Angry Birds Space Danger Zone Level 27 Walkthrough

Danger Zone level 27 is likely the most difficult level in Danger Zone to 3-star. The general strategy is to send the Red bird below the first planet, through the gap on the right side, and triggering the TNT. This will set off a sequence of explosions. It is incredibly important to pop the pig perched on the wires on the right planet. Send a Lazer bird into the gravitational field of the top planet. After it loops around, redirect into the TNT on the right planet. Repeat this shot with the next bird, but redirect into the TNT of the left planet. After that, you need to hope and pray for enough points, as the threshold here is very high. The score in the video below is 149,290.

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By Martin

OK to make this easier…you need to get the pig by the two wires on the right with your first red bird AS WELL as sparking the TNT…then its not so hard..150K

Rank: Slinger with 1170 points
By pigbob (@pigbob)

This one is a tough one the key being the pig in the wires you can get him first bird but this is hard, another way to get him is to follow the first two birds in video but fire the third bird in the same way and bring it down vertically on the TNT this explosion can send a wooden block to kill wires pig however this is also hard.

By Indie_guy

I just can’t seem to the the pig on the wire with the red bird. it bounces off the walls and avoids the pig. UGH, so frustrating!


You have to be virtually pixel-perfect to get the red bird through to knock off the pig on the wire-it is a very fine cut through the gap to achieve this-top left of “entrance”. I have a 1680×1028 screen and used the background pig-mine spikes as a reference point for each red-bird shot. Finally scraped 3 *-148785

Rank: Master Slinger with 6910 points
By spurs01 (@spurs01)Score: 156,350

I haven’t got 3 stars yet, but bound that bouncing the first bird just slightly off of the spike on the “hoolow pig moon” seems to get that pig each time. If we’re talking about the same pig!

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16160 points
By josephine (@josephine)Score: 153,430

I have a slightly different method. The red bird as the walkthrough. If you aim the laserbeam on the top of what looks like a nose on the bomb, 9 out of 10 you will get through the whole and the tnt will explode. Second bird 45 degrees up, redirecting him at the tnt under the pig with the helmet. Last bird through the left gravity field into the wood on the left side of the pig in stone. This gave me a score of 149.540. Haven’t posted it yet on the leaderboard yet, have to finish (and improve some)levels first.

Rank: Deputized with 190 points
By djp952 (@djp952)Score: 150,895

Was going to post this method as well, got 150K. Like you, rather than winging the laser birds around the asteroid, kept it more simple. A straight down vertical shot through the helmet pig to get the left structure, and a nearly horizontal shot through the wood to dispatch with the right structure. Still needed a little luck to get debris to fall on that final annoying pig, though. I got it in 3 tries this way, I must have spent an hour trying the method in the video, the luck of having the red bird dispatch with that outlying pig AND then make both of those difficult laser shots was very frustrating and never got me more than 143K even when it worked out.

By anj1n

thx alot, got it first try with your method, after hours of frustration with the above video method… 150030 pts btw and some good luck

By Nick

I too used this method and ended up with 149,720. The hardest part for me was hitting the bird on the wire with the red bird. It’s hard to clearly define the sweet spot on an iPhone. :)

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 153,800

Thanks for this strat. Almost the same as this. If you are lucky, the explosion from the second bird will take out that pesky pig. I used the 3rd shot around the upper planet as in video; this can also get that pesky pig, but not very often. BTW, instructions that specify aim-points in relation to background “nose of bomb” only work if you know how much zoom you are using, and whether or not you are all the way to the right / left of screen. I have also sometimes suspected that the relative position of the background is device dependent.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16160 points
By josephine (@josephine)Score: 153,430

p.s. i’am on a IPad and zoomed in as much as possible

Rank: Hardened with 725 points
By epidemic27 (@epidemic27)Score: 150,350

If you don’t get that pig with first shot you can get him with the last. Instead of going around the back of the moon with the third shot you can cut through the gap to hit the near side of the last structure. Killing the pig and detonating the TNT.

