Free (and Lite) Versions Page 1
  • So... I've become a bit obsessive about AB, and I'm debating whether or not to play the free versions (and AB Lite). Can anyone tell me if any of these versions have original levels, or are they all repeats of levels in the full versions? If they are just repeats, I'll probably just skip 'em....
  • They have a few new levels.
    But most are repeats.
  • Angry Birds Lite: The first half of the levels are copied from the full game, the second half are new.

    Angry Birds Free: All new levels.

    Angry Birds Seasons Free: Some are new levels, some are not, depending on the Season.

    Angry Birds Rio Free: All of the levels are copies from the full game.

    I went through and three-starred all of the Free versions and the Lite version. You get to play a few new levels, plus (with the exception of the Lite version) there are achievements to gain. They aren't very long, so there's really no harm in beating them. Gives you a little something to do between updates from Rovio.
  • Looks like I have my next little AB project then. Thanks!
  • Can you tell me if the free versions are able to play on android phone i searching for them but cant find them.

    Thank you for the help.

  • @BomberBird52 I don't think so. Full version was (originally at least) free for Android, so I would imagine that "Free" episodes don't exist.
  • Android free versions are on amazon app store
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