Angry Birds Space Pig Dipper Bonus Level S-15 Walkthrough

Angry Birds Space Pig Dipper bonus level S-15 is unlocked by 3-starring levels 6-11 through 6-20 of Pig Dipper. One strategy is to send the Egg between the anchor and water on the western planet. Trigger the wormhole below the central anchor. Slowly, the boats will fall into gravitational fields and explosions. If all three boats are cleared with one shot, 3 stars should be yours! The score in the video below is 130,460.

Raft and Anchor Glitch

Current Version Status: v1.5.2 on iOS still allows the glitch to operate properly.

Below is a video demonstrating the “Raft and Anchor” glitch, first noted by @annach and taken a whole new level by @kinkykiwi (just check out her score!). While the video below does not yield many points, it’s a proof of concept that if the raft survives for a decent amount of time, high scores are possible. For reference in the paragraph below, I call the three boats B1 (north), B2 (east), and B3 (south). The “Raft” is attached to B1.

The glitch is a bit rare, but repeatable to some standard. Fling the Egg through the water south of the first planet, triggering the wormhole as soon as it touches the TNT. The key to the glitch occurring is having the raft shoot hard eastward, hitting an invisible wall it seems and slowly falling to the northern planetoid. The most notable way that this happens is when the anchor of B2 pulls the anchor of B1 while drifting into the northern gravitational field. Points accrue by the anchors slowly pushing on the raft. In the video below, I believe points accrue too fast, causing the raft to structurally fail very quickly. With a bit of “Kiwi Luck”, much higher scores are possible.

We encourage you to adjust the viewing settings of the video below. Since the action occurs behind the scores in the top-right corner, viewing the video in full screen and adjusting the resolution to its highest setting (720p HD) is advised. You may need to view the video directly on YouTube to change some of these settings.

Disclaimer: Any score in excess of 160,000 will require definitive proof, at least a comment and a screenshot, but possibly more at administrative request. Any score not meeting these requirements will be removed and, if abused repeatedly, the user will be blocked from the leaderboard. Any score in excess of 170,000 qualifies for the Anchors Away badge (subject to above requirements). For a list of such users and their original scores, see our list here.

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Comments (626)

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 159,880

Anyone know if this glitch works on PC, or just ISO/Android?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 143,340

Should work universally.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 159,880

Nevermind. Could possibly work on PC. Normally, the raft always seems to break after <60 seconds. Once, I somehow got the raft to fly up to the NW side of the top planet and float down. That one didn't break, but only incremented about 10 points per minute for 10 mins.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8640 points
By fangston (@fangston)Score: 170,000

I also managed to pass 170K.
After a lot of attempts, it happened on the 2nd game after max zooming out. Will need to rest before trying again…

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8640 points
By fangston (@fangston)Score: 170,000

@amslimfordy are you still giving this badge? I would really like to celebrate my new Hardened rank with a shiny new badge… Thanks!

Rank: Master Slinger with 7120 points
By Bosenkrieg (@bosenkrieg)Score: 134,080

Hello, Bosenkrieg & Son here. We are very interested in the Anchors Away badge, but the thing is, we don’t know how to take screenshots. How would one go about doing that on a Windows 7, and what would we be taking a picture of? Also, can the score be exactly 170,000? Thanks in advance.

Rank: Sling God with 37645 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Hi @bosenkrieg, are you referring to a Windows 7 phone or Windows 7 PC? Actually, my suggestion for both would be the same — simply Google “How to take a screenshot on [fill in device here]” and you’ll get a bunch of tips. Once you have your screenshot simply upload it to your ABN album and then send us the link (make sure you mention @sunshine and team).

The badge description reads, “great than 170,000 points”, but I think if you hit exactly 170 K that is fine.

Rank: Sling God with 25170 points
By Sglouk (@sglouk)Score: 170,000

Got it! Spent two hours trying the three star method, without success (best non glitch score = 150310). Then, flung egg north of first planet, and it worked (almost?) immediately. Point increasd steadily at rate between 10 pt/s to 20 pt/s, and I approached the 500000 threshold after around 7 hours. Tried to stop the process so as to reach exactly 500000 pts, but, unsurprisingly, failed, but by rather a small margin however (499670, finally).

The glitch looks almost magical on an Iphone since even by zooming out at most one does not see the core of the two planets, so that it is impossible to figure out what happens.

@amslimfordy if badge is still available, I would be delighted to have it. Here is the proof:

Rank: Master Slinger with 5570 points
By pax (@mkjvanh)Score: 170,000

Finally able to qualify for the Anchors Away Badge! I killed it as soon as I could so I didn’t risk it crashing (again). Thanks to those who posted the hints and the descriptions of how to kill the remaining pig. This was a tremendous help. I use the ipod touch and can’t see anything!

