Angry Birds Star Wars 2 Master Your Destiny Level PM-29 Walkthrough

Here is our walkthrough video strategy for obtaining 3 stars on Angry Birds Star Wars II Master Your Destiny Level PM-29 (Pork Side) using Battle Droid. Send the Battle Droid with a medium arc towards the end of the level and shoot the far end of the chain. If you’re lucky one of the laserbeams will bounce off the chain and take down the left side while the Battle Droid crashes into the right structure. The score in the video below is 99,150.

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Comments (8)

Rank: Sling God with 21110 points
By aleksch (@aleksch)Score: 119,290

Got my score using LCS. Unfortunately, this is again the level where highest score are achieved using Last Chance. The best I could do without it was103k, using two birds: Tie Fighter Pilot down at the bottom of the left structure, shooting down the chain, and Vader to the right structure, destroying most of it.

Rank: Sling God with 36785 points
By Hoy49 (@hoy49)Score: 116,120

LCS, lots of shooters.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16710 points
By thee-michelle (@thee-michelle)Score: 120,430

Same LCS. Only Tie Fighter.

Rank: Slinger with 1230 points
By Lehigh96 (@lehigh96)Score: 108,380

An excellent level to use some lesser used characters to get high scores. My current high score was obtained aiming Cikatro Vizago to drop the first flaming chain while launching his shockwave bombs over the top to release the chain and clear the right side. With some luck, a nice one birder!

I also successfully used Hera Syndulla by placing the cannon on the metal bucket. A one birder that yielded 105K.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17470 points
By gladvold (@gladvold)Score: 114,010

Good thinking! Got 114k with Cikatro Vizago within a few tries. Needs timing to avoid the chain hitting the flying bucket thing too high and smash it against the rock. Thanks @lehigh96

Rank: Sling God with 25860 points
By wicket182 (@wicket182)Score: 121,450

For those not wanting to use LCS. Aim Imperial Officer over the first towers, target short bursts to the two upper chains, short burst to the right structure, short burst to upper right platform. Second Imperial Officer just shooting cleanup, make certain you drop the remaining long chain. 116-117.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9470 points
By Myselfiandme (@myselfiandme)Score: 114,960

114960 with 2 birds.

1. Emporial Officer dropping fire stones on front, hitting floater and taking out very front of far wooden structure. The last item is optional, but improves score marginally.

2. Kanan Jarrus as far as he can be flung, hitting the front of the far wood and firing up through the wood holding the last bird. The last bird swing back and forth taking out remaining debris. Finally hitting the floater and ricocheting up to take out the chain. The swinging bird only takes out so much debris before shooting itself down, so getting damage on the far wood with the first bird helps. Luck helps a lot too.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By jtwade (@)

LCS again…not much fun but it gets a great score. 123170

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