folks who drop by to have a question answered and then vacant until they have another question, but the amount of knowledge on everything Angry Birds within the members of this community is what I think keeps them coming back.

    As far as whether I consider myself a gamer? I play games, yes. But am I a gamer? Hard to say. Maybe a casual gamer. I have an XBOX360, two actually, but the one that gets used the most is in the bedroom used as a MediaCenter Extender. Unless there is a game that is REALLY up my alley, (Can't wait for Dirt 3) I don't play that much on a console type system. Most of the times that I play is with friends either online (GearsOfWar) or in person (Kinect).

    BUT, now that mobile gaming has taken off. That's a different story. The games that work well for me are games that are easy to pick up and easy to interrupt, ie. Angry Birds, Cut the Rope, Super StickMan Golf, etc. Those are the games I go for and I play one of those types of games at least once a day. I'll play on work breaks, play while watching TV, play while waiting at the dentist. If there is a lull of time, there is a good chance I'll pull out that iPhone or iPad. I think it's creating a new breed of casual gamer, a MobiGamer if you will.

    Regarding other discussions on ABN, We occasionally help folks with a little tech support for their devices and/or computers. So there is some technology discussion here and there as it relates to Angry Birds but we don't tend to go TOO far off topic.

    Hope some of this helps and feel free to ask any more questions you may have!
  • That sounds quite interesting. Do you have any idea about the gender/age demographic? Just in a broad sense. From we can gather, there's a major assumption that Angry Birds gamers are young (early teens) and male.

    What you're saying, seems to hold true for most Angry Bird gamers, but would you consider yourself a "hardcore" Angry Birds gamer? And what does it take to be one? It seems that since you both, and those who might be spectating, are already more enthusiastic than most, just by being on this forum.

    Also, we recently had a national competition here in Denmark, have you attended some sort of competitions?

    Thanks again for the replies, we really appreciate it!
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