Angry Birds Space Brass Hogs Mirror Level M9-9 Walkthrough

Here is our strategy for Angry Birds Space Brass Hogs Mirror Level M9-9. This level is unlocked by obtaining 3 stars on Brass Hogs Level 9-9. The strategy shown yields a score of 72,240.

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Comments (15)

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 79,600

@lesleyg Congrats on the trophy :) any breadcrumbs for me?

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 79,600

@Angry Advisor ? Lol idk which one works now?

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 79,600

ohh darn @AngryAdvisor ?

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16885 points
By Rat (@rat9)Score: 79,800

I’m entering this strategy only because no one has posted one yet and I’m in 1st place at the moment. It will not hold up. There is a better Rat trap out there waiting to be discovered.

1st shot: Hit the concrete triangle on the left side of the near floating pig. Debris will be pushed onto the planet activating gas canister.

2nd shot. Aim close to the right orb. When he’s perpendicular to the crane ball, redirect to hit the ball and continue on into the structure beneath the pig.

I don’t like this strategy but hate when flingers don’t post more.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16885 points
By Rat (@rat9)Score: 79,800

Ha ha ha ha ha Oopsy! It should say hit the triangle on the RIGHT side of the floating pig. Sorry about that flingers. I hope you read this amendment before you waste too much time hitting the left triangle. Ha ha ha

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 79,600

Great stRat @rat9 ! thanks ! I’m sure you’ll get the trophy back before i even finish posting this lol..

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 82,240

@Kathy – Sorry for my delay to your call for help above! I’ve been out of town. I see you ended up using the RatStrat and had Top Score…until he came back and took it back, ;-)

I came back to try and remember what I did so I could leave you some breadcrumbs and, Viola! I got my Top Score back, Yippee! Sorry @Rat ;-)

I hated this level at first and could barely get an above average score! Then I got it for one of my “Daily Missions” to “Beat your own score” and it took a LOT of tries! For my original top score, I played similar to the video but I got so aggravated with that stupid floating metal triangle, just outside the gravity circle, so I change things up…and it worked!

So here’s my new and improved strat:

I aimed the Laser bird so the trajectory dots go right between the ears of the top rightmost bubble pig. I tapped on that top floating cement triangle( just outside the gravity circle) about 2/3rds of the way there, like this:

The Laser bird will pop him then he, or sometimes the little cement piece will ricochet down to pop the bottom pig…meanwhile debris will float over and push that triangle in(sometimes it’s painfully slow to happen and stops just short, ugh!)…which lands on the end of the long cement rod, triggering the gas canister. From there…you just have to keep repeating it until you get enough damage…40K or higher for higher scores. In my screenshot of 41K+, I went to take a screenshot for you and it caused the app to crash! I was so mad!!! It took several hours more and then some to get it back and I’ve since had a couple of 42K+ after first bird. For my Top Score of 82240, I had 42690 with the first bird. Sometimes the score tallies up quick but sometimes be patient…as points can slowly accumulate even after the canister has stopped so be sure it’s done before sending the second birdie ;-)

I haven’t quite mastered the second shot…I just send him close to the “orb” and as soon as he enters the gravity circle, I tap just above the remaining top left piglet. I usually end up only getting about 9K or 10K but have had 11K+ so I’m sure a new Sheriff will be arriving behind me.

Good Luck and I hope this helps :-)

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 79,600

Ahahaha @lesleyg and The Trophy goes round & round where it stops nobody knows lol!! @rat9 has a habit of explaining his strat, letting me beat it and swooping in like a hawk and stealing it back lol..
Thanks for the breadcrumbs and I’ll be back on it in a flash !
Congratulations on the trophy :)

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 82,240

Thank you @Kathy ;-) Yes…I’m sure he will swoop back in the take his spot back again, Tee Hee ;-)))

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 79,600

tee hee @lesleyg I’m keeping him busy in mirror levels beak impact so maybe you’ll hold it for a bit hopefly;)

Rank: Sling God with 20005 points
By MicroMax (@micromax)Score: 79,360

Guess what Mr. Rat (@rat9), I ended up using the left concrete triangle. I will however not disclose, if it happened for not reading your amendment or despite reading it ;^D

As usual, video for details:

Rank: Sling God with 46135 points
By comex666 (@comex666)Score: 82,280

similar like walkthrough-video and all other
first bird slow, don´t hit a triangle, aimed to hit the two pigs on right side
after kill hector, wait a moment for more points
second bird on top, no activate
here the video with 82k:


Rank: Sling God with 39390 points
By meanguy (@meanguy)Score: 86,690

I scored 86,690 points by using a combination of strategies.

Starting last night, on my android tablet, I was using the @e-star video method, using the tips provided by the late,Great @rat9 but not having much luck.

Today, on my PC, I saw the @comex666 video. Try as I might, I could not get the slow-speed shot to work.
Finally, I shot the Laser bird nearly straight up, until it was about even with the highest point of the entire structure. Then I put his target on the left claw below the upper bubble pig. After the shot, I waited until the points stopped going up at almost 47,000.
The second bird I sent under the upper, far right, small “pod” without activating. It took out quite a bit of the upper crane structure inside the gravity field. Three birds were left unused.

@sweetp – Tally screenshot:

Congrats to all new puppy owners !!
Good luck & happy flinging to all !!!

Rank: Sling God with 25310 points
By Sglouk (@sglouk)Score: 83,660

Still unsure how this level is supposed to work, but took 2nd place. I prefer making 1st shot so as to pop the two bubbles directly and then bounce on brass sphere. Maybe not the best on the long run, but less frustrating.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18405 points
By JTB (@jtb)Score: 79,230

This took a long time to get above average. I ended up going for the top first and then going for the lower pigs since I was missing the top pig more often than not.

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