Angry Birds Star Wars Facebook Tournament Level 3 Week 18 – Apr 17th 2013

Walkthrough video and strategy for Angry Birds Star Wars Facebook Tournament Level #3 (Day 3, released on April 17th) Week 18 which began on April 15th, 2013. Our non-power up strategy is to lob Luke over the first tower so that he lands on the bottom tnt. Detonate the explosive with the lightsaber. With some luck, the ensuing chain reaction can clear all the pigs. Use a second bird, if necessary, to clear the last tower. The score in the video below is 117,730.

Our Angry Birds Star Wars Facebook Tournament walkthroughs show you how to obtain 3 stars, most of the time without the aid of Power-Ups (we do make exceptions). If you have a different strategy feel free to leave a comment below; however, don't just post your score via the comments. Tournament walkthroughs are added weekly as new levels come out, so be sure to check the walkthrough page.

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Comments (14)

Rank: Flinger with 35 points
By WereWolf69 (@werewolf69)Score: 120,330

That’s one heck of a crystal munching lob!

Rank: Master Slinger with 5195 points
By JackS (@spdlives)Score: 115,960

pay close attention in these walkthroughs to the mouse arrow. find a landmark on the launcher area to match your arrow to theirs. saves a lot of crystals that way. and for the record, the new crystal policy is stupid.

By ChaloTronic

and that is correct! we should do something to make them RETURN TO THE OLD CRYSTAL POLICY!!!

Rank: Well Traveled with 1950 points
By HoneyBadger (@honeybadger)Score: 122,340

It can be a single bird with patience, the right tower rarely falls also.
You can also key on the figures in the rock face, in full zoom send the first bird through the right nostril of the pig in the wall…


Me too…123.910

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Deluckyluke

I managed to make 123040 score with almost same strategy, except i shot the first bird “below” the first tower. Use the saber to half-brake the brick before the bird hits it and it should go trough to give a small punch for the ice-brick. Then you’ll have to wait for things to happen slowly. Falling debris etc. Will blow up both of the bombs and the center structure is done. The second bird used for the last tower as described on this video. Needs several attempts and a bit of luck ;)

Rank: Explosive with 2175 points
By Jykke (@jykke1969)

124.580 One birder. Just waiting to left tower to collapse after quite long waving.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5140 points
By JunkenMetel (@junkenmetel)Score: 123,000

I had a similar result for 123K with one bird, even though my aim was off and I didn’t manage to detonate the left TNT.

By George

Did the same as the video. Damaged the right tower ice at the very bottom and then went over to another page to look something up and as I was doing that I heard the tower collapsing about a minute or two later. I am assuming it shook itself apart.

Rank: Shooter with 785 points
By Darth Seamius (@seamusf)Score: 122,880

did same but lowest bird lived, pretty beat up, but alive :)

By Bird Flinger

One bird, no powers. Flung a high arch to swing down at the first TNT box.

128, 260

Rank: Shooter with 785 points
By Darth Seamius (@seamusf)Score: 122,880

Yet another level that proves imperial troopers are as bed at building things as shooting things, and that patience is a vitue ;)

Rank: Master Slinger with 5195 points
By JackS (@spdlives)Score: 115,960

GRRRR! 3:40 am CDT…game update is forced upon me AFTER i reloaded the level…costing me a crystal!

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