Angry Birds Space Utopia Level 4-27 Walkthrough

Our strategy for Utopia level 4-27 is to fling the orange bird to the far right side of the level so that it bounces off the bumper on the far right side and back up into the stone tower. The orange bird’s expansion should knock the tower down to the left. If he hits with enough force (and a little luck) this can finish off the level here. If required, fling Terence into the big pile of pop corn kernels at the top so that the explode outward.

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Category: 04. Utopia, Angry Birds Space, Walkthroughs
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Comments (53)

By PigBoss

This level is so much fun than any other one. It’s like domino effect. Love it love it love it. 182860

By Liam

200600 – I don’t know how those getting over 200K are getting there! Unless it is a one shot clear. But If that is the case, I can’t get the O/B into the stone tower far enough to move things to the left (and) down.
I’ll just keep trying for a while, or be happy with the 200600 score.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)Score: 200,640

I have the same problem – OB doesn’t seem to hit that wall hard/fast enough, and the leftmost pig on the bottom always survives.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5725 points
By leelee0927 (@leelee0927)Score: 201,080

There’s definitely a large element of luck to get over 200K. I didn’t do anything different than I had the past ten times, but all of a sudden enough of the stone tower rained down on the bottom structure that there was just about no debris left. I shot the first Terrence, just like in the video mostly missing the western popcorn kernels but getting the ones under the top structure. The luck that I haven’t had yet on 4-25 happened here. Good luck and keep trying.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6495 points
By CC Jolly (@cc-jolly)Score: 206,930

You can get it definately. I dont know why i always come to a conflict with some of my scores. This is a real score without doin hacks or saomething else. Unbelievable!! I show screenshot and nobody believe in something. For some levels is needed also a little bit luck!!


Rank: Master Slinger with 6495 points
By CC Jolly (@cc-jolly)Score: 206,930

Screenshot Album Fotos!!

Sorry that i have gotten two highscores in Utopia …

Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)Score: 200,640

@cc-jolly – I think you misunderstood. Everyone believes your score – they just want some advice on how you did it so they can score higher also. Don’t worry – everyone believes you!

Rank: Master Slinger with 6495 points
By CC Jolly (@cc-jolly)Score: 206,930

First Bird above to the woods with corns Second Bird to the stones above right side and use the third bird to destroye rest! (I think i shot the bird to the red “Pusher” and so the bird catapulted back and smashes lots of stones!!

I try it again at the moment. You need definately all 3 Birds!!

I hope it will help a little bit.

Sorry for my misunderstood :-(

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16240 points
By Makin Bakin (@dseufert)Score: 200,050

@cc-jolly Geil! Nice score! Erklär mir bitte Deine Strategie auf Deutsch. Verzeih mir bitte, aber ich kann Dich nicht verstehen. Bitte beschreib Deine Taktik ausführlich, damit ich es auch versuchen könnte. I’ frei mi’ auf Deine Antwort. Dank’ D’schö. Huhu! muK :)

Rank: Master Slinger with 6495 points
By CC Jolly (@cc-jolly)Score: 206,930

Hi. Es war eigentlich ein Glücksschuss. Die 206.000 hab ich nur einmal geschafft aber 203 und 204.000 sind leicht möglich. Den Orangen Vogel links oben in die Körner und aktivieren. Den 2. Grünen Vogel rechts wenn möglich von hinten über die roten Wandtrampolins in den Steinturm und 3. Vogel recht unten auch auf die roten Wandtrampolins sodass er zurückspeckt und das links unten zerstört. Ich hoffe die Beschreibung verstehst du. Viel Glück und lass es mich wissen wenn es dir geholfen hat. Grüße CC Jolly

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16240 points
By Makin Bakin (@dseufert)Score: 200,050

Glaub i, daß ich die erste und dritte Schuss verstehe, aber der zweite Vogel ist ziemlich sehr schwierig. Wo genau soll ich schießen? In die Richtung welches Ziel? Sonst kann Ich nicht Kraft genug in den Steinturm erhalten, auch mit den Wandtrampolinen. Danke sehr für die Hinweise. Ich werde weiter versuchen. muK :)

Rank: Master Slinger with 6495 points
By CC Jolly (@cc-jolly)Score: 206,930

Ja viel Glück. Es ist möglich. Ich glaube an dich :-)

