Angry Birds Space Danger Zone Level 27 Walkthrough

Danger Zone level 27 is likely the most difficult level in Danger Zone to 3-star. The general strategy is to send the Red bird below the first planet, through the gap on the right side, and triggering the TNT. This will set off a sequence of explosions. It is incredibly important to pop the pig perched on the wires on the right planet. Send a Lazer bird into the gravitational field of the top planet. After it loops around, redirect into the TNT on the right planet. Repeat this shot with the next bird, but redirect into the TNT of the left planet. After that, you need to hope and pray for enough points, as the threshold here is very high. The score in the video below is 149,290.

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By Chris

Red bird as described, but no need to worry about the pig on the right. Second bird aim high left and come down onto TNT to clear remainder of the big planet. Third bird aim high left again but aim for the base of the structure on the right hand planet. The stack will start to fall and the TNT will throw debris and hit the pig everyone worries about

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9295 points
By georgerxtx (@georgerxtx)Score: 152,830

Do you have video of this method please

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9295 points
By georgerxtx (@georgerxtx)Score: 152,830

Used this approach for 152830. 3 * Yippee.

By Ken

This is a way better method!! Worked first try!! Well done!!

Rank: Champion with 3005 points
By sfarmer1228 (@sfarmer1228)

Perfect!!! Got it on the 4th try 152090!!! Very happy!

Rank: Well Traveled with 1940 points
By alexmiller (@alexmiller)

149,790 on the second try with this method. Awesome, thanks. I could just never get the first bird to work the other way.

Rank: DaBomb with 315 points
By fruehb (@fruehb)Score: 152,650

Very easy and repeatable

Rank: Shooter with 860 points
By mwryum (@mwryum)Score: 152,970

Agreed and tried, got 3 stars finally. This alternative strategy is far superior and reliable, and far easier to replicate.

Rank: Shooter with 825 points
By MaxxScore (@maxxscore)

153,330 with this method. My variation was to go over the top of the top planet to take the second shot (at the TNT that’s left after the first shot). That was, for me, much more reliable than shooting going straigh up and shooting to the right through the wood – and maybe stone. The third shot is per the discussion – fling the bird up and shoot at the wire baskets at the base of the 3rd tower. That takes out the on the wire.

NOTE: It’s possible to clear all the TNT and pigs on the bottom with the first bird – I did it twice – but it’s highly unreliable.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 164,780

147,990 w/ variation MaxxScore mentioned. Although I figured it out by trial and error (the hard way). Yeah, no 3 stars yet, but I can get detonations of all tnts and kill that stupid wire pig nearly 100% of the time with this one. 2nd shot around the top planet also seems to do a bit more dsmg.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6640 points
By E-Star (@e-star)Score: 155,480

Sorry there are to many post to read through, so I place my video in a new post. This was the hardest level to crack top 100.

Most of the time I didn’t get the Pig on the wire, but it’s easy enough to get him with the second shot. All my birds went full strength. i’m not that consistant with the speed, so when I have to repeat a strat over and over, I like it when I only have to aim for a certain point and don’t have to worry about speed. So the red bird I send under the planet into the gap. The second bird, the Lazer bird I send the same way. Just when He passes the “doorway” of the gap, target the bird to the highest little piggie. This gives you a 75 percentage change all the right piggies go bye bye! The last one I shot from the top atmosphere straight down onto the Pig with the helmet.

Hope you like my video, this one has keeping me up nights, couldn’t pass 155k for a gaziljon times, always between 146k and 150k

Rank: Explosive with 2125 points
By xXAngryBirdLover2214Xx (@angrybirdlover2)

this video has helped me get my 3 stars on this level!thanks!

By Liam

155410 – Thanks! excellent video, as always! Got me above the 3* score!

My first try was a 3*(148040), RB through the gap, 1st LB through the gap to the right structure, 2nd LB up and in from the left side ( I’m on a PC ). That last one was pure luck it got the TNT!

