Angry Birds Star Wars 2 Rise of the Clones Level P4-18 Walkthrough

Here is our 3-star walkthrough strategy for Angry Birds Star Wars II Rise of the Clones Level P4-18 (Pork Side). The strategy shown yields a score of 146,190.

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Rank: Sling God with 21565 points
By dmsral (@dmsral)Score: 156,970

Shoot higher than the video, so the pig comes down through the rope and detonates the TNT in the first structure. With luck / perseverance the platforms will break up too. There’s a few more points in the wood under the launch area too if the debris flows up under there.

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 154,040

@dmsral — Thanks! Used your strat to get to 154K

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9210 points
By jbygden (@jbygden)Score: 150,990

If the left platform doesn’t collapse it’s worth firing another battle droid to shoot the scaffolding in the base. The platform is worth some 15000 points.

Rank: Deputized with 175 points
By Tatti (@tatti)

Made it nearly as shown in the Video.
Become 157710 points with one bird!

By mike berringer

same as the video got 158,960

By Marcel

Just try with the first shot in the video, iT takes Some luck but a score with one bird of 160.660 was my best result

Rank: Master Slinger with 5410 points
By PiGurporal Porker (@mpg973)Score: 178,320

Get over 158,000 points by Tusken Raider! Score is 159,520 and Highscore is 178,320!
Fling Tusken Raider to left light base of first structure, then aim between to rope linked to the electric tower in rightmost. electric tower should be fell to left side.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11530 points
By redzym (@redzym)Score: 161,520

161520 with one bird just like the first video shot but perhaps from a tad higher angle. It took a long, long time and I just kept at it.

Rank: Out of this World with 2930 points
By dandp (@dandp)Score: 180,570

LCS for high score. Started like video then cleaned up debris with shooters and light sabers (The Inquisitor is very useful for the poles of towers and metal rocks). Cikatro Vizago’s bombs flow back to take out the wood and debris in the cave under the slingshot.

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