By Alumahead

The only way I’ve been able to get the first bird into the back of the stone tower with any force is to pull back a little on the shot.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8570 points
By Kartflyer (@kartflyer)Score: 192,210

This level was fun and tough at the same time. I found it easier to beat average after getting 133k+ with the first bird. If not, I suggest restarting if you’re aiming for the tops.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1960 points
By z0z0 (@z0z0)Score: 203,290

True indeed @kartflyer

Used the video tactics. The second bird came down along with the corn. Only used 2 birds. 202k

Rank: Pig Leader with 12150 points
By sunshine (@sunshine)Score: 199,820

@kartflyer awhile back you gave me a talk about bounce, when I was feeling down about Utopia, thanks, the lesson has paid off!! :). Agree with you on the restart.

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 206,410

@ccJolly — Care you high score strat? Not that anyone would try to use it to beat your score. ; ) At least it’s unlikely that I would actually beat you, but wouldn’t mind being a little higher. Thanks

Rank: Shooter with 795 points
By ZOLOTKO86 (@zatoloko)Score: 203,210

Yes, God had to share)

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 205,860

Yes, Please share @cc-Jolly ;-) I can’t seem to do much here. Any tips on how you got over 206K would be greatly appreciated ;-)
I’ve managed 191150 with two birds and 195360 with three birds.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6495 points
By CC Jolly (@cc-jolly)Score: 206,930

Here Sreenshot @angryadvisor

First Bird above to the woods with corns Second Bird to the stones above right side and i think i used also the third Bird for destroying rest. I only get once this score. But 204k i got often. I think all birds used!!

Rank: Master Slinger with 6710 points
By hinarei (@hinarei)Score: 190,420

just improved my score thanks to the walkthrough, but still a smidge off average.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6495 points
By CC Jolly (@cc-jolly)Score: 206,930

Congrats!! :-)

Rank: Master Slinger with 6710 points
By hinarei (@hinarei)Score: 190,420

your grats are appreciated, @cc-jolly, but I’m still after that above average score :)

Rank: Master Slinger with 6495 points
By CC Jolly (@cc-jolly)Score: 206,930

Thanks @hinarei i hope my description helps a little bit, than my english isn`t best and for some words i find no word :-)

You have to work work work :-)

Rank: Master Slinger with 6710 points
By hinarei (@hinarei)Score: 190,420

sure has helped, @cc-jolly :) I’m finding myself unable to score that well today and consistently finishing at around 135k, which isn’t nearly good enough. Time for a break and back to DZ :D

Rank: Master Slinger with 6495 points
By CC Jolly (@cc-jolly)Score: 206,930

Nice to hear @hinarei i am proud on you ;-)
:-) I think it is no break change to DZ, it`s also hard work !!!

Rank: Master Slinger with 6710 points
By hinarei (@hinarei)Score: 190,420

@cc-jolly, it sure is hard work but worth it. I don’t see myself attaining any other badges any time soon, but this is one to work towards. I love ABSp and DZ in particular.

Scores on this one today range from 130K to 180k, so it’s fairly wide. Must be how I’m hitting the bumper…

Rank: Master Slinger with 6495 points
By CC Jolly (@cc-jolly)Score: 206,930

Congrats @hinarei Good Job

Rank: Champion with 3820 points
By metoo3 (@metoo3)Score: 208,610

Score 208,610
This really shocked me…… Shot first bird same as video but it took out everything on the other side I think it was because of hitting the bumper so far over… 2nd bird shot Terrance into the kernnals and he finished everything just kept popping most everything was gone when it finished. Just had to say something here cause I have never had such a good score. Feels Good ! I love this site and all Angry Birds !

Rank: Pig Leader with 11120 points
By thetoddman23 (@thetoddman23)Score: 199,360

Congrats, when you shot Terrance into the kernels did he bounce down to the bottom to help in the destruction?

By metoo3

Hi and Ty.

The orange bird took out all pigs but the one where you shoot Terrance. I aimed Terrance at that wood piece that is sticking up by the last pig.all the popcorn and wood and stone flew over to the other side and all the did lots of destruction. Thing was that flew over to the other side but Terrance bounced backwards ( not sure if he hit the red bumper) going backwards Terrance got the remaing popcorn that was lined up and it was over so fast. Hope that helps ! Good Luck Oh sine that shot I have gotten in the 200 range many times trying same shot.

ps: Forgot to say the orange bird didn’t hit like it shows in walk through …… It hit at the very bottom and thar made everything fly so much more and faster.

