Angry Birds Star Wars 2 Rewards Chapter Level BR-18 Han Solo Jedi Walkthrough

One non-character swap strategy for Angry Birds Star Wars II Rewards Chapter level BR-18 is to fling Han Solo down at a low arch so he comes back up and severs the top three ropes and continues into the far right rope securing the metal block. About halfway before entering the bubble fire his blaster at an angle down towards the bottom left structure. The collapsing structure should free the wood boulders and they should float up and finish off the level. The score in the video below is 105,720.

Reward Chapter levels are unlocked by obtaining a predetermined amount of damage points with a specific character. For a complete layout of these thresholds, see our achievements list. We also have a handy Complete Characters Guide that breaks down all the characters and their abilities. If you have a different strategy leave a comment below; however, don't just post your score via the comments, as that's what the leaderboards are for.

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Category: Angry Birds Star Wars 2, Reward Chapter, Walkthroughs
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Comments (11)

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18615 points
By rubeeinthesky (@rubeeinthesky)Score: 107,250

Same as video except aim the blaster lower for more points.

By burder

Did this and bounced the lasers off the bottom, which took out the three far birds tethered to the ropes. Thanks.

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 106,560

I found it much easier to launch Han Solo slightly below horizontal/straight, then fire his lasers right after you release him, straight ahead, tapping the bottom of the rope of the rightmost bubble pig…His laser should pass under the first hanging bubble pig and the hanging cement blocks and go on to take out all three right bubble pigs. Meanwhile, his natural arch will have taken him up to the top left of the bubble where he’ll continue on to cut the left three bubble pig’s ropes. They should drop down and take out all of the bottom pigs in the bubble while collapsing some of the structure. Meanwhile Han should continue on and bounce off the hanging cement piece then drop down to release the wooden balls. The wooden balls will float up and cut through the rope holding the hanging cement blocks then continue on to get the top two bubble pigs. The hanging cement squares can get you some additional debris points. Sometimes Han also ends up floating back up and cutting the cement blocks free and/or getting the top middle pigs too.

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 106,560

Here is a pic of the trajectory:

Sometimes Han will go on to cut off the rope of the cement blocks too instead of bouncing off them first, but I seem to score higher when the wooden balls or he comes back up to cut that rope. As you can see there is quit a bit of the bubble structure remaining but the scores still seem to come out pretty good.

Rank: Sling God with 70045 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)Score: 108,170

Thank you @lesleyg for the post and outstanding description. Great detail and clarity. Gained 5k in points for 105,280.

It was a challenge to get all the pigs below destroyed with all of the left side’s 3 bubble-falling pigs but that made it fun with the anticipation of accomplishment. Changing the aim slightly so the right most pig of the set falls to the structure causing the most destruction below so all are destroyed.

Sometimes only the right bottom pig below remained which can be hit by a round wood block on its way up or one of the two bubble pigs that the wood blocks break the bubble and the pig falls to destroy the lower right pig.

The game itself flashes a screen to use Yoda but could not get it to work for total destruction.

Rank: Sling God with 70045 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)Score: 108,170

Went back and tried the AB Nest video and it added a few more points for 108,170. Laser aiming tip: zoom out, line up the laser with one of the horizontal black lines on top of the “X” in the background globe. Fire upon release to the structure below.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9470 points
By Myselfiandme (@myselfiandme)Score: 113,570

Swapped Lando for Han, otherwise same as video. Lando does a bit more damage.

Rank: Sling God with 31770 points
By ABeggerToo (@abeggertoo)Score: 110,510

Not quite your score with Lando @myselfiandme, but enough to be able to move on. Thanks.

Rank: Shooter with 850 points
By ryan-furnas (@ryan-furnas)Score: 107,160

Yeah got above the average

Rank: Out of this World with 2930 points
By dandp (@dandp)Score: 115,510

LCS. Cleared the metal base within the sphere using light saber birds, permitting a steeper approach for shooters to clear as much as possible. Then used Tusken Raiders to clear hanging bricks not accessible by shooters. Inquisitors to clean up hidden fallen stones on the floor.

Rank: Out of this World with 2930 points
By dandp (@dandp)Score: 115,510

apologize for posting in wrong level – this was BR-19

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