Our 3-star strategy for Angry Birds Seasons The Pig Days Level 5-3 is shown in the video below. The score is 167,450. This Pig Days level celebrates Internet Day!. For a complete list of events, please visit The Pig Days Celebration Guide.
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Not the best score but a variation, and only two birds.
First ti left side to destabilize. Stella to top like video but the dropping stones managed to set off a rocket that destroyed the detonator. And it all came down. Was feeling pretty good about the score till I saw so many higher. Looks like this is another level where more destruction rather than less birds is the key.
@explore07 or @skowse, any hints?
@captrec you have the right idea, but 3 birds are apparently better than 2. I got 165 with 2 same way as you described then two goes later had the same 2 bird collapse – I quickly sent orange down bottom blue ramp and expanded under debris and got 177k
Thanks @explore07! Came back, used your addition, and am at least now at about average.
The way I did mine was a bit differently.
red: sent in between the 2 far left pigs. this also breaks some of the left wall for shot number 3.
Stella: same shot as video. this will take out the top right pig, dropping those stones down.
Bubbles: try and fire it right into the middle of the structure. either from above, fire straight into the wooden plank, and have it drop down. It will blow up the TNT lever and explode out of the center.
Bomb: I was finished the level at this point, but threw Bomb into some remaining planks for about an extra 14k extra points, which is better than the 10k he is worth unused.
Woot Thanks @Mark !!
Wow!! Double Woot!! Sent red into the left side as others have said, then stella up to the top, then OB as close to the middle as i could depending on debris, then bomb bird for cleanup:D
Thanks to @captrec and @explore07 for the beginning posts which i went back and tried for 175k ,see lots more points coming.
Good Luck to all:)
159850 two stars
160510 three stars
Thanks @hunnybunny :)
Red to straight ahead. Pink to pig and stones on top. Orange bird to lower part of structure. Black bird directly to center. 168k
Two birds. Little red into the left side. Stella to lift the blocks.
Here the picture after Stella did her job:
Seasons Pig Days #5-2
and forgot to mention: tons of luck. Happy flinging
Same thing here. Massive destruction after Stella, everything exploded, not much debris left. I got really lucky here for temporary top score.
@bernersenn @aleksch Where abouts did you hit the left side of structure with lil’ red? I’m having no luck with that shot flinging straight ahead where the split in the wood is above the 2 neon things holding the pigs ?
Appreciate any help..ty
@kathy I think I sent Red between two far left pigs, just like @bowserm. The key to good scores on this level is Stella and how good a job she does.
@kathy anywhere you like. Actually you don’t need this bird. But.. i don’t like it to waste birds
@aleksch @bernersenn thank you:) I guess o was confused when @bowserm use of the word ‘far’ thinking the other side of the structure, I’ll keep at it:/
@kathy you can do it. Go for it, good luck
Thanks for the vote of confidence @bernersenn, but i can not even reach my previous 175k *sigh* guess I’ll try the old trick of the Wwwhhiiinnne :(
I end with fewer sticks left after all pigs gone and still only 159930. Doesn’t matter whether red gets sent straight ahead or over to other side. Really Rovio????? have to destroy every single piece to 3*?????
This one just takes patience the score will come!!
186550 with 3 birds.
The strategy is almost the same as described by @captrec.
First Red in the left side, for a 27k result. Like this.
Then, instead of using a high arc for Stella, I have been using a low one to push a little before lifting. Here is the trajectory.
Then Bubbles to finish in a high arc.
Here is the trajectory and final result.
And this is the highscore screenshot.
Nice @asher!
Managed my 175K score using just two birds. I *might* have been able to pick up more points throwing a third but the debris didn’t look to add up to more than 10K.
Sorry, that’s Red to the left and Stella to the top as others have described.
Used three birds similar as mentioned above. Red into left side just below the split in the wood. Rolled pink up the left side wood that was remaining into the stones. Orange into any remaining area to pick up the remaining debris for extra points.
This may help