Thanks for watching our 3 star walkthrough strategy video for Angry Birds Star Wars II Rebels level PE-8. You can read more about the Rebels update and TV show here. The score in the video is 165,740.
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Same shot as video except I bounced off of the right side of the trampoline and fired just a tad later. 168,720
Thanks @wicket182 – your hint to use the right bumper got me another 4k on the first shot!
I used many shooters in a last chance.
I have left a red explosive box and one wheel.
200K is a possible score.
I know, of course, that swaps are allowed in ABSW II but I thought it was a 1 for 1 trade. Players are also allowed to use unlimited birds via last chance to keep shooting and shooting and shooting at debris? If that is the case, I will never be competitive here because I will never pay for coins to but permanent characters or even multiples. Anything I get I get by melting and need most of those for Destiny where EVERY character comes from what we’ve accumulated. The swap is what it is (and I accept it even though it favors those who buy a permanent Vader) but this unlimited thing just becomes a money contest (which I will also never win) and leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Again, assuming it’s legal…I can’t and won’t pass judgement on anyone but it’s just less fun. (Like those who exploit the swap in Stella where it was adding birds rather than swapping.) I know several people who have lost the incentive to compete.
Well said @maiasatara – I also will never be competitive here because of the extra costs involved. I just try to do the best with the characters given and go from there. I will also admit to being intimidated by Destiny because I am not comfortable in knowing which character to pick. I do love Angry Birds and ABN, but ABSW II is my least favorite game (I don’t play Stella or Epic). I am so glad that ABSW II is no longer included in the daily challenge.
The video strat got me about as high a score as I could get with the stock character.