Rank: Debriefed with 1415 points
By fidslady (@fidslady)Score: 155,640

Almost the same way I’ve been doing it but I reverse the second and third shots. The second shot from up by the top planet and then the third shot is a little easier. Shot the purple bird in to the planets gravity just a little over the destruction from the second shot, after a try to two you’ll know where works for you. You want the purple bird to pass over to almost between the two bottom planets and hit the same point at the wood and wire frame you were aiming at. You don’t have to let the bird go that far but I found my destruction was better and points slightly higher.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1960 points
By z0z0 (@z0z0)Score: 158,100

My method is described by fids. In combination with the video I got some extra 1000s above the score I had before watching the strat page.

Rank: Champion with 3005 points
By sfarmer1228 (@sfarmer1228)

THANK YOU!!! Been playing this for days and just got it!! This is much easier than the video above!!!

Rank: Out of this World with 2510 points
By brave1966 (@brave1966)

@e-star : This is a brilliant strat! :) 152980 after two tries. Mega-Thanks! :D

Rank: Master Slinger with 6640 points
By E-Star (@e-star)Score: 155,480

As always, glad I could help out :)

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 161,520

That’s a real tough shot @E-Star nice Flinging..I’m going to have to practice this one!!
Lol i think i need to re-visit this whole episode…ty for the video:)

Rank: Master Slinger with 5325 points
By ABcrazy (@abcrazy)Score: 156,920

@E-star I had trouble getting this vid to work too. Dunno if its just me, but no matter, your description was enough and now…. Oh, oh, oh, I am just DZ Addicted! :-D

Rank: Master Slinger with 6640 points
By E-Star (@e-star)Score: 155,480

Think it is your connection or device, cause this one works just fine for me… but way to go! Congratz on becoming an Addict :D


If you miss the right hand pig on your first shot, follow the same instructions but take out the left and stack first. With the second laser bird, fire it before it enters the gravitational field and take out the base scaffolding on the right hand stack. That should kill even the elusive pig and give a score of 150,000+

Rank: Shooter with 950 points
By Byunghun (@byunghun)Score: 153,870

Can someone give me a good method that might give 155K or more? I still don’t have 3 stars and this is the only one I still need.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)Score: 150,770

Check out E-Star’s video just a few posts above this one – she got 155 using it.

Rank: Shooter with 950 points
By Byunghun (@byunghun)Score: 153,870

Thanks. I got about 150K. Not the desired amount, but it’s better than nothing.

Rank: Shooter with 950 points
By Byunghun (@byunghun)Score: 153,870

Also, I’m about to add my Danger Zone scores. If you could give me a tip to which levels to improve so I could get score addict that would be great.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)Score: 150,770

Once you add your scores you’ll see how you compare to top scores and average scores – that’s the best way to go about it.

Rank: Shooter with 950 points
By Byunghun (@byunghun)Score: 153,870

I basically have the average for each level. The only problem is I still lack 40K. Any tips?

Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)Score: 150,770

I’m about where you are – If I find any I’ll let you know. If you could do the same that’d be great.

Rank: Shooter with 950 points
By Byunghun (@byunghun)Score: 153,870

You should try level 4 again. Try and get a 0-birder.

Rank: Shooter with 950 points
By Byunghun (@byunghun)Score: 153,870

That might get you an extra 20-30K.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)Score: 150,770

Do you mean the wait-all-night strategy?

Rank: Shooter with 950 points
By Byunghun (@byunghun)Score: 153,870


Rank: Debriefed with 1415 points
By fidslady (@fidslady)Score: 155,640

I could never get that to work for me. 16 hours was the most I let it sit but I still always needed to use a bird.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18405 points
By JTB (@jtb)Score: 157,220

Wow, this was a tough level. I couldn’t get the second shot and could barely get the first shot in the walk through. Here’s what I did:

1 – Red bird goes through the gap and sets off those explosions
2 – Sent the 1st Laser to destroy the left structure by sending it up at about a 45 degree angle and then down onto the pig just above the TNT
3 – Threw the 2nd Laser in the same direction around the left planet but getting it into the gravitational field so that I could then re-direct it up towards the cage on the right structure destroying that and getting all the pigs on that side

Good Luck!

