Angry Birds Space Red Planet Level 5-6 Walkthrough

Our strategy for Red Planet level 5-6 is to launch Red Bird into the south Lava Asteroid, pushing it in the gravity field of the either planet. The resulting explosions should destroy most of the pigs there. Then launch the blue birds towards the top Lava Asteroid, splitting late. This should take out the pigs on the left planet and push the Asteroid into the right planet also. Debris from the explosion should reach the last pigs.

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Rank: DaBomb with 250 points
By pelao23 (@pelao23)Score: 124,970

121940 two birds. One birder is confirmed as possible, but it did less damage. I am working on a better one. Just FYI, the one birder strategy is as follows (about 1/13 steady): Notice that (iPad full zoom) there is a little star (background) at about 10.30 of the lower lavasteroid. If you aim in the middle between this star and the lavasteroid your bird should bounce up to left planet to the structure that is in the intersection of gravity fields, and on the other hand the lavasteroid should go to the volcanoe and be thrown up to the same left planet. 1 in every 3 or 4 attempts, one of the lavasteroid pieces should go clockwise all the way to the upper structure of the left planet and blow up on its base, pushing the pig or wood to the upper lavasteroid pushing it to the other (right) planet destroying what is left. I did my best trying to explain.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1990 points
By Fillmore1234 (@fillmore1234)Score: 124,180

Great strategy once again! I actually got my score with 1 red bird. Took only around 4 tries before it worked so thanks!! :)

Rank: DaBomb with 250 points
By pelao23 (@pelao23)Score: 124,970

I’m still hitting one birders below 115k but I knew it could be done, lots of potential still. Glad it helped :)

Rank: Champion with 3375 points
By dougwo (@dougwo)Score: 136,270

I found an easier way to repeat mid 120s and finally a 136k. Push the lava steroid slightly downwards so that is actually go to the RIGHT planet and for best score, hits just at let bottom side of the leftmost tower. This clears all debris on planet. The bb up top and split as per usual. I looked up and saw 116k at this point and the two left over birds made 136. I only has 2 bricks left so I don’t think a higher score is possible unless a one birder with this technique can be pulled off. But we’ll see lots of scores above 130k soon. Good luck!

Rank: Champion with 3375 points
By dougwo (@dougwo)Score: 136,270

sorry about typos. On iPad in dark. ;)

Rank: Slinger with 1020 points
By Boo-Boo (@boo-boo)Score: 122,820

Moderators! I call shenanigans on lava steroid abuse by dougwo

Rank: Sling God with 47130 points
By bernersenn (@bernersenn)Score: 134,960

I just got 105k with this method and one bird. So, as in the other levels, better use a bird extra to gain more points

Rank: Sling God with 47130 points
By bernersenn (@bernersenn)Score: 134,960

134960 points with one bird using this strat and LOTS of tries

Rank: Explosive with 2170 points
By Pieni lintu (@pieni-lintu)Score: 124,640

I did this, all but 2 bricks remained but I only got 124k…

Rank: Fling King with 4870 points
By Harrystar6 (@harrystar6)Score: 117,500

Thanks this level I was stuck on for a while

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 125,450

I used a strategy very similar to @dougwo‘s except I didn’t get anywhere near his impressive score ;-). I hit the bottom lava rock slightly above it’s center so that it goes down towards the geyser and pushes up to land on the satellite/antenna on Helmet pig in the center of right planet. The explosion will take out everything on the right as well as it usually gets the middle Helmet pig on the left planet too. Then you just have the top Helmet pig and top lava rock to get with the blues. I tap blues as soon as they enter the gravity field to get the ice planks up top and the lava rock will go to the right and explode to help get any remaining wood/debris left over on right planet. 125K scores are a typical outcome.

Rank: Sling God with 31890 points
By ABeggerToo (@abeggertoo)Score: 130,100

I have been using this same method and can see the potential. My high score was from a one-birder with lots of debris. The lava asteroid is usually rotating counter-clockwise. I am certain most of my two-bird scores over 125,000 and definitely my one-bird high come when the lava asteroid is rotating clockwise (about 1 in 7 restarts). The first bird score is in the range of 75,000. Very occasionally the asteroid is still, I rarely get any useful movement from this situation. While I am still over 10,000 behind the high score, Red Planet has shown some very erratically high scores from repeatable strats. Almost frustrating just repeating and waiting for the score Gods to smile.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 133,940

I just cant seem to get enough destruction here!! @lesleyg any other tips? My first bird goes exactly like you say..and bb split seems right..but I can’t break 120k barely..ty for help:)

Rank: Sling God with 31890 points
By ABeggerToo (@abeggertoo)Score: 130,100

This is a very frustrating level @kathy, just keep hitting that lava asteroid above center and sooner or later it will cause enough destruction for a higher score. No magic here, just sheer repetition – or passing out from boredom…….