By Jim

I did this as well. Specifically, I shot the first two birds just is in the walk through, but did not get the pesky pig behind the wire with shot one. I shot the third bird up and just a little to the right, and then tapped the screen to redirect the bird into the block with the metal X on it on the left side of the far-right structure. The bird detonated the TNT and all the pigs, including the pesky one, fell. I finally got 149,915 using this method. But neither this method, nor the one in the walk through, always gets you to three stars, even when it succeeds in getting all the piggies.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6020 points
By Graypets (@graypets)Score: 154,210

That method’s awesome! Thanks a lot! :-)

By Jukka Laine of Finland

Yep. This works just fine. 152880.

Rank: Hardened with 725 points
By epidemic27 (@epidemic27)Score: 150,350

Err, rewatched, I do the two structures in the other order. Nearest by going around the two moons and doubling back, then same trajectory but cut between the left and top moon to hit left side of right structure.

By Indie_guy

I don’t get it. 10 out 10 times my red bird gets sucked to the pile of rocks and doesn’t make it to the pig. I’ve tried throwing him around the gravity like lazer and have had no luck.

By magickal.kitten

I know exactly what you mean. I got “pesky pig” once, after I lost count of the attempts, only to get nervous/excited & botched the 2nd shot! I wanted to pluck all my feathers out!! Ended up getting it the same way as video; all my attempts at creativity in between failed. Good luck & keep trying some of the other great ideas posted here :-)

Rank: Shooter with 870 points
By Soul (@soul)

After trying for TWO hours to kill the pig on the wires, I got it. I fired the Lazer Bird and… I missed ;-;

By Indie_guy

After two hours you only hit the pig on the wire once?! Try throwing up across the two moons.

Rank: Debriefed with 1345 points
By Mobious (@mobious74)Score: 152,880

I feel your pain…I’ve done that twice now…I hate this level…trying the two moon shot now…

Rank: Debriefed with 1345 points
By Mobious (@mobious74)Score: 152,880

oi…should have done that earlier…152880

Rank: Well Traveled with 1565 points
By Angry_Bird (@angry_bird)

Two Moon shot is much easier!!

Rank: Hardened with 510 points
By keymeister (@keymeister)Score: 150,070

I am struggling with that stupid pig as well I found an alternative method where you send the 2nd bird under the 1st planet as well! Gets the pig most times! Video is here-

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)Score: 151,065

That first shot is a nightmare. Will try you approach, ty for sharing.

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)Score: 151,065

This is a very good method. It gives you two chances to get that pesky pig.
First with the red bird, then with laser.

Rank: Hardened with 510 points
By keymeister (@keymeister)Score: 150,070

Sorry forgot to post my score with the above method in the excitement!!! 150070

By Erren

I got 159,495 with two shots. Send the red bird up around to where the 4 pigs are piled up. You have to hit the stone blocks there. 1 out of 4 times you’ll detonate the TNT there. Next, send the rocket bird under the closest planet (where the guide above recommends the red bird goes first); when you’re about to reach the chain reaction TNT, direct the rocket bird toward the furthest TNT at the top right. If you get lucky, you’ll hit the solitary pig and detonate the last TNT after causing the chain reaction. I’ve gotten 3 stars a few times even when I didn’t get lucky there when I used the third bird. Hope that makes sense.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7315 points
By rjohnson_8ball (@rjohnson_8ball)Score: 151,515

This is the method I used too.Red bird takes out left pigs, lasar down under and up toward TNT and trouble pig. Then finish off the right side as in the video.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9535 points
By sandjoy (@sandjoy)Score: 151,130

Hooray! Thank you! This method id awesome.

By Pie

This is probably the best strategy ever. I wasn’t able to use it (not enough attempts I guess), but I got the 2 shots separately, so I knew it is theoretically possible. Great to hear I’m not the only one who thought of this!

By Zigmund

Great stategy, it took a lot of prctice, esp 2nd shot, but i got 164.415 !!!

Rank: Explosive with 2205 points
By loox (@loox)Score: 152,210

Agreed… I used a variant of this strategy as well… 3 starred the level in a few minutes. The key is to use 1st red to blow top left TNT (by the 4 pigs)… Though its fine if you don’t. I first tried shooting him in the gap but then realized that was way too hard.

As posted, use a laser bird aimed low, then shoot up, into gap, TNT and this will take care of the pesky pig in the wire.

Last laser to front of top right structure.

I used all birds since red didn’t get the TNT,so 3 stars possible with all birds. If bird 1 didn’t get TNT, then it should at least clear the way to it. Then send bird Two straight up… When at level of TNT shoot it 90 degrees to the right, this will take care of a LOT!

