Angry Birds Star Wars Path of the Jedi Level J-5 Walkthrough

Our strategy for Angry Birds Star Wars Path of the Jedi level J-5 is to leave Vader alone! Yes, this goes against much of your training, but it will teach you patience, young Jedi. Instead, loft Luke high, aiming for the TNT at the right side. Doing so will pop all pigs, despite Vader’s trickery.

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Comments (48)

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8450 points
By Traneric (@traneric)

Destroy vader first and then high arc like video for second bird make a bit more damage and more points

Rank: Master Slinger with 7205 points
By TruckDriver (@truckdriver)Score: 50,950

I tried something a bit different, but unfortunately, it didn’t work out. I tried the video method with the first Luke, then quickly, I fired a second Luke at Vader, but I got less than if I had left it alone.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16895 points
By bikkit (@bikkit)Score: 51,990

Good call @traneric , I upped my score by using your 2 bird approach

Rank: Champion with 3835 points
By Jen (@jennifer-cooke-rabig)

Thanks Traneric … made my 3 stars with your method. Woo Hoo!

By Liam

51750 – I went over the fake Vader and actuated just past so it took the Vader thing, some of the ‘hanging’ junk, and then Luke fell on top of aa couple of things. Then the lob into the TNT.
I’m still trying for the elusive one bird clear as described below.

Rank: Sling God with 20000 points
By Bird Tester (@bird-tester)Score: 53,230

I made 52.990 by 1B. Just ideal clear lob entry, TNT exlosion moves those concrete parts in the middle, they throw up Vader (+3K). My 2B score was little lower.

Rank: Out of this World with 2510 points
By brave1966 (@brave1966)

I reached the same conclusion in leaving Vader alone. High arc between the planks, lightsaber through the ice. Luke rolls left, pops the pig and then the TNT.

Rank: Sling God with 33800 points
By sparty83 (@sparty83)Score: 54,920

Currently the top score, but did it just like the vid. One bird, high and into the gap. The resulting explosion pushed enough stuff to the left to knock Vader off his perch and the floating debris fell. Level timed out while it appeared like Vader’s perch wood was still falling to the left.

Rank: Sling God with 46235 points
By karen68 (@karen68)Score: 51,230

I was wondering if it was possible to knock Vader’s tower over like this, I’ve had it start to fall but in such slow motion that I didn’t get any points from it. I’ve scored equally well with 1 bird like the video & also with 2 birds, taking down Vader for extra points with the 2nd shot, it just depends how everything falls. Got my current 50k with 1 bird.

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 51,460

@karen68 – it seems I had pretty much the same outcome as you did. I ultimatley scored highest with one bird for 51460. It’s very annoying when Vader literally rolls sideways…in oh so slooooow motion but doesn’t quite make the fall before the bonus birds start flashing “10,000”..then you’re like, “Nooo…just a few more seconds!”, lol ;-)

By Alex

53,480. Thanks, sparty, I wouldn’t have kept trying if I didn’t know it was possible. It did take about 30 lobs through the gap before Vaderpig toppld, though.

Rank: Flinger with 35 points
By WereWolf69 (@werewolf69)Score: 52,430

I didn’t view the video on this one, so I obviously started by aiming at Vader, and then after, I noticed the gap above right, it was a piece of cake after that.

Rank: Flinger with 35 points
By WereWolf69 (@werewolf69)Score: 52,430

Actually, just now I shot Vader’s stand first, then did the gap which was much clearer since all the floating debris came down first, I only scored 770 points more than what I had, but it looks to me as if higher scores are possible this way, all you need is for the explosion to clear more rubble and oodles of patience.

Rank: Flinger with 35 points
By WereWolf69 (@werewolf69)Score: 52,430

I just did it again and increased my score by another 1500 points, I’m beginning to think that perhaps we shouldn’t ignore Vader and that he should be the first target, or better yet the stand upon which he sits.
Launch Luke at the center of the stand and let penetrate then activate Lightsabre to vaporize the stand, Launch 2nd Luke in high arc to fall into gap and activate Lightsabre to break the glass then just let nature take its course.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14055 points
By Crazy Rider (@crazy-rider)Score: 55,930

55180, 1 bird.
In order to get Vader while exploding the TNT, I find it best if you hit the tip of the top plank while going through the right gap & activate saber as soon as it can reach the glass.
This way, Vader tower wobbles all the time and after a 100 tries, I finally got it to fall.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Jerk Moans (@)

54,690 – 2 birds

First bird a shade over Vader’s helmet, backslice the moment you get past to take out Vader and – importantly, at least one of the two almost horizontal steel beams hanging in mid-air.