Evidence: Screen Shot

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)Score: 197,650

Hey @metoo3, I fixed your post and link.
Thank you for clarifying your strategy.
Try to remember to use the reply button so that the threads stay intact.

By Camille Lawson

Hi Sal,
Thank you so much I thought I did hit reply….. Boy I hope this works. :-)

By Camille Lawson

I hear you Jolly ever since I got a higher score than you I now have your problem. I wouldn’t know how to cheat on this it took me all this time to figure out how to download a screen shot. I’m a 50 year old woman who just loves Angry Birds and this site. Thank you for the wonderful fun and helpful people who are playing here.

Rank: Explosive with 2380 points
By duffy (@duffy)Score: 198,580

@metoo3 – Congrats on your score! Hey! You are just a kid compared to me. But I hear you – I have no idea how to use the power-ups so the only way I could cheat would be just to lie about my score! Sadly, I guess there are some who do that but they usually get called out. Anyway congratulations again.

By metoo3

Nice to know there is someone else who doesn’t understand the power ups. :) Thank you …..even though I have now fallen out of first. Congrats Karen….. It is a fun level…….I get a kick out of all that popcorn going every where…..guess I’m not too hard too please.

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 205,860

I’ve managed 198030 with two birds. First one hit the bottom right licorice at the intersection between the the last two pieces. It bounced up to come in east of the top right concrete pig and as it expanded it pushed all concrete left and down to take out all piggies except the two top left ones by the popcorn. You need scores greater then 135K to end up with a higher, above average score. I got 137880K with my highest score at this point. I’ve gotten as high as 139590 after first bird.
Then I sent Terrence at the wooden triangle while clipping the last few kernals in the top left row.

Rank: Sling God with 45770 points
By karen68 (@karen68)Score: 203,730

@lesleyg, that seems to be the best strategy for this one, but I think there’s a whole lot of L-factor involved in the degree of destruction. I agree, 135k+ is needed to score high. My 2nd shot I aimed over the top of the right-most popcorn kernel in the left row, the small wooden triangle didn’t get destroyed but got pulled over into the left gravity field to pop the remaining kernels in that row for a few more points, also Terence kept floating right & rebounded off the top bumper into what was left of the structure at the bottom for more points as well. There’s a lot of untapped points in the stone debris of the bottom structure, it usually just collapses without being destroyed, so far throwing the 3rd bird at it hasn’t netted me more than 10k.
I’m trying to see if a 1-bird clear is possible, but there doesn’t seem to be enough momentum in the debris from the 1st shot to clear everything out. It would have to be one heck of a lucky shot.

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 205,860

Wow! I came back to try some more and I just got 205860 with two birds!!! The only thing I did differently was manually expanded OB. Here’s the screenshot:

As you will see I used the same trajectory as I previously stated but this time I manually expanded OB just before impact to help push things along. I tried this before but this time it worked really well. @karen68 you are so right about the bottom stone pile in that it usually doesn’t get destroyed enough and throwing a third bird at it doesn’t do nearly enough. As you will see in the screenshot above, there was very little debris left this time and I got a score of 143360 WITH that bottom left pig still intact!
I sent Terrence in again as before aiming towards the triangle and clipping the last kernal from that left row and when the popcorn exploded it destroyed the pigs and some debris as well as sending nearly ALL the remaing cement wood and wooden ball down below to take out that remaining bottom left piglet as well as smashing up what little remained of the cement tower below. Here’s a screenshot of the final second shot and remaining debris:

I surely hope both screenshots will help everyone out! @wanda, I was also determined to get over 200K…GL ;-)

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8830 points
By Andy (@andy2510)Score: 208,320

Followed roughly the same strategy (blow up bird expanding right next to top right pig) and after many tries got a top ten score! Didn’t manually explode though however as someone else mentioned the key thing is the lower camera – the earlier it falls the more debris gets piled and not broken.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6700 points
By wanda (@wanda)Score: 199,910

@lesleyg, thanks for the details. I noticed that I score slightly higher with the first bird if the top center (wood/ice) structure stays more or less intact as it slides to the left across the top licorice twist. 136k after first bird. If I could just get 200k, I would be happier with my score :). Just a few more kernels!