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 133,940

thanks @ABeggerToo ROFLMAO I was passing out from boredom ..o.k as long as I know I’m on the right path:)

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 125,450

@kathy, yeah, I’d have to agree with what abeggertoo said…it’s just a matter of luck and getting the debris points. There seems to be alot of those on this update…that and the scoring system seems so random, meaning sometimes it seems I have more debris left and a higher score…while other times I have a less debris and a lower score. Good Luck…just have a Pigkiller so you don’t pass out from the “B” factor…Boredom factor, lol ;-)

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 133,940

Thanks @lesleyg ..PigKiller sounds about right;)

Rank: Sling God with 31890 points
By ABeggerToo (@abeggertoo)Score: 130,100

It almost disappointing how few alternate strats are posted on all levels of Red Planet. A couple have reasonably different alternates, most are variations on a theme. I speculated a month ago power-ups might drive me away from AB. It seems ennui could be equally a cause. Hopefully the next update to any one of the games rekindles my spirit.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 133,940

This is so weird I wish I knew how to.take screenshot ..helmethead is hanging in the middle of the gravity feilds..I used ME and destroyed whole left half of level..but it? Wont end cuz. Helm9et pig still hanging there..

Rank: Well Traveled with 1545 points
By stasbalabas (@stasbalabas)Score: 136,540

Lucky 1birder with lots of funny successive events happened )))
As we all do I aimed a RB to the top side of lower lava asteroid. When it exploded, first part of it flew up to the lower tower of the left planet and completely destroyed it and a pig as well. Other two parts flew to the right planet and made serious damage to all towers including the tallest tower which lost her upper 1/3 part. At the same time 4part of 1st lava asteroid flew around left planet clockwise and hit lower part of upper tower. Then a pig that sits on the top of it jumped and nicely touched an upper lava asteroid. Upper lava asteroid fell down staight to the remains of the tallest tower of the right planet… Boooooom and parts of lava asteroid completed a damage for 136540 ))))

Rank: Gold Flinger with 7790 points
By lmika (@lmika)Score: 143,650

It looks like I just got the high score. First I want to give a big thanks to everyone who posts their strategies, especially the regulars. I am a longtime lurker and you all have helped me greatly improve my scores

Anyway, I got a 1 birder, similar to the video. I hit the near asteroid at about the 1030 to 11 o’clock point. It fell to the right planet and blew. One chunk went up and hit the top asteroid causing it to blow, taking out the top structures and sending one flaming chunk back to the right planet. There were two chunks circling the right planet, and they took down the remaining structures when they fell. The only thing left was one concrete block, that was floating in the LaGrange point between the two planets.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 15315 points
By windwalker (@windwalker)Score: 125,690

Congrats on the great score @imika, good strat,the extra detail is very helpful, still have to get it to work for me lol. Thanks for posting

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17065 points
By GypsyBird (@gypsybird)Score: 136,310

Super great score @lmika! Your high is going to be really tough to beat. I’m glad I at least raised my score a bit on today’s challenge. Your timing was certainly spot on.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5195 points
By JackS (@spdlives)Score: 119,690

levels like this are SO frustrating. way too much luck involved. and for some reason, the fickle Lady seems to avoid my computer

Rank: Master Slinger with 5195 points
By JackS (@spdlives)Score: 119,690

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand no sooner do I WHINE and I get almost 120K

Rank: Boss Hog with 14055 points
By Crazy Rider (@crazy-rider)Score: 133,360

I’ve made a video of a 1-birder for 133k, if anyone’s interested.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7200 points
By Yellow Dog 24 (@yellow-dog-24)Score: 121,470

Thanks Crazy Rider for posting this. After reading all the above posts I was trying to beat my score in today’s challenge. Was beginning to give up, but seeing your video has given me renewed confidence.

Rank: Sling God with 24465 points
By justpast40 (@justpast40)Score: 132,300

@crazy-rider, videos are always a big help. I’m pretty sure my starting Challenge score of 126930 was this way & I’m certain that my improvedz 132300 was this way. I just wish I’d paid closer attention to the timing of volcano’s eruption as I was flinging. Eventually managed another 1-birder, but it was the lowest, less than 125k. Well there’s still almost 12 hrs left.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 19230 points
By scooter (@scooter)Score: 124,900

Always interested in your video’s @crazy-rider. Between yours and
@e-star videos plus all of the great strats and input from everyone it’s almost certain you can increase your scores. Thanks to all!

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18870 points
By bdub (@bdub)Score: 130,220

@crazy-rider – thanx – been stuck with a 126k two-birder until I saw your video – what a beautiful bankshot – you must be a great pool/billiard player — clearly I’m not, but I’m glad for the extra points – thanks again!

