Angry Birds Stella Level 57 Episode 2 Walkthrough

Here is our 3 star walkthrough video strategy for Angry Birds Stella Level 57 Episode 2 (Beach Day). The score in the video is 104,780.

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Comments (6)

Rank: Boss Hog with 13250 points
By Maiasatara (@maiasatara)Score: 95,970

Bottom left pig will NOT die, regardless of hit point. (When it needs to hit both bottom sections.) Aimed at bottom left only, from bottom left elastic) will kill it but doesn’t give 3 stars. This is approaching Wall of Pigs level of frustration.

Rank: Boss Hog with 13250 points
By Maiasatara (@maiasatara)Score: 95,970

95k with three birds. Would have been a new high of 105 had the first bird done it’s job.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 105,010

There’s no reason to bounce Stella off the elastic bands on either shot. Just fire her to where you’d want her after the rebound, and redirect her in mid-air. This saves a lot of time. Here’s my shots.

First shot, fling Stella toward the lower half of the bottom right elastic band. Redirect her to the square stone block on the bottom left tower as soon as she’s got a clear shot. This pretty regularly clears both the bottom towers.

Second shot, fling Stella to 2:00 and aim at the at the rocket-shaped tower when she’s level with the platform the rocket tower is sitting on. Bounce her off the wood block to the right of the pig, and into the stone leg, or the plank just above it on the top tower. Both should collapse completely, although sometimes the rocket-tower just refuses to fall over.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10660 points
By nacho18 (@nacho18)

Hi: @kelani. I did try to not bounce Stella like you …!! Unsuccessful .!!! Many try’s and lot replays ..!!!
So I did follow the above ABN Video . I sow it many times to memorize every second.!!!

Trust me it’s good help me to increase from 104k’s to 109 k’s !!! So my score it’s know ” 109 060 ” Yes it is Incredible .!!! I did it after half an hour to play an replay .!!
The first shot it’s Crucial . You need to do more than 45 k’s or above .!!! Try and try . When you see that the scenario on bottom it’s almost empty ; not debris or just a few ..!!!
The the second shot have to be faster and precise to the Points According with the video : I sow it on my shot a very big explosion ; and everything flew up like a volcanos on eruption ..!!! It was so funny : but unfortunately I couldn’t. Make a screenshot . Of that . But …!! I did a screenshot with my current Higher Score !!!
You can see it on my Album it’s there on the very bottom . I have many screenshots from ABGo! .. So after that you’ll see it. It’s a Proof of my Joy and Dedication to increase my score over my Facebook Friends . And achieve more coins for get 5000 coins ; know I am 3900 ..!!! Very close .!!
The other Nice thing it’s : I am visiting the ABN videos to be more precise ..!!! Then I am see see you almost on all Levels Comments. You have a very big ” Guidance ” . I take many of your great point to increase my score.!!! I really appreciate your guidance.
Be on this Great Game for the next ” Update ” I’ll follow you …!! 3 Kudos to you!!!

Rank: Sling God with 33790 points
By sparty83 (@sparty83)Score: 107,150

Current score of 107,150 is the temporary high score. I followed the same strat as the walkthrough vid above.

I’m sure it won’t last long as it can easily be beat by 20k or move when someone uses swaps.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10660 points
By nacho18 (@nacho18)

Hello: @sparty83 ; I got 109 k’s without using swamps. Sometimes I do use swamps ..!!! But they don’t be very useful. . ! Then I am trying to collect 5000 coins to get the Achievement , on that number.

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