By Dell

YOU WOULD WANT TO READ THIS: Getting straight to the point, I had to do this my own way, because the method in the video didn’t work for me at all. With the first purple bird, I discovered I was actually getting better results when I fired him to the left of the first planet, THEN when it got in line with that problem pig (I’ve been using that phrase since my first problem pig in “Angry Birds”[episode “Poached Eggs”, Level 3-1]), the one in the planet on the right, THAT’S when I tapped on that vertical slab of wood in the structure next to that problem pig. That sends the purple bird THROUGH the gravitational sphere intersections (which this game has educated us on the name: the Lagrangian Field), and there’s a great chance he’ll collide into that slab of wood. As the structure collapses, it will detonate the TNT and the exposion and the collapse combine to send the debris over to fall on top of the problem pig. THIS the key, becauuse 1) It is EXTREMELY DIFFICULT (i.e., impossible, at least on the iPhone 4) to get the red bird to break through to kill the problem pig, as he does in this video, and 2), it is likewise impossible to kill that problem pig with the 1st purple bird, attacking that structure from the right. I STILL had to work at it, but my way worked, this vid DIDN’T >:(

By Dell

Btw, I scored 148,470 points ;)

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 149,295

We appreciate you submitting an alternative strategy, but the video strategy is not “impossible” on any device. However, we explicitly say that this is the most difficult level in all of Danger Zone and that our video represents one possible method.

Rank: Debriefed with 1415 points
By fidslady (@fidslady)Score: 155,640

Dell – Try switching the second and third shots. Then once the plant on the left has everything destroyed the third shot is much easier.

By Sam the man

Much easier like this:
1: red bird hitting the base of the pyramid looking pile on the big planet. TNT has to detonate.
2: nxt bird below the big planet and the laser shot through the gap
3: third bird through the gravitation field of the big planet (upper side) all the way to the right hand planet. Laser shot through the base part of that structure will detonate the TNT and you are done!

By anonymouse

I got 162,060 using this method, but before reading this level’s strategy. wanted to see why some were saying it’s the most difficult when I couldn’t get a few others instead: 15, 26, and 2 or 3 others :p

did you get higher than me in this one, sam?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 149,295

I had forgotten how difficult this level is… BUT! I just managed to 3-star this level in only 15 minutes to finish all of Space on PC as well!!

Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)Score: 150,770

that level was a beast…

Rank: Champion with 3420 points
By Dorito (@dorito)Score: 152,750

Wow, I got it! Different strategy, though. Shot the red bird around the top empty planet, had it circle around the right planet, and popped both the wire pig and set of the TNT chain reaction. Then, I did what the rest of the video said. Final score: 152,750. :)

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9210 points
By jbygden (@jbygden)Score: 157,000

I actually managed to two-bird this after a couple of hours.
Red bird to the bottom of the “factory/pyramid” to the left and get the TNT under the helmeted pig.
First purple bird like the red in the video. It went through the TNT (setting off the chain-reaction), through the pig “on the wire” and continued into the structure on the right, setting off that TNT as well.

Not that much collateral damage though.


Rank: Sling God with 37070 points
By catsnbirds (@catsnbirds)Score: 161,450

I’ve used both the @e-star method (for a score of about 155K) and @jbygden ‘s strategy for my current 161+K score. On the second shot the wire pig was not eliminated by the bird, but by debris thrown up when the TNT blew. Think I’ve had enough DZ for a while!

Rank: Boss Hog with 13905 points
By nice_psycho (@philip)Score: 158,920

Worked for me :-) and – sorry – got nearly 2000 Points more.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 161,520

arghhhh !! This was brutal i had forgotten how bad !! But. .tada thanks @jbygden I finally managed a decent score using your strat..ty ty ty:)

By Michelle

I shot bird 1 as shown, then sent bird 2 on exactly the same trajectory. Just as it approaches the gap, direct it to he wooden block on the left of the tower on the right-most asteroid. With luck it will shoot the pig on the wires, collapse the tower, set of the TNT & clear nearly everything on that rock. Third bird, fire as shown in the video, but don’t worry about getting it to go around he planett, direct it to the TNT when it is right above.

Getting 3 stars seems to depend on how much grass is taken out on the first shot.

By gamelover

I’m so lucky!!! I used 3 birds and it is adding 10000 to my score, when suddenly a brick fell and I got just enough to 3 stars! Yay

Rank: Well Traveled with 1990 points
By Fillmore1234 (@fillmore1234)Score: 153,520

Fire it exactly like this as your first shot.

