Angry Birds Star Wars 2 Characters: Chewbacca

Introducing Chewbacca, the newest, biggest, and hairiest Angry Birds Star Wars II character to be introduced. We’ve used him in the original Star Wars app, and he’s just as destructive as ever! Beware the bear!

At the bottom of this post we have links to all the other characters known thus far, you can also click here to see all the posts.

Other Angry Birds Star Wars II Character Videos

Below are links to all the other characters reveals to date. We will update this list as more come out, so stay tuned.

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Comments (5)

Rank: Explosive with 2165 points
By Coasterguy444 (@angryminecraft)

At 0:14, columns and crystals!

Rank: Sling God with 36215 points
By Joey (@joeyba)

Not so original power but he’s cool anyways..

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16710 points
By thee-michelle (@thee-michelle)

I think so. But I like terence’s power! He is very cool!

Rank: Explosive with 2195 points
By bubbles (@hans-peter)

The Noise he Makes every Time :D

Rank: Sling God with 69580 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)

Seems like he is still able to go through stone, ice and wood like the the original Chewbacca. Would be interesting if like Big Brother that after the launch when one taps on the screen he appears to add a bit more power. Whether BB did or not really do not know but it seems like it when all the expressions on the pigs faces change. Wonder if they will add that aspect of Chewie?

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