@AMslimfordy – Thanks in advance for taking the time to award the badge. Do you want me to update the score?

Rank: Master Slinger with 5385 points
By Craig (@craig)Score: 170,000

After months and months and months of trying, I finally got the glitch to work. Once I got past 170k, I sent a second space egg to finish off the final pig. And how did the level finish? With a “Level Failed” on 180k, with one space egg still in reserve. Has anyone else had this? It seems there is more than one bug on this level. Grrr… :-(

Rank: Master Slinger with 5385 points
By Craig (@craig)Score: 170,000

Woo! Just a dew days and about 400 attempt later, I did it again, but this time it worked. :-)

Rank: Master Slinger with 5385 points
By Craig (@craig)Score: 170,000


Rank: Master Slinger with 5385 points
By Craig (@craig)Score: 170,000

@amslimfordy – Any chance you could award me with a shiny new badge? Please? :-)

Now to work on those other badges.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 143,340

Way to go @Craig!

CC: @sunshine

Rank: Pig Leader with 11530 points
By redzym (@redzym)Score: 170,000

@amslinfordy and for me too please , a pretty new badge to wear with distinction. Considering this level nearly caused a murder in my house I will treasure it always.

After what seemed like a million attempts, I finally got the glitch. The numbers were turning over quite slowly so I had to put iPad down to make dinner. Upon re-entering the room there was hubby, finger poised above just about to put the screen to sleep. He said ‘your screen didn’t go black so I’m turning it off for you’.

I said “TOUCH IT AND DIE, I’ve been trying to get this to happen for days now and if you stuff it up I’ll be a widow”.

Think he got the message, ’cause I got the points yeeeeyaaaa!

Rank: Master Slinger with 6640 points
By E-Star (@e-star)Score: 170,000

@redzym WHAHAHA LOL you gave me my morning laugh! So recognizable! It’s a wonder that there aren’t more widow flingers because of such a “kind” gesture :)

I am sure @amslimfordy will award you your Anchors Away badge so you can show your hubby the reason why he nearly became a victim of an Angry Birdie… better yet, don’t show him, unlikely he will see the shine and value of it ;)

Rank: Pig Leader with 11530 points
By redzym (@redzym)Score: 170,000

Today @e-star I was going for the the ‘Over the Moon’ so, once the counter was ticking away,I had to go out with a friend for Mothers Day. Remembering hubby’s ‘near death experience’ yesterday, I firstly took him into the yard to show him his ‘final resting place’ if he messes up my AB games then hid iPad in a drawer to remove the temptation (he can’t stand anything electric not being shut off when not in use).

Made it home with 6mins to spare before iPad rang out of battery and qualified for the badge -awesome.

Now, if Hubby happens to die first, no-one will EVER believe it was natural causes or an accident hahaha!

And of course you’re right, he would never understand the excitement or value of achieving a badge.

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)Score: 143,100

Congrats @redzym ~(‾▿‾)~

cc: @amslimfordy @sunshine

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 143,340

Awesome @Redzym!

CC: @sunshine

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 159,880

@admins This glitch no longer works on PC or iOS. For some reason, it hasn’t worked on PC since March, but since @redzym and several others got it afterward, iOS appears to have been fixed in v2.0.0

In January, I could get the raft to float down like the video ~20% of the time on PC, but it never survived long enough to top 160k.

In March, I tried PC again, and something had changed. Normally, the raft is whipped into the grav field, where the pig’s bubble pops. This flips the raft and stops it in its tracks. It then floats gently to the planet. Now when the pig bubble pops, the raft keeps flying full speed around the planet. The same thing happens when the raft is flung to the lower right grav field. Previously, it’d float to that planet also.

After thousands of attempts on PC, iPad and my PC auto-tester, not one floating raft. @rat9 generously helped test it tonight on iOS and was also unable to replicate the glitch. He agrees with my assertion that the level has been modified. As we all know, if Rat can’t do it, it ain’t possible.

With that said, I think it’s still theoretically possible to get the point accrual using the same shot. The raft has to survive its high-speed inverted de-orbit, then before impact, bounce off an anchor and flip over without killing the pig. It sounds impossible, and it pretty much is, but I did get it to happen once.

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 170,000

@all — If anyone has gotten this glitch recently, or gets it in the future, please post a note listing your platform, version of AB Space, and date you got the glitch. Thanks!

Rank: Sling God with 25170 points
By Sglouk (@sglouk)Score: 170,000


I am cc-ing this to @burpie as he has kept all different version for Android, so that he may tell if/when the glitch was corrected for Android.

