The Bloated Pig - A Place for Weary Flingers Page 2365
  • @bernersenn Yes, if you use that Youtube (480p) setting, it'll work fine. YOu shouldn't need it, but if you want to be able to cut out parts of a video, here's a free program that works well. It's very confusing to learn how to use, but I know how, so if you ever try it, I'll make you another video showing how to trim a video in it. :)

    VSDC Free Video Converter

    It's weird, this program has much better editing features than their actual editing program: VSDC Video Editor(!).
  • Hi, hi, my first video:
    not the best score, but it works!
    @All, how to embed a video here in a comment in the BP?
  • How do you get @Bernersenn out of Theo?
  • @rat that is ugly, isn't it? Tried already to change my Google+ account. But one way or another, you have to fill in two name fields. Bernersenn, I like it. This crap is disgusting. Do you have any ideas about this?
  • @rat little bit background information: my passion is (next to AB - that is an addiction) are my dogs. They are Bernese Mountain Dogs. In swiss-german they are named 'Bernersenn'. There is the connection. All over te internet I use Bernersenn. . [email protected] . Facebook: etc
  • @bernersenn I hate that two names thing. I don't want a Kelani Z channel. I want my title to be like @fenikus : Fenikus Angry Birds Rio Channel
  • @kelani that I gonna try
  • @bernersenn so you just changed your Google+ last name to Angry Birds Channel?
  • Yes, and my first name now is Bernersenn: (with the semicolon).
    Little issue: the video isn't running anymore...
  • Here's how to change your youtube channel name without changing your google+ name:

    It says you can only change your google_ name so many times before it won't let you anymore.
  • @kelani it's ok. In normal life I don't use Google+. And, to be honest, I like the Bernersenn: Angry Birds Channel. Don't think about getting tired playing this stuff.
  • Bah, I tried to follow those directions, and what it says to do doesn't exist.
  • I just created a new channel. That should fix it.
  • @kelani welcome in real life. You know what? Spent lots of time creating videos, then not ONE proper fling. Argh.
    Well, for today it's over with the flinging, glad that I could fulfill a great wish I had.
  • nighty nighty to you @all
  • @bernersenn Yeah, when I made my first one, I was embarrassed at how long it took me to get good shots on video.
  • @bernersenn, it sounds like you already had success with one of @Kelani's suggestions.

    The program I was talking about (and just successfully tested) is called SnagIt. You need the latest version 12 which only runs on Windows 7 and higher. They just implemented the trim function in version 12 which now makes it act exactly like QT is acting for me on my MacBook. So, it's all in one video recorder AND editor and is extremely simple to use. You start recording your iPad, fling away, stop recording when you have something to show. Trim out the unnecessary parts by using a slider. Save video to a file or directly upload to YouTube. All this for a low price of $49. They do have a trial version so you can verify it does everything you need it to.
  • @Kelani, bandicam sounds nice but it's not also an editor, correct? (sorry, didn't read up on the last couple of pages).
  • Don't worry about the other name @bernersenn. I'll have forgotten it by morning.
  • @fenikus it's not an editor, but unless you want to add stuff like ABN does, you don't really need one. They sell another program that can edit, but I'd just use the VSDC Free Video Converter.
  • Same company that makes Snagit makes Camtasia Studio, which I think does the same thing, but is like $300. lol
  • Soory I'm late !! Hi de ho all! ! I can't keep up with life these days..idk why just feel like I'm busy busy but I'm not actually doing anything out of the ordinary!
    Anyway thanks @fenikus using airplane mode while i Sleptb the alarm went off fine and my battery was still at 80% ;;)) I can't plug in while sleeping I realize using the extension cord actually makes things worse.
    Happy holiday @beutifulvvorld hope it was good:)
    Ya @bernersenn SH is very time consuming. .congrats on making the videos I haven't watched them yet but will after posting..
    OB a PigKiller while i catch up please:)
  • You guys all totally ignored @jkhab69 !! Why on earth were you up 26 hours @jk ?
  • @Kelani, Camtasia has a full blown video editor. SnagIt just has the trim function which is all that's needed for AB videos.
  • @fenikus unless you bought it already, grab VSDC free video converter. There's a little setup I can help you with, but it can trim pretty easily.
  • Anybody here playing Stella connected to Facebook? If so, you should take a look at a post from @birdleader. He lost some of his progress when his wifi flaked out without him knowing, and while playing more levels. He lost progress on 10 levels. Apparently the syncing doesn't quite work right. When I disconnected from Facebook, it appeared I had lost all progress.