If you get it right, 2 out of 3 times it will pop the wire pig. This level was easy for me using this shot, then go and finish the rest of the level. I would love to hear feedback from this and Idk if anyone else has done or mentioned this shot yet, but here’s a picture to help you out ;)

Rank: Well Traveled with 1990 points
By Fillmore1234 (@fillmore1234)Score: 153,520

Well that was for nothing haha. Slim’s shot in the video was basically the same shot as mine. But at least you have the screenshot haha.

Rank: Deputized with 115 points
By crazywolf234 (@crazywolf234)Score: 149,730

this one took me close to an hour straight (i don’t exactly how long i didn’t pay attention) but what helped was to not shoot to hard and line up you helping dots between the spikes on the pig bomb

By Zach

Aim the red bird to the upper part of the big planet, shoot him just over the triangle wire that’s attached to the far left piece of wood. If you shoot the red bird right he will crash through the stone bricks and detonate the TNT at the top of the big planet, killing almost all the pigs on that planet. Then shoot your first purple bird under the big planet and through the gap to detonate the TNT on the wire at the right side of the big planet, this will destroy the remainder of pigs on the big planet. Lastly, shoot the next purple bird inbetween the big planet and the up high planet, wait till the right moment and redirect him to the far right planet through the wire boxes into the TNT. With a few tries this was much easier for me than the video on AngryBirdsNest. I scored 150,100.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1960 points
By z0z0 (@z0z0)Score: 158,100

The 153k was done with fitz and @e-star tactic. The 158k was done with a 2 birder. It’s been described below by @jbygden but I’ll hand out my tips as well.

Red bird into the northwest building. The separation between the 2 blocks give decent results, aim it just over the triangle hanging out. Breaking the triangle makes it a lot harder to explode the tnt. It’s easier to break the triangle with debris.
Purple bird aimed for the south ‘mine’. Actually it’s best to get it on the west side of the opening so you can accelerate it trough the tnt and get to the east side of the wall, speeding into the north east building making it blast.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1960 points
By z0z0 (@z0z0)Score: 158,100

The game stalled on this try below. It shows the trajectory of the 2nd bird.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14935 points
By swellD (@swelld)Score: 161,900

exactly the strat I used thanks @z0z0

Rank: Boss Hog with 14935 points
By swellD (@swelld)Score: 161,900
Rank: Sling God with 33790 points
By sparty83 (@sparty83)Score: 163,930

Thanks for the vid, improved my score from 152k to 163k. Almost reset it on my high score attempt. Saw a score of 143k and thought I only had 1 bird left, not 2. Quick math said I would only have 153k. Hit the pause and then thought, wait a sec, I only flung 2 birds, went back in and saw 2 birds left. Whew, I almost blew it.

Alas, only up to #11, not high enough for the underdog. Maybe tomorrow. (yes, keep telling yourself, maybe tomorrow)

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17470 points
By gladvold (@gladvold)Score: 155,690

Thanks @jbygden
@swelld Since your video link doesn’t work anymore, I’ll link to the one I just made. Not as high a score, 155k, but it shows the method.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 17470 points
By gladvold (@gladvold)Score: 155,690

Everyplay is discontinued, here’s the video on YouTube.

Rank: Sling God with 45780 points
By karen68 (@karen68)Score: 157,660

@z0z0 thanks for detailing this one, @swelld thank you for the video. This one seems very dependant on the debris, a lot of scores I got with 2 birds weren’t even worth 3 stars, until I finally hit 157k. My best 3-bird score was 156k.
I found the 1st shot tough, I probably had the best luck hitting right at the join of the 2 vertical stones, but I didn’t have a great success rate. A few times if I didn’t get the TNT with the red bird but did enough damage to the surrounding structure it was set off by the chain reaction from the 2nd shot. I would fling the 2nd bird each time, mainly for practice as it’s so tough, but also just in case I could get that TNT with shot 2.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14935 points
By swellD (@swelld)Score: 161,900

@karen68 that’s true. debris matters a lot. I do find that this strat is much easier to 3 star this level though and does not take long to do either. I got my score with 2 birds but can repeatably use three to clear and three star. Maybe this should be changed to the walk-through vid. what do you think @sal ?