All I can say is that I only once tried to get the glitch on iOS, at the end of April, with the then current version of the game (before Beak Impact release). It took me a few hours to have the glitch to operate in a stable way, but before this I had obtained good score with the glitch working for some dozens of seconds. From what I wrote here, it took me a few hours to get the glitch, but I cannot compare this to previous versions.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10655 points
By burpie (@burpie)Score: 170,000

@sglouk @mvnla2 I do have all of the game versions, but it would be very time consuming to check them all. (It’s easy enough to switch between game versions on my phone, but it takes a while to run this level to 170k+ points.) So I’d rather not, unless it serves a genuine purpose.

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 170,000

@burpie @sglouk — I didn’t volunteer to check either. : (. I think we see if anyone reports getting it. I plan to put a note in the list in the self-destroying forum saying that it no longer happens on some platforms and probably not on any.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 159,880

@burpie @sglouk @mvnla2 There’s no need to check. At the top of this page, Android user @frankieman earned the badge this Mar 15. We know from other comments the glitch worked globally after the Oct. 31, 2013 v1.6.5 update. The only update since was v2.0.0 Beak in June.

I can’t explain why PC stopped working back in Feb-March without an update, but I think it’s safe to say iOS/Android were both fixed in the Beak update.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 159,880

Also, if anyone does feel the need to test this, there’s no need to run the level to 170k points. What was fixed is how the raft makes the abrupt midair stop, then floats gently to the planet’s surface. This no longer happens. The raft always circles the planet like the other debris, and is almost always destroyed on impact.

It may still be possible to get to 170k, but it’s a 1-in-a-million shot:
-Pig and raft must survive the high-speed de-orbit
-Raft must hit an anchor on the surface and flip right-side-up
-Raft must land in the right place to start the counting. All without killing the pig.

So far, I’ve had this happen once. I got about 20 seconds of walking before the raft broke.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5410 points
By PiGurporal Porker (@mpg973)Score: 170,000

After a long time of trying, I could get a score 180,840 in Angry Birds Space, level S-15!
@Admins @Sunshine Here is screenshot for the Anchors Away badge:

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 159,880

@mpg973 Just curious, what version of AB Space were you running to get Anchors Aweigh?

Rank: Master Slinger with 5410 points
By PiGurporal Porker (@mpg973)Score: 170,000

@Kelani Yesterday

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 159,880

@mpg973 no, I mean what Space version do you have installed? Is it 1.4.0, 1.6.0 or 2.0.0?

To find out: Start Space, then click the round “gear” button at the bottom right of the screen. Now click the i button at the top of that menu. You’ll see a block of words scroll by. The first line says: Angry Birds Space (v1.4.0, v1.6.0. v2.0.0) Copyright

Can you please tell me which of those three numbers you see? If you don’t know, here’s a different question. Does your copy of AB Space have the Beak Impact episodes?

Thanks so much for the help, and congrats on your badge! :)

Rank: Master Slinger with 5410 points
By PiGurporal Porker (@mpg973)Score: 170,000

@Kelani Oh sorry, that’s v2.0.0!

Rank: Sling God with 37645 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Awarded! Congrats @mpg973.

cc. @admins

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 170,000

@Kelani — Since @mpg973 did get the badge running ver. 2.0.2, it is still possible, if very much harder than previously. Will change listing in self-destroying levels forum to reflect this.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 159,880

@mvnla2 Sounds reasonable to me. I think he may have gotten it using the theoretical miracle strategy I posted. I’d really love to know if what he saw was exactly like kinkykiwi’s alt. video or not. Anyway, until I see evidence to the contrary, I’m standing by my statement. :) In the alt. video, the part after the raft is whipped around, where it stops in mid-air, flips over, and floats down to the planet, simply does not happen on PC/iOS v2.0.x. Several people have tried, I even auto-tested it for 72 hours. Nobody can replicate it.

Rank: DaBomb with 480 points
By appleaj (@appleaj)Score: 170,000
Rank: DaBomb with 480 points
By appleaj (@appleaj)Score: 170,000
Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 159,880

@appleaj I saw both your badge posts, and I’ll award your badges shortly. Congrats! If you have time, and don’t mind, can you answer a few questions about this level? I’m just curious, since it really seemed to me that this glitch was fixed with the Beak Impact update, yet a few people seem to still be able to trigger it (I just can’t do it, on PC or iOS).

1. Did you get this Raft glitch on iOS? If so, which version, and which device?
2. What version of AB Space were you using at the time?
3. Did you get this score recently, or was it from some time ago?

Thanks in advance. I’ll take care of your badges now. :)

Rank: DaBomb with 480 points
By appleaj (@appleaj)Score: 170,000

Thanks @kelani !
I’m happy to answer these questions.
1. I play on iOS 7.1.2 on iPhone 4.
2. I use the version specified, v1.5.2, which I downloaded from a third party website. It is the only way I know how to downgrade apps.
3. It was quite a while ago, I’m not sure when, but I only posted it once I qualified for Over the Moon.
I hope this helps you out. I can’t remember the website I used, but if you want it I’m sure a little googling will find it for you. Thanks a million, cheers.

