One non-character swap strategy for Angry Birds Star Wars II Naboo Invasion level P1-20 is to fire the Battle Droid below the first Battle Station. As he enters its atmosphere fire his blasters into the TNT at the bottom of the larger battle station. Fire Jango Fett on the same path and fire his rocket to take out Captain Panaka hiding in the ship. Fittingly, use the Emperor to mop things up (would he have it any other way? we think not). The score in the video below is 94,630.
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98150..two bonuses Birds leftover same as video
Watch carefully video! This is 2B for sure after catching an idea. 1st shoot is a key. Fast, precise, could open all situation. Important things happens at left side of main planet.
Rebounds from steel wall between TNT’s not only cut a “Yellow chain”, they could cut the base of all staff. I was little afraid of 2nd shoot – I was only Captain Panaka to kill, so I went straight over small planet. Normal way my score will be higher but risky.
2-bird strat that consistently gives 96-98k:
First shot above the small battle station. Shoot the rebel on the bridge of the space ship as you approach. You will loop around the battle station and hit the TNT.
Second shot more or less as in the video, but at the last moment before you hit the structure launch the rocket into the gap between two top towers.
If that lady gives me the finger one more time!!! Tee Hee :-)))
I played this level like you @f91jsw but boy did I have a hard time, timing that first shot at the “Rebel”!!! Thanks for posting so that I knew it was worth my troubles ;D
Rock On!!!
This strat worked the best for me at 101k. Consistant 95k if all goes to plan. Best non-swap strat so far.
I did it with 2 characters. Shoot the droid into the small space station, shoot the TNT after exiting atmosphere. The droid takes out all characters on the planet and in space. Shoot Jango Fett on same trajectory and shoot the guy in the ship.
Wow! I seem to be on a roll with this episode. Anyway, top score strat:
Double character swap – Darth Vader to catch the Southern edge of the small sphere to hit the upper corner of the middle West structure on the main sphere. Activate immediately. If the tnt does not blow and throw the second tnt to destroy the East structures, reset. Darth Sidious almost same trajectory, just a little closer to the small sphere. As soon as he start to come up, blast the fighterplane bird. Then DS should bounce around and come back to the small sphere and take out the 2 antennas. Hours spent on this one, so GL!
1. Use Darth Vader for destoring left birds:
Shoot Darth Vader to main of left birds.
The orange TNT should be destoried to blue TNT destories right birds
2. Destory Commander Bird by Biker Scout.
Get more than 105,000 score by Darth Vader and Darth Sidious
Screenshot of Darth Vader:
Screenshot of Darth Sidious:
Follow the above comment but use Darth Sidious, not Biker Scout.
Video on
1: I fired the battle droid above the first battle station and shot the wooden TNT to destroy right birds 2: I shot jango fett’s missile at the northmost of the three coulums 3: I used darth sidious to kill the remaining birds exept for captin panaka because it is very hard 4: I used battle droid to defeat captin panaka.
This is how I did level P1-20.
1. Fire the battle droid above the small station, making sure it passes through the atmosphere. Shoot at the two birds in the bubble. Note: this shot requires great timing! The droid will hit the weak TNT, propelling the strong one at the birds on the back. If not all of those birds are killed, then game over.
2. Fire Jango Fett just above the atmosphere and fire his rocket at ‘Panaka’ in the ship.
3. Fire Sidious on a similar route. Target the bird on the chain in such a way that the well protected bird inside the structure is electrocuted. If luck turns for the pork side (and it almost never happens), Sidious will rebound into the birds on the tower.
4. If Sidious fails to take out the birds on the tower, take out the wooden blocks under the birds with the second droid’s lasers (fire it similarly to the first battle droid)
For the first battle droid, if you shoot the droid’s lasers at the right time and at the right place, the birds in the bubbles and on the tower will be nabbed.
New strategy which will save a pig and get more points: fire Jango’s rocket between the top buildings on the left (the tower and chain-steel building) to kill many birds and leave ‘Panaka’ to Sidious.
Just like video except 1st bird took out everything except pig in ship. Bird 2 took care of him (same as video and no need for bird 3. No swap outs were used.
fling imperial officer to the north orbit of the smallest star shooting 50% of ammo targeting the bird on the spaceship trap. shoot remaining ammo to the orange tnt on the south of the main star.
Couldn’t get the 1-birder (nice shooting @waytrain) but used Vader for 2nd shot cleanup.
Also use north orbit, 50% into bird on trap and floating birds, rest into birds on the west side of large planet. Imperial officer’s course will fly into red TNT