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17140 points
By burbman (@burbman)Score: 203,230

In fear that I might be stealing @surf-cow’s thunder here, I just have to say that they key to getting a really high score on this level is to hit them in the balls. Both the stone balls and the nilla wafer brown things are worth a lot more points than the regular blocks. I used the same approach as the video, but got my highest scores when I was able to bust those balls for a few thousand points each.

Rank: Shooter with 795 points
By neuljoeun (@neuljoeun)

My strategy is the same video play.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10655 points
By burpie (@burpie)Score: 210,220

Ditto. I revisited the level for a daily challenge and improved from 202 to 210k. After the first bird everything was closer together (and closer to the popcorn) than in the video. And with the second bird i aimed for the far end of the first popcorn field, triggering everything.

Challenge Winner: Utopia 4-27

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 211,670

Thanks everyone for all the tips:)
@burpie i did pretty much the same aiming for the far end of the popcorn with Terence then i guess the ‘L’ factor kicked in and i got a lot of debris spread out on the bottom abd Terrence floated down destroying most of it! :)

Rank: Champion with 3945 points
By Fleshyskeleton (@fleshyskeleton)Score: 212,400

I’ve figured out what you need for 205+K.
120K with 1st shot.Terence at 4th from left kernel.The trick is, the big camera set on wheels SHOULD NOT FALL after 2 shots.That makes all incoming debris land on bumper instead of the remnants,ensuring higher dmg.Then the heavily battered camera set falls on leftmost pig.Only 2 stone balls left.
Am I right @burpie @8nomad ?

Rank: Out of this World with 2550 points
By Aman (@amandeep)

Finally I managed to get a above average score 194950 w/2 birds.
I got 141k with first bird. I manually expanded OB just before impact, this push most of the stone blocks to lower gravitational field.
Everything was destroyed, only two pigs on kernels were left.
I don’t learnt yet, how to get maximum damage with second bird, got only 53k with second bird. @lesleyg @CC-Jolly Hey guys, can you please tell me, where to aim Terence to the kerenels to get maximum damage ? Any additional tips.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16885 points
By Rat (@rat9)Score: 215,110

This is one of those levels where a little luck is required. I couldn’t get above 200k unless I could get the bouncing ball. The ball I’m referring to is a wooden ball that will occasionally be left bouncing on the licorice under where the mustache pig once sat. If you can get it bouncing, leave it. I have seen it score as much as 8k before destroying itself. That is how I got my 205k score. My new high score was even luckier and more interesting. Instead of the wooden ball, a pig with his bubble burst floated down onto the licorice. It bounced for 15k before it died. Another 5k. After the first shot I had a score of 150k+. Second shot 215+. I know I couldn’t have been the only one that wondered how people scored over 210k. It’s a mini glitch. I’ve only had the bouncing pig once so I don’t know what score is possible with it. With the bouncing wooden ball, it varies from 5-8k. Maybe there is another Anchors Away Badge here. I don’t know. Sometimes it pays to be lucky.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10655 points
By burpie (@burpie)Score: 210,220

@fleshyskeleton , @rat9 , I don’t remember my aiming point for the first shot, but I do remember that my 210k score was without the aid of bouncy balls / tapdancing pigs.

And now you’re telling me I missed out on all the fun?!

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16885 points
By Rat (@rat9)Score: 215,110

@burpie–I’ve since scored 210k without bouncing balls or dancing pigs using @fleshyskeleton‘s method. No telling how high you can score if you get that pig some dancing lessons.

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 206,410

@Rat9 — I’ve seen the bouncing ball a couple of times, but no dancing pigs. Are you sure you weren’t just sleep-deprived? Of course, even with a >10K improvement, I’m still almost 10 K behind you.
I decided not to add this to the list of unstable levels: the bouncing ball(s) are pretty typical of what you get if you get something bouncing — it will accumulate damage points till it destroys itself. The tap-dancing pig is probably the same.

Rank: Sling God with 45680 points
By comex666 (@comex666)Score: 211,810

like @rat9 with 1 bouncing ball
here a video with 210k:

Rank: Champion with 3510 points
By Slinger (@mudslinger)Score: 208,290

reliable 3 bird 200k 1st bird as vidio 2nd quickly in front of small tower with pig 3rd as 2nd in vidio if you get @rat9 ball bouncing a high score may be posible

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