2nd bird on slightly lower trajectory, to the wooden vertical at top left of main structure. Activate light saber a split second after you hit to take out much of the structure and bring debris down upon the TNT.

Think there’s a few more points in this yet: having been utterly unable to nail the elusive 1 bird/bring down Vader am finding 2 birders giving consistently higher scores. Happy shooting, you crazy cats!

Rank: Pig Leader with 11700 points
By Mumsie (@mumsie42)Score: 52,870

Cheers @Jerk finally got me above avg!

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By jtw (@)

@jerk-moans Thanks for posting this strategy. Been trying to up my score on this level for a while. Using your idea I gained 5k to my score.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 56,980

@jerk-moans ty this strat finally got me above average..ty ty:)

Rank: Master Slinger with 5110 points
By Jkhab69 (@jkhab69)Score: 52,210

Thx, added about 4k.

Rank: Sling God with 37385 points
By HallieGinSB (@hallieginsb)Score: 56,150

Don’t imagine anyone cares at this point, but replaying this level years later, this strat gave me the best results. I did eventually get a one-birder with it for 56k. I could not get Vader to completely fall over using the high lob over the top and through the glass strat, and never got more than about 51k that way.

Rank: Slinger with 1000 points
By changingshades (@changingshades)Score: 49,940

Oh I didn’t realize you didn’t have to kill “vader”

Rank: Champion with 3300 points
By ohforfive (@ohforfive)Score: 51,940

I’ve been pounding away on this bad boy for hours and can’t score more than my 49,760. I’ve tried it taking Vadar and his tower out and going through the TNT. Taking Vadar down never tallied more than 8,000 points, which is a net loss of 2,000 and I’m not seeing a few thousand more points using the other method. I have my 3 stars, I’m just trying to reach the average score.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By bc (@)

Aim for the top left corner of Vader’s helmet, taking him out in the process. Luke will continue to bounce to the right, activate lightsaber to clear a couple of falling beams, allowing Luke to land on the platform & roll/fall through the blue horizontal beam, blowing up the remainder of the pigs with the TNT.

By Aaron

58110, 1 birder, i threw luke just over vader, activatingthe lightsabre just after passing him. Luke knocked the tower which caused the debris to fall on the TNT & kill the rest of the pigs. Im pretty sure it was a fluke but im happy! :)

Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)Score: 52,260

Thanks – good strat – added a thousand or so to my score.

Rank: DaBomb with 355 points
By Bob (@tuncer)Score: 56,710

This level’s become sort of an obsession with me, trying to get the elusive one-bird + vader outcome. I tried the lob hundreds of times, and watched vader do the slow roll that never rolled ad nauseum.

Then I tried Jerk Moans’ approach, and watched Luke do his own slow roll that almost, but never actually, brought down the structure over the tnt.

Finally, I succeeded (after a lot of attempts) in nabbing it by aiming Luke at the bottom left edge of vader’s helmet, where it peeps out from behind his wooden sword. Activate the saber just before hitting Darth. If you time it just right, Luke will sail under the collapsing debris, and blow into the room containing the upper left pig, collapsing much of the main structure. Usually, when the structure collapses, the wood to the upper left of the tnt will fall over it, protecting it and the pig on top of it. But, occasionally, the wood will remain standing, allowing the stone bits above it the opportunity to fall towards the pig and tnt below.

Once, they fell just right, and popped the pig, set off the tnt, and gave me a moment of pig-popping Nirvana.


Since getting that, I’ve discovered another approach that hasn’t been mentioned. This was totally by accident when I accidentally released Luke early and over the rock above Darth. He ricocheted off of the far right rock, and back toward the structure over the TNT. I activated the saber, and the rocks fell on the tnt, completing the level. So far, I’ve tried this only a few times (easily repeatable), and Vader seems to move far more consistently than he ever has with the video lob approach. I’m thinking I can get him to fall for a second one bird + vader result.

Rank: DaBomb with 355 points
By Bob (@tuncer)Score: 56,710

This is definitely gonna happen. The key is to fling Luke as low over the top rock as possible, and then activate the saber a split second after the ricochet, as he’s flying back toward the structure. The result you want is for Luke to destroy the glass above the pig/tnt, and for Luke and a rock to fall down into the structure, igniting the TNT.