Bird 3, just like erren’s second bird.

Bird 4, come straight in to left side of upper right structure, blow TNT for 3 stars.

Rank: Explosive with 2205 points
By loox (@loox)Score: 152,210

Sorry, bird 3 like Ellen’s if any bottom pigs don’t remain. If they do, send lazer under close planet and into gap where everyone is having trouble hitting the TNT with the red bird… Much easier to do with laser

Rank: Out of this World with 2535 points
By Nardles (@nardles)Score: 165,780

Definately the best strat. I actually didn’t explode the TNT on the first shot. The left most TNT box slid all the way to the right, and I was able to cause a chain reaction with the second bird that collapsed everything.

Rank: Hardened with 530 points
By Nicolas1er (@nicolas1er)Score: 162,140

thanks for the strategy, it take time but I have got 162,140 !!!!!

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 153,800

@Erren — Thanks! Used your strat to get above average (for the second time : (( ) at 153800. On first shot, zoom all the way in and pass as close to the top right corner of the wire triangle, this should land rb at seam between 2 vertical stone blocks and detonate TNT most of the time. I never managed to get both TNTs with second bird; just got chain reaction. Used 3 bird as in video (loop around upper planet) to get final TNT and structure.

By Angelica

Can’t get the pig on the wires with first bird? Try same method as video with red bird. Then with first laser bird around upper planet shoot into the TNT on the first planet to clear all of that. Second laser bird along the first planets gravity and into the LEFT side of the last TNT. Finally got the pig on the wires and 152,050!

Rank: Deputized with 175 points
By JC (@jcbird)Score: 151,230

Angelica’s method was much more consistent for me.
Red bird just has to detonate the TNT, don’t worry about the wired pig like in video (too much luck based).
Second bird (laser bird) Just has to clear left planet of the pig pile so that third bird (laser bird 2) can have a clear straight shot at the LEFT of the last structure (right planet. Aim for the wood behind the wire frames). The TNT exploded from left side will press some debris into the last wire pig everyone hates.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9325 points
By f91jsw (@f91jsw)Score: 154,190

Feel embarassed to say this, but I got three stars on my first completed attempt (after maybe 5 or 6 aborted attempts). The pig on the wires was killed by flying debris from the last explosion.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9325 points
By f91jsw (@f91jsw)Score: 154,190

Just repeated it… Frankly, I don’t see the need for taking out the pig on wires with first shot. My strat:

1st bird: as in video but don’t worry about the pig on wires.
2nd bird: north of big planet, tap vertically down on the left TNT.
3d bird: around the big planet and tap on right TNT. This usually kills the pig on wires.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6960 points
By iamMighty (@iammighty)Score: 165,380

Used the ‘tap-vertically’ methode and got 153k!

By ncmike1

Jim’s idea of putting the red bird as in the walkthrough, then the second bird to take out the structure on the top planet instead of going around to take out the sturcture on the third planet like the walkthroug says, and then putting the third bird into the top of the gravity field of the first planet so it curves around even with the box with the X on the left side of the structure on the third planet…worked for me. The third bird can take out the pesky pig as well as the structure.
I finally got it using this method after working on it for two days.

Rank: Deputized with 100 points
By vuongot (@vuongot)Score: 158,710

I used another way.
First Red bird i used to destroyed the Top Right TNT and it’s structure. Then i use second bird (lazerbird) as the same turn with the walkthrough, arm it to the pesky pig. And then, the last? so easy…. I did it in only one tried with this idea. Sorry about my ‘Engrish’.

Rank: Debriefed with 1450 points
By Rob48 (@rob48)Score: 148,010

Finally! By 10 points. Right at the last second a block toppled and gave me 148,010!

Rank: Gold Flinger with 7660 points
By BBinMiami (@bbinmiami)

This level wasn’t very hard for me,I defeated it on my 3rd try and got over 15K.

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 153,800

Presumably you mean 150K??? If you are only going to list a score, without the strategy you used, you should post your score on the leaderboard, not here. Notice you haven’t put this score on the leaderboard (yet?)

Rank: Gold Flinger with 7660 points
By BBinMiami (@bbinmiami)

I used the exact same strategy as shown above,just got a lot of points.