    I have since disconnected the Stella app from Facebook with Bird Leader's help, and all my data is now local only:
  • Great first video @bernersenn! !!
    Not for nothing @kelani @fenikus when you get on a subject that takes more than a page it my be e best to move some of it to pm.I understand you can't post links in there so here is fine for that. .idk just not everyone may be interested in what kind of iPad case to buy and for instruction stuff such as 'how to' ? Sorry but I think folks haven't popped in due to overtalking a subject of one or the other.. no offense:(
  • I mean all day you been talking about types of video recorder stuff:/
  • Hi @BPC thanks for that heads up!! I haven't installed Stella yet and from the sounds of it I probably wont for a while.
  • @Kathy we left it in here on purpose, because several people here are interested in doing their own videos. Also, it was 10 posts long. Not even 1/3 of a page. :)
  • Kk @kelani no worries just try to be polite when others drop in like jkhab69 noone even acknowledged him:/
  • @Kathy jkhab69 was in here at 4am PDT, when no one else was. He only mentioned me, and I replied to him in my first post of the day..
  • @Kathy, yeah, they got a few bugs to work out in Stella. The offline syncing with Facebook doesn't seem to work at all. And you can't see your high score after you finish playing a level.

    Right now, I am just three-starring my way through without looking at walkthroughs. Don't know if I will ever bother to do more than that.
  • @fenikus, for my iPad case I use a Targus. You can spin the iPad completely around, and it has three notches for standing up the iPad at different angles. I am quite happy with it.
  • @BPC I think the non-shown score had to be on purpose. If not, all the testing to make sure levels are 3*-able would have caught it. There's already so much clutter on the screen, I guess they thought a score above the star threshold would be too much and/or unimportant for their target audience. What I want to know is why people using the $20-60 telepod sets still have to pay coins to swap a bird. From the posts I've seen, all those things do is unlock costume changes you'd get anyway.
  • @Kathy @Kelani I wasn't even planning on playing Stella at all, but the more I hear about the scoring, storing of scores, swappable characters.... ugh! I will three star my way through it, but then I will be done. Or maybe I will just skip it and go back to my old favorites, Classic and Rio.
  • That's what I'm thinking @BPC I'd rather stick to the originals. .no pu's no telepods!
  • I'm waiting anyway until i can do a backup before i install it @Bpc .I don't trust Any new updates anymore:/
  • I was wanting to see how my non-swap scores would compare, but one look at gamecenter answered that. I had like 5M, and people already had 14M.

    @Kathy Stella's...weird. Swaps aside, there's only one powerup, and no popups trying to get you to use it. Aside from the delays/ads because it's a free game, it's a lot like PC ver. in that it doesn't beg you to buy stuff.
  • I still may try it @kelani but definitely doing a backup first. .I'm still chugging through SH ....
    Did you find your old version of space for AA badge yet?
  • Brb.. gotta get laundry.
  • Back..lurking..
  • @kathy I'm still in South Hamerica too.. I agree, the scores & averages are pretty high. Lots of rinse & repeat.
    You have to fling like our FF days to get the high scores :D
  • (((((((@Karen68 ))))))) ya SH is tough. ..ooohhh yeah !! *sniff* our FF days. ..:( I miss those days
  • I'm just feeling t out at first but darn hard to get inn top 100 even. ..I've skimmed a couple levels to go back to.
  • @Kathy Nope, on PC, I only have 1.0 and need 1.4. I may be able to find an old download link somewhere, just haven't really looked yet.

    Actually, mpg973 got AA a few days ago, and said he used the latest version. I think he's either mistaken, or he found another method. I'm still convinced it's impossible.
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