Rank: DaBomb with 480 points
By appleaj (@appleaj)Score: 170,000

Last one @kelani
Who is in control of the Jedi Addict badges? I posted my pic a few weeks back but got no response. Help?

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 159,880

@appleaj Thanks for the info. :) Sorry about us missing your post earlier.

When posting proof for one of these badges, it’s best to send a mention to @admins instead of just one admin. That way, we are all notified, so any of us can take care of it for you. :)

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18615 points
By rubeeinthesky (@rubeeinthesky)Score: 143,050

Hello @admins! I’m sorry to bother, but I’m wondering if there’s been any confirmation on the doableness of this glitch as of now? I’m on an Android with v2.1.1.
Thank you in advance!

Rank: Master Slinger with 6640 points
By E-Star (@e-star)Score: 170,000

@rubeeinthesky not sure actually, I think @kelani was working on finding this out with the info of others, but haven’t seen any chatter about this. @kelani do you know?

Rank: Boss Hog with 14175 points
By knichy (@knichy)Score: 137,340

All i know is, glitch or no glitch, one view of the vid by the great @amslimfordy yielded a 3-star first try. nice after 4 levels in a row where i 3-starred first or second fling, must be some low thresholds. Maybe i’ll come back for the glitch, maybe not, maybe I’ll learn French.

Rank: Shooter with 920 points
By BF10 (@bf10)

I think the glitch is possible in the newer versions, but even harder. I managed to get it, but the raft got past the wall quickly and gave me no points for it. It even continuiously orbitted the planet only giving me about 119k (plus the 20000 for unused eggs) points in the end.

Rank: Shooter with 920 points
By BF10 (@bf10)

Oops, I got only 139k at the end – way less than 160k.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8095 points
By TheArtist (@theartist)Score: 170,000

Got this score ages ago (years ago) but have only just got around to uploading a pic!

Hope that’s ok! @admins

Rank: Sling God with 27800 points
By gumby (@gumby)

@sweetp for the badge

I got this score on my old phone. It won’t let me send it because of no Sim card, so I took a photo of the score with my new phone. If you need further verification I could bring my old phone to Kathy and show her personally.

Rank: Sling God with 27800 points
By gumby (@gumby)

For the Ham Dunk badge, don’t know how I got to this page sorry @sweetp

Rank: Sling God with 36440 points
By PeeJayDee27 (@peejaydee27)Score: 142,720

Just curious, but has anyone been able to get above average since the glitch was fixed? It’s the only level in the episode I can’t improve on and I’m wondering if I’m flogging the proverbial dead horse? 😳

Rank: Avian Overlord with 15960 points
By Brian N (@briann)Score: 170,000

Hi there @ peejaydee27.Like yourself this was the only level in AB Space I couldn’t get above average on the latest version.Came back to it last night and got 3 scores over 144k,2 just under av,1 just above within 1/2 hour of playing.Might have another go when I get back from work later on today.I figured the only way to do it was to involve the snowballs,so lobbed eggy south on edge of first planet.It does an s type curve and lands next to large snowball.I found dragging nearest boat in with snow and trying to land on the small planet yielded best results.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 15960 points
By Brian N (@briann)Score: 170,000

When I say small planet I mean the one with dynamite.

Rank: Sling God with 36440 points
By PeeJayDee27 (@peejaydee27)Score: 142,720

Hi @briann – thanks for posting. I’m presently revisiting ABO levels in a side quest to improve my overall leaderboard position. I’ll have a go at this again though and keep you posted if I get a breakthrough!
(Btw, I’m on Big Setup 9-7 at the moment, and about to respond to a comment from you there too).

Rank: Avian Overlord with 15960 points
By Brian N (@briann)Score: 170,000

No worries @peejaydee27 I did go back to the level later that day and had similar success after an hour or so made 147k,don’t see the av going up any time soon,so happy with that.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 15960 points
By Brian N (@briann)Score: 170,000

Hi @sweetp & @karen68.This is the latest I’ve ever been to a party and I know the sign on the door says ‘closed’ but I managed to find an old version of AB Space that still has the raft glitch and successfully achieved the 170k mark.
Hope the milk of human kindness is running through your veins and my late appeal for an anchors away badge is acceptable.
For the record I took the northern route and it was the raft on the upper planet that kept on racking up the points thus making the kill shot a lot easier.Thanks.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 15960 points
By Brian N (@briann)Score: 170,000

Hi @karen68 @sweetp your silence is killing me. If the answer is no just say, I’m a big boy now!

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