By Jennifer Cooke-Rabig

Thanks so much josephine and djp952 …. finally got it your way, but not quite enough stuff destroyed to get 3* .. 142,760. Will keep trying and thanks for posting!

By Jennifer Cooke-Rabig

Oh my … next time I made 148,450 … thanks again for posting!

By Sandman

I made it with 2 birds—159,200 send the first one to the little stone wall on left of the planet most close to you(end of rail that one with three pigs on a side)and try to blow up the tnt, the 2nd shot its the tricky one…send the lazer bird below the first planet, through the gap on the right side, and triggering the TNT(first step of the strategy posted here)but the bird must be pass through and kill the pig in the second planet, and destroy the structure blowing the tnt..and thats all!!

By teenietaters

YES!!! This is the only method I could get that pesky ‘trouble’ pig in the helmet with. I was so glad to read that someone else had used the same method. It is a little tricky finding the sweet spot to redirect the Lazer Bird, but once you find it, it is by far the easier method to manage this level with and I went back and tried it a few more times to make sure it wasn’t a fluke…Two Birds, also 159,200!

Rank: Flinger with 35 points
By TommygunDTW (@tommygundtw)

an easier way is to just get tnt to blow up with red bird, 2nd bird outside left g field and fire about mid way between top and left g fields aimed at the bottom bars of the right structure ( takes out that piggy a lil easier ) third bird round the planet aim at the tnt in left structure boom 156,595

By Bayla Anderson

If you miss the pig on the right planet with the red bird don’t give up, in stead of sending the lazer bird around the top planet send him up just out side the gravity and redirect him straight down into the TNT on the left planet, sometime the debris hits the pig on the right planet. Also after you have done that with your first lazer bird, you can send the second one straight troughs (between) the left planet and the one on top, and redirect him into the TNT on the right planet (that only works about 1/3 if the time, but it does work) I hope I described this okay, I don’t know how to make videos if it :-/ good luck and happy pig hunting everyone!

By FlyHi

Thanks Bayla,
It is great to read the posts and try the strats one by one.
Yours is definitely the one that made it for me. I think you are the first to send first laser vertically down into TNT. And then just next laser from the left into far away TNT.
Great strategy!

By Jmb82

Think I’ve found an easier method… Red bird like most other methods to detonate explosions. Second bird upwards to come directly down to the side of the TNT. Third bird…. Don’t bother with any orbits, send to the left of the planets and aim directly right to the metal structure by the remaining TNT. Over 153,000 and took about 10 tried with this method

By Jmb82

Oh, and it doesn’t matter if you don’t get that other pig with this method as the last bird will take it out

By ronaldtou

I agree djip952’s method is definitely easier that trying to get that pesky pig with the Red Bird. On my first try got 147955 – could have cried. 5 try’s later got 151070 Hooray !

By Maiasatara

Don’t know what’s worse; that the red bird only gets the job done one out of fifty times or the quirk in Space where the trajectory resets when you lift your finger to let a bird fly. Making this almost impossible to three star.

Rank: Out of this World with 2885 points
By mjr73 (@mjr73)Score: 148,415

glad to see i’m not the only one having this happen, thought i’d lost my technique. So annoying that >70% of the time the trajectory shifts after aiming when i lift my finger, never felt it was an issue in other AB’s

By Chris Duffy

Thanks for your help on this one. Using your angles I got 153,600!

By mattb

The gravitational pull on your game seems to be completely different than on mine. If I send my first bird anywhere near the edge as you do in this video it over shoots the gap in the spikes by a mile. I have to practically shoot straight at the hole to get it it.

If only popped the pig on the wires once by dumb luck. If only I could get a similar trajectory

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 149,295

Don’t do a full pull.

By Kyle

Found a much easier way than trying to get the red bird through that little gap on the right side of the bottom planet so that it hits that loner pig that causes all this levels problems.

Use the red bird and go around the top of the closest planet and hit the metal blocks, detonating the TNT. You kind of have to try it out a few times to get it. Then send the purple bird first looping around the far right, and then the next below the closer planet, triggering the three TNT.

By simonty

This level is making me crazy!,

By Dragontech64

I know. You have to hit that red bird PERFECTLY to get the pig on the wire on the right side planet, but I finally managed it at 151870. I find that if you line up the shot guide dots along the base of the background mines spike, and don’t shoot at full power, it has a better chance of getting that pig.

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