Seasons Greedings and the exploding Santa hat Page 1
  • I'm working on improving my scores, and many of the high scores for the Seasons Greedings levels are clearly unobtainable since the exploding Santa hat bug was eliminated (e.g., Levels 1-7 and 1-18). Does anyone know how many levels were affected by this bug? All of them? I just don't want to waste my time trying to beat a score that is now impossible to achieve. I played 1-7 for many, many hours -- just trying to beat the average score -- before I realized there was something going on with the scores.
  • It seems like this website posted most of the videos that had the bug. So I'd go through the walk through videos here and see which ones have two videos posted. That should be a good starting point for you.
  • Good idea, thanks!
  • @chaostsar, And actually another way is to look for pigs in santa hats. Those are the glitchy guys, so if you see one, that level will now have a an unattainable high score.
  • Like ChaosTsar, I'm just now going back and trying to get the score addict on Season's greedings. I have the 3 stars and score addict on all the others in Season's, original AB and RIO so I was looking to clean this up as well. Right now I'm about 79,000 short on seasons greeding and just looking at the video's and comparing scores I don't see how I'm going to get to that level on this one.

    One of the biggest issues I see with this one is that larger high scores require two or three 'perfect' shots and then it only may increase your score by a few thousand points. All the other seasons seem to have a 'one shot strategy' that results in massive score increases. (I do realize the santa hat glitch was removed now).

    Anyone else out there in the same boat and know of a level or levels to concentrate on? I do have 3 stars on all, but none really blow the minimum score out of the water.
  • @skeet -- actually, exceeding the average scores posted on the leaderboards has been a really effective way of boosting all of my scores, and in doing so I blew away all score addict levels a while back. With the exception of the posted average for Level 1-7 on Seasons Greedings, I've been able to exceed the average score for every round that there is across all versions of AB (well, except for Seasons Free, which I just started playing today).

    For me, beating the averages has been a much more manageable effort than trying to beat posted high scores. Just trying to beat or match or come close to high scores was really tedious for me, but beating the averages was clearly doable and something within reach.
  • Maybe thats what I need to do. I get caught up sometimes in seeing a ridiculous high score and think thats one that I can improve on, when actually that was just someone that made the 1 in a million shot.
  • Well that was a fluke -- I finally beat the average score on Level 1-7. I was stuck at around 78K and, after playing 1-7 probably hundreds of times, I scored 86,560. The kicker is that I have no idea how I did it. I looked away after I threw my last bird and, when I looked back, my score was a new high. Figures.

    At least now I can say I've beaten the average score on all levels, across all AB games. Yay!
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