Two key things have to happen for Vader to fall. You need a fast(ish) rolling Vader, AND a slow rolling Luke. As long as Luke is moving, he doesn’t expire, and the level doesn’t end. I’ve seen both conditions met separately several times. Enough to know each is common enough for a one-bird + vader to be a real objective of this approach. I’ve seen the two conditions simultaneously several times, and have come within a hair of the outcome several times. To the point where Vader’s fall is accelerating as the level ends. Several times, Vader’s entire structure has almost collapsed immediately.

Obsession will see this through…

Rank: DaBomb with 355 points
By Bob (@tuncer)Score: 56,710

Got it! Vader popped JUST before the level terminated. Just in time for the 3000 points he yields, but not in time for any of the debris to fall for more points. So, I got 53,310, which is just off my high, but there’s bound to be more points in this with perseverance.

Rank: DaBomb with 355 points
By Bob (@tuncer)Score: 56,710

Can get it (1-bird + vader) fairly regularly now with the over the rock ricochet method. Maybe once every 6 minutes or so. Twice, I’ve done it back-to-back. So, more reliable than other methods. Haven’t been able to better my top score with it, but average results around 53K.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18615 points
By rubeeinthesky (@rubeeinthesky)Score: 53,830

I’ve been going back and forth between @tuncer‘s and @crazy-rider‘s strategies. How the heck do you get Vader to rock and roll??? So many times he’s on his side and about to die when the gates close. If only there were just another second or two. So frustrating! :(

Rank: Sling God with 47130 points
By bernersenn (@bernersenn)Score: 53,760

Yes @bob, here we are again. Used your strat, useful, but than you can see how tough this game really is. The times that vader is falling AND the game is timed out are numerous. I would have a app to see how ofter we restarted a level.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 56,980

@tuncer this has worked somewhat..but i cannot get above average its very frustrating level
Ty for the start and all your helpful tips..i guess i just need a little more a little whhiinnee…

Rank: Sling God with 46135 points
By comex666 (@comex666)Score: 55,600

many thx to @tuncer for strat and details
here my video:

By chewiemutt

Yeah, finally worked on 1 birder!

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 56,980

So Vader doesn’t have to die to beat the level ¿..

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18470 points
By cosmo2503 (@cosmo2503)Score: 53,870

@kathy I noticed that 5k points are added to total score and level is completed even that Varder isn’t hit.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 56,980

@Kimmiecv i can’t drive myself nuts over this level any above average..i gotta move ahead..I’ve tried every flingin’ strat on the page over and over..this is a tough one as they all seem to be so far…good luck.:)
I fOund then all helpful..but @jerk-moans is how i got above average.:)

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9940 points
By kimmiecv (@kimmiecv)Score: 57,620

@kathy I’m still working on 4 and will until I’m somewhat satisfied, so not in a hurry! Seems most of these peeps got great scores Before their upgrades!! When I get here I will check out jerks strat, thanks :)

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 56,980

@Kimmiecv Help!!! Which strat did you use? I’ve improved a little but not enough:(

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9940 points
By kimmiecv (@kimmiecv)Score: 57,620

@Kathy I had to use two birds, first one just over vaders head, swipe saber just as he goes over vader and try to get both silver poles, next aim 2nd Luke at the top corner of that piece of wood and the metal pole where they meet in the centre “building” wait before activating saber, if luck is with you TNT blows and you get enough damage for a decent score. I know it’s up top somewhere but I can’t find the strat. Go get em Kathy!!

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 56,980

Thanks @Kimmiecv that’s what I’ve been doing..its jerk moans strat..just got nervous lol cuzi saw another ‘ricochet’strat wasn’t working..I’ll keep at it:)
We’ll get em’ pahtna!!! We will!!!

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18615 points
By rubeeinthesky (@rubeeinthesky)Score: 53,830

Nice score @kimmiecv! I’m now giving this strategy a fling, however there always seems to be debris in the way of my second shot. Might you remember if this was the case for you as well? Or, am I doing something wrong with my first shot?

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9940 points
By kimmiecv (@kimmiecv)Score: 57,620

Thanks @rubeeinthesky, apologies I was working and only just saw your question, if I recall correctly there was some debris but not enough to muck up the second shot, I also had the erm green saber which helped getting farther through the debris when I went through the second round playing these levels. Keep at it, as frustrating as it is and you’ll get that perfect shot!! :)

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)Score: 51,960

@excelrox @floppymuffin What are you trying to do here with those scores?

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 56,980

@admins @Sweetp
This post seems to be missing it’s “Parent’ because I see no relation to the level or Angry Birds at all, same with the following 3 posts below?


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Excellent website. Plenty of helpful info here.
I’m sending it to a few buddies ans additionally sharing in delicious.
And certainly, thank you in your sweat!

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