Angry Birds Star Wars Facebook Tournament Level 3 Week 60 – February 5th 2014

Walkthrough video and strategy for Angry Birds Star Wars Facebook Tournament Level #3 (Day 3, released on February 5th, Week 60 which began on February 3rd, 2014). Our non-power up strategy is to send Obi-Wan towards the second tower, and initiate the Force upward. Debris should be pushed up against the floating platform. The resulting chain reaction should detonate the two top tnts, and clear the first half of the level. Then send Han Solo towards the third tower, and aim his blaster at the top right horizontal glass block. This will open the last trap, allowing the tnt to drop and clear the remaining pigs. The score in the video below is 74,710.

Our Angry Birds Star Wars Facebook Tournament walkthroughs show you how to obtain 3 stars, most of the time without the aid of Power-Ups (we do make exceptions). If you have a different strategy feel free to leave a comment below; however, don't just post your score via the comments. Tournament walkthroughs are added weekly as new levels come out, so be sure to check the walkthrough page.

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Comments (17)

Rank: Sling God with 57190 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)Score: 74,220

No P/U’s. Tried 1st shot like video…didn’t quite work. 2nd shot aimed like the 2nd shot in video, ALL 3 stone TNT dropped and exploded, killing all pigs. Lot of debris left, so score can be higher. 70k…for now

By Lampie

Use Obi to push the floatingdevice with pig back against the rock.
Use Han Solo and aim at the front windscreen of the floating craft, the faser makes a 90 degree corner and opens the 3 doors which relese the TNT and destroys the remaining pigs

Rank: Master Slinger with 7455 points
By sasilik (@sasilik)Score: 80,280

I reached to the same solution after I just couldn’t get video-like-first-shot to work. TNT’s just didn’t explode and finally I just pushed floating device back against the rock and opened TNT doors with Han. And got my 71K three-star score right away.

Rank: Sling God with 57190 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)Score: 74,220

I’ve tried that way, and it worked for me. 74K

Rank: Master Slinger with 5595 points
By Nitro (@nitro)Score: 70,660

On a PC, the video strategy will NOT work.
The only option is to send Obi to the front of the hovering craft and push it to the right, then send Han up high and shoot at the angled block on the craft to destroy the electronics in the cave; which releases the TNT to blow up everything below. 3 stars just about every time. 68k.

Rank: Debriefed with 1470 points
By stevieboy (@stevieboy)Score: 72,290

im on pc and got the video strat to work once but used my own method below.i thought all facebook tourneys were pc @nitro.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5595 points
By Nitro (@nitro)Score: 70,660

@stevieboy , no, these tournaments are available on PC, and mobile devices… iPad , Android, etc.

By mochajavaman

if there is a tablet/mobile version of the FB Angry Birds Star Wars Weekly Tournament please share the link :)

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

No, there is none.

Rank: Debriefed with 1470 points
By stevieboy (@stevieboy)Score: 72,290

1st thing 1st this level can acheive 3 stars with all birds used……i didnt use the 1st shot like in video,instead of that just used obi wan at 1st structure and push to the rite(got a 1 birder with this but score was small as u need the tnt,s to go off for debri damage).if i tried the video method the 1st little pig was always left so i used obi to clear as much as the level as he cud from left to right…..then i used han…..aimed him high arc so he just goes under the floating platform and head for the last structure…..taking this high arc makes it easier to make sure u get hans lasers in the top right corner to destroy the panel keeping the small gates closed,then gates opened…..tnts fell.wiped out level…..72k 920 and of course no p.u.

Rank: Deputized with 160 points
By thegirlhasitgoingon (@abaddict)Score: 75,180

I followed your strategy and achieved a score of 75180 w/out P/U’s (of course). It took a few times, but eventually got it. Thanks stevieboy!

By Johnny B

OK, a retired school teacher I’m playing against has a score of 88,700. How am I going to beat that?

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By TienShenLong (@)Score: 73,890

@JhonnyB :
Clone Bird + Blaster Droid + Thermal Detonator and/or Lightsaber Sling as 1st shoot and may the bird-forceD be with you…
… otherwise enjoy suffering trying n retrying and waiting for crystals.

Same to @the-dragon. 100K… AGHHH!

By Johnny B

Normally I crush them using the clone but I’m out of them and since this is shutting down March 4 cannot get bird coins except by winning.
Oh well, I swear there is something off-the-wall they have stumbled upon.

Rank: Out of this World with 2550 points
By the dragon (@the-dragon)Score: 78,290

what the hell – I am playing against someone who has a score of 100,130. How would he do that?

By Johnny B

There HAS to be some sort of a glitch to get that score!

By Fenster

I don’t think 100,130 is even real. I got the maximum possible score of 88,800 by a “vibration destruction”, where you get a bird stuck between several elements with nowhere to go and makes everything shake until all elements on the level are destroyed as a result. Can’t beat that, also I have used this strategy on other levels as well. Proof:

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