Rank: Boss Hog with 14685 points
By xebic88 (@xebic88)Score: 165,660

@z0z0 and @swelld ,thanks heaps for the video , i can remember just wanting to leave this level way back when lol..,i have been taking the first shot ,and then even if it did not hit the mark ,i was using the other birds with my screen zoomed out just practicing the second shot ,and if i did get a good first shot ,just go through the motions ,when i got this score i had just over 60k on first bird ,which had clipped the very end of the triangle and took out the metal box with the cross ,and was already shooting second shot ,and although it went where i wanted it to it was a few seconds before it blew ,so i readily admit alot of luck with my score ,so thanks again with the help :)…i aim my second shot a few bird lenghts of the tip of the greenery ,and redirect the bird just before the gap..Good luck to all ,<great score @karen68

Rank: Sling God with 45780 points
By karen68 (@karen68)Score: 157,660

@xebic88 if my score is great then yours is truly awesome! I’ve done an awful lot of “practicing” on this one. I was averaging around 50k after the 1st shot, if I get a chance I’ll try clipping the triangle with the 1st bird, although I have to say I’m pretty fed up with this level. I think a lot of flingers are finding it hard, the improved list is much shorter than usual today. Great flinging, congrats :)

Rank: Boss Hog with 14685 points
By xebic88 (@xebic88)Score: 165,660

tThanks very much @karen68 ,i must admit i was not going to give this stage as much time as i would of some others ,and have been very fortunate to have had been able to see what was possible before digging in for a few hours ,lol,.but i look forward to another level i must admit ,see u there your Highness :)

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 164,780

Love the strat. Got me above 160k

For added fun, make Red screech right before he hits the stone blocks. Time it right and a whole pile of pigs jump out of the grav field. Looks like piggy fireworks.

By Sam Emzee

MUCH EASIER SOLUTION TO DANGER ZONE 27 (Consistently scores >150,000 points):

1) Launch Red Bird into the left side of the gravitational filed around the largest planet, aiming it so that it just misses the handle-like structure protruding out to the left of the structure on the planet and hits the stone wall just above the junction between the two stone blocks. This should detonate the TNT and destroy the entire structure.
2) Launch the first Lazer Bird also to the left of the largest planet, but keep it out of the gravitational field. Once it lines up with an imaginary line connecting the two points where the edges of the gravitational fields of the largest and smallest planets cross, redirect it to hit the lower left corner of the structure on the mid-sized planet. Aim it at the lower right corner of the rectangular open block with the single diagonal that is underneath the square open block with the two diagonals. This should cause the structure to collapse, detonate the TNT, and wipe out that pesky pig sitting by itself. If you are VERY VERY lucky, you might hit one of the boxes of TNT under the train and destroy it too, thereby completing the level with two Lazer Birds to spare.
3) If you are not lucky, aim the next Lazer Bird, also to the left, so that it JUST misses the gravitational field of the largest planet and passes through the gravitational field around the smallest planet, which it uses to slingshot around it. Once it lines up with the clear area between the gravitational fields of the smallest and mid-sized planets, redirect it to hit the middle box of TNT under the train. This should destroy the entire structure and complete the level with one Lazer Bird to spare. (Another option is to hit the right-most box of TNT under the train, but this is more difficult to do).

By John Puskar

Angry birds danger 27. This is much easier to accomplish in with 2 birds. Send first bird north just above triangle sticking out and that demolishes that structure leaving train. Send lazor bird in southern hemisphere then lazor northeasterly to take out pig with helmet and setting of chain reaction on TNT and the lazor will usually follow though into top right structure. I have score close to 160,000 and it’s way easier

Rank: Champion with 3510 points
By Slinger (@mudslinger)Score: 163,800

I seem to get higher scores by making pigs jump and commit mutual suicide. Tap as red passes over the four pigs. I think this alows for more collateral damage as pigs are not there to cushion the flying debris.

By Carole

I missed the pig on it’s own with the red bird over and over again, so I used the second lazer bird to smash into the exposed wooden block at the front of the far tower.
The top of the tower fell off and squashed the piggie-wig, then the TNT exploded.
Everything else I did the same as in the video. I just thought this method was more reliable

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