Angry Birds Stella Level 51 Episode 2 Walkthrough

Here is our 3 star walkthrough video strategy for Angry Birds Stella Level 51 Episode 2 (Beach Day). The score in the video is 76,450.

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Comments (11)

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 76,520

#51 has my award for Most Tedious and Annoying Stella Level. You can replicate the video perfectly and still miss 3* by 1800 points. At least you can tell when you need to reset:

Shot 1: If you don’t have at least 14,000 points, reset.
Shot 2: If you don’t take out two duct segments or have 23,000 points, reset.
Shot 3: If you don’t slide under the center of the structure or have 31,500 points. reset.
Shot 4: If you don’t take out the duct elbow or have 41,000 points, reset.

By sam dixon

So what’s step 5? how do you get the last two birds? I just play the game how do you swap birds or get extras? What is the hammer thing for?

Rank: Boss Hog with 13250 points
By Maiasatara (@maiasatara)Score: 82,120

Agreed! What’s making me insane, however, is that the final shot is failing to get both pigs EVERY TIME today. Which makes no sense because they are touching each other. It’s one thing when the first or second bird fails, but to go through four such tedious shots and have number 5 fail is beyond frustrating. Even worse, as you mention above, is hitting all shots but still missing three stars in points. (Which happened to me previously by 400 points.) Except for some Wall of Pigs levels (don’t get me started on THOSE) this is the only level on which I don’t have 3*. I will wrap this up today but wow.

Rank: Boss Hog with 13250 points
By Maiasatara (@maiasatara)Score: 82,120

I found a solution! I swapped out a bird to guarantee getting both of the last two pigs, then I THREW AWAY the extra bird! That way I don’t benefit from an illegal extra bird due to the bug, I legally use a swap, and I get my three stars. I post my score with a clear conscience!

Rank: Sling God with 25850 points
By wicket182 (@wicket182)

@maiasatara, I don’t think there was any need to throw away the extra bird. There is no “bug” and the extra points are just a consequence of game design. @birdleader has stated that swaps and last chance are acceptable in Stella. It has never been said by the @admins that you can only swap one bird. Therefore by allowing multiple swaps, the extra points by the way the game function should also be allowed. Even though there are statements of opinion which are worded as fact about scores being deleted and some things being illegal in many of the walkthroughs, at this point they are just opinions as they are not given by an administrator. My opinion is that we are still in a grey area without a “real” administrator giving a definitive answer to whether or not these scores will be allowed. I think they probably will because if they are not, you cannot effectively use more than one swap,
Happy flinging.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 76,520

@wicket182 Since I’m responsible for most of the posts on this topic, I assume you’re referring to me. Please understand, my intent here was to learn if the swap problem was bug or design and share that information, while attempting to limit confusion and conjecture. My statements were based on existing precedents and the information available at that time. I doubt anyone expected Rovio to declare multiple new birds to be intentional. Clearly, I didn’t. Just so you know, the @admins were kept updated on this issue via @mentions and direct contact since day 1. As to why there has been no official statement, I can’t say. Now that all the facts are known, hopefully we’ll get one soon. Although, your statement “There is no “bug” and the extra points are just a consequence of game design.” sums it up nicely.

Rank: Sling God with 25850 points
By wicket182 (@wicket182)

@kelani, this whole swap thing is rather unfortunate. LCS in Stella is a bit different from ABSW2, but still not nearly as much fun or competitive as traditional flinging. I prefer close competition which is limited when swaps, telepods and Last Chance are included as part of the gameplay. I foresee many levels in Stella being as they are in ABSW2, where only a handful of players use these non-traditional methods and there is a ginormous gap between scores of those that do and the ones that don’t. I personally don’t think Rovio will change the gameplay as they elected to keep Swaps and LCS the same in subsequent updates of ABSW2 after it was well publicized here.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 76,520

@wicket182 I couldn’t agree more. Thrashing dear friends’ scores through traditional flinging is partly why I joined ABN. :) Though I won’t use LCS or powerups, I know they keep Rovio in the black. I just hope they find some way to combine profits and fairness. I don’t like the prospect that the age of equal-opportunity leaderboards has passed.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9130 points
By bird addict (@bird-addict)

Seriously? I came here for some good old fashioned tips. I couldn’t get over 70k. After reading these comments I went back to the game, swapped out a bird then tapped on the “time” bird and got 10k for it too! I’ve been wondering why I wasn’t getting any points for the last bird and what the timer around it was. I still don’t understand it, but a simple tap on that bird gives you the 10k points. @kelani or someone – can you please school me on this? I don’t feel right about entering my final score on the leaderboard as it is over 85k. I got that score on my first swap/fling. Too easy, no fun

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9130 points
By bird addict (@bird-addict)

Ok, I just noticed that the (current) high score for this level is 152160! I wasn’t paying attention to all this as I always three star all the levels before coming to the nest for tips to advance my score. But this level was making me crazy. So now I see that the integrity of the leaderboard is history. I agree with @kelani I don’t like the prospect of equal opportunity leaderboards being a thing of the past. But maybe I should give this swap stuff a go and see if I like the play. I hope Rovio doesn’t do this to all games in the future.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8000 points
By DaBoid (@daboid)

This level has been virtually impossible on the iPhone.

In the video, the score is 15170 after the first shot. I have completed that very same first shot many, many times and have the exact same four objects left over at the end. (Vertical glass, wood plank and two small wood objects.)

My score varies by several hundred points with those very same four objects left. My score can be in the 14900 to 15100.

I am doing it exactly as the video demonstrates, and getting the same objects left over, but consistently get a lower score at each bird. Typically I am less than 1000 short of three stars.

Finally, I decided to use The Hammer Of Doom. The middle bottom pig was left, so I lowered the boom on him. Voila. Three stars. First try. I know my score does not qualify for the leaderboard, but I put it in my personal Excel file with a comment.

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