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17065 points
By GypsyBird (@gypsybird)Score: 136,310

Great video again @crazy-rider! Alas, my highest 1 bird has only been about 120k though. Today’s challenge has been fun – I did get 2k more on original score with 2 birds same as the video. Just takes a LOT of luck and right timing to get the higher scores.

Rank: Sling God with 70300 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)Score: 132,390

Thanks CR for the post and video. Stuck on 126 for a few days and you helped gain 6k in points.
One slight variation is that the bottom fire ball went right and landed into the tall column on the right planet and was able to activate the top fireball for a one bird solution.

Rank: Out of this World with 2555 points
By Jaydee (@jaydee)Score: 128,650

Strange how these levels work. I have been banging my head in frustration struggling to improve my score of 119k with above approaches. 1birder: Nope, doesn’t wanna happen. 2 birder, irritating range of scores. 3 birder, got me 124950, I was like WHAAAAAT????? I went for the bottom lava normal way, got some destruction. Went for upper one with Blues, got further destruction, but missed the pig closest to upper lava, but good score on board, so I went for that one with bird 3 and voila, got my score up to nearly 125k!!!! *shaking my head*

Rank: Out of this World with 2555 points
By Jaydee (@jaydee)Score: 128,650

Aaaah!! Managed to get the 1 birder at last!!! Yay!!!! I looked up at the score…..114,130….AAAAAAAAAARGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 133,940

@jaydee I feel your pain but its the Wwwhhiinnee factor lol

Not the ‘arrhgghh’ factor…
Wwwhhiinnee !!

Rank: Out of this World with 2555 points
By Jaydee (@jaydee)Score: 128,650

@kathy – Hahaha! Reading my comments, I can see (embarrassingly) that I was still a new member right in the middle of a “I-can’t-take-part-in-Daily-Challenges-because-it-is-December-Series-Arctic-Eggspedition-not-released-on-Windowsphone” stage in my life!

At the moment the abovementioned stage can be altered slightly, mentioning “On-Finn-Ice”.

Are you currently on a mission to get your scores above average or are you replaying levels on a new device?

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 133,940

Lol @jaydee i come across many of my old ‘newbie’ comments and laugh myself.
In answer to the question device still android but Nexus 7″screen so i thought bigger screen easier to improve ? I have improved some but with updates levels seem to be hareder on some. . This one yep..arghhh lol

Rank: Out of this World with 2555 points
By Jaydee (@jaydee)Score: 128,650

@kathy – bigger screen definitely helps. Especially in levels that require precision. I currently have a Nokia Lumia 925 WP8 phone, which has a larger screen than the Nokia Lumia 800 WP7 phone that I had before and I find that I do much better with precision levels.

I also agree regarding updates. Last night I was playing ABO – the golden egg level for Short Fuse. #31, I think. People have scores in the millions, but Rovio had redesigned the level, decreasing blue bottles, and I can’t even get to 200k. Missing out on all the fun. Same thing with ABSW2 Rebels Level 12 glitch. By the time Windowsphone got the Rebels levels in the first place, the glitch had already been redesigned and fun scores are not available. Oh well! C’est la vie! ;)

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 133,940

Yeppers @jaydee Oh well! C’est la vie! No idea what that means lol but it sounds about Ke’ sara sara ( probably not spelled correct) but whatever will be will be. .hope to see you stop in the BP again. .for chatting such as this:)

Rank: Out of this World with 2555 points
By Jaydee (@jaydee)Score: 128,650

C’est la vie = That’s life
@kathy :)

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 133,940

Thanks @jaydee for the translation :) and yes lol that’s life in the world of the birdies ;) sometimes ya win sometimes you just make average and meet some nice people as you go :)

Rank: Out of this World with 2555 points
By Jaydee (@jaydee)Score: 128,650

I decided to go play the level to see how I am doing nearly a year down the line. I got the one birder and got 124,920 – 10k more than last year and ironically 30 points below my 3 bird score.

As indicated last year, my scores with 2 birds were quite varied, most of the times in 117-119k range, but as low as 111k and as high as my new high of 128k. The destruction didn’t seem all that fab when I hit 128k, though, so getting awesome 143k with one bird as done by @lmika will be lucky, but reachable. After MANY attempts I think!

I look forward to seeing this level in Challenge one day again.

Rank: Pig Leader with 12170 points
By sunshine (@sunshine)Score: 133,990

Is this someone’s idea of sick joke? My daily today for space is to top my best score on this level. I thought 129,070 was an okay score. I’ve been trying for hours, and nowhere near my current score. UGH!!!!!!!
Anyone have any tips? I’m doing what @dougwo suggests and @crazy-rider video, but no luck. HELP!

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