Angry Birds Seasons The Pig Days Level 1-11 Walkthrough | Talk Like a Pirate Day

Yaarrrr! There be pirates in these waters. The pirate speaks,”Our strategy for Angry Birds Seasons T’ Pig Days Level 1-11 t’ send t’ yellow bird towards t’ far starboard pirate pig. Then use as many birds as necessary t’ destroy t’ remainin’ pigs. T’ score in t’ video below be 111,900.” As you probably guessed by now this level honors Talk Like a Pirate Day.

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Comments (79)

Rank: Master Slinger with 5110 points
By Jkhab69 (@jkhab69)Score: 161,360

1. up over the top, targeting the little pig on the shovel in an arc that passes thru it and hits the big pig.
2. under the bottom, taking out the chain. I haven’t done it yet but I think the dual explosions could take down the whole ship.
clean up as needed.
much more potential for points.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5110 points
By Jkhab69 (@jkhab69)Score: 161,360

oops, I almost forgot. avast me hearties, plunder and pillage the piggies smartly then stop by the BP for some grog!

Rank: Master Slinger with 5110 points
By Jkhab69 (@jkhab69)Score: 161,360
Rank: Sling God with 56720 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)Score: 166,230

Yellow Bird high arc, to the pig with Pirate hat. Black Bird downwards into water, so that it surfaces at bottom of ship. Follow up with extra birds where needed!! So far 130k

Rank: Sling God with 56720 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)Score: 166,230

Probably a better option, is to start with yellow bird into water, cutting rope/chain holding TNT. Black Bird into water, blowing more of the bottom of ship. Yellow bird to pig with pirate hat. Additional birds if/where needed!!

Rank: Sling God with 28470 points
By CaptREC (@captrec)Score: 163,620

Avast matey, Methinks that be the strat @terribletom.
Just to get the 3* score hunt started! I have 3* at 132k

Rank: Boss Hog with 13250 points
By Maiasatara (@maiasatara)Score: 149,410

I’ve been doing this, among several other strategies, and the two do damage but don’t destroy the whole ship. The bow is particularly tough to destroy. And speaking of tough to destroy, I CANNOT get the pirate hat pig with one bird. I was up over 150,000 at one point but that stupid pig wasted two of my birds without popping! Anyone have a trick, or know whether it’s a platform issue? I’m on iPhone. I’m ready to give that pirate a reason for an eye patch! Good luck, all.

Rank: Boss Hog with 13250 points
By Maiasatara (@maiasatara)Score: 149,410

Second bird, bomb, sent a piece of mast flying, getting rid of the large hat, making it much easier for yellow to take out the pig beneath it. (That same bomb also managed to cause the right kind of damage so that the weight of the ship that remained on the left, flipped the bow out of the water. Yellow got the pesky tiny pig on the bow, one bomb remained.

Rank: Boss Hog with 12515 points
By Rowdypup (@rowdypup)Score: 141,490

Whenever you destroy the red flag/banner with the silhouette of Red on it, it will make a skull appear-this is why I LOVE Rovio; lots of hidden surprises! :)

Rank: Boss Hog with 12515 points
By Rowdypup (@rowdypup)Score: 141,490

Sometimes if you destroy enough of the ship, the small pig wearing the blue bandana at the top of the ship will slowly rotate 45 degrees to the left and pull the right side of the boat with him, causing big damage to the boat

Rank: Sling God with 56720 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)Score: 166,230

Just attempted again using @wrw01 strategy, Waited!! And eventually upped score to 166k!! For whatever reason, I do not enjoy these levels with extensive waiting!!

Rank: Champion with 3255 points
By Mark B (@bowserm)Score: 152,960

It’s a difficult level. So far after 30 mins of playing 146410, but no doubt scores will get higher as the days go on. I also didn’t use the last black bird for extra 10k

Rank: Master Slinger with 5110 points
By Jkhab69 (@jkhab69)Score: 161,360

@bowserm yes, definitely a challenge, requiring precision aiming and luck. trying to get the top pigs on the hill with one bird is difficult enough, but then getting the right trajectory underneath and enough damage with the second bird is just as hard. I’m beginning to dislike the small pig on the mast. a few times I thought I was finished and I waited for the level to time out but then I saw him peeking just above the waves after the mast collapsed but not didn’t kill him (I think I saw him wink at me and the voices in my head agree).

Rank: Champion with 3255 points
By Mark B (@bowserm)Score: 152,960

No doubt he was mocking you. They mock me all the time, and makes me even more angry I didn’t finish the level.

With some luck and patience higher scores come.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11700 points
By Mumsie (@mumsie42)Score: 153,100

First time of clearing all pigs 134050
1st yellow – shoot he moon in hope of getting King Pirate Pig
Bomb under water (missed TNT!)
Clear up with rest (pesky tiny pig on Prow! )
Haven’t even tried to get the gold at the bottom of the ocean!

Rank: Master Slinger with 5110 points
By Jkhab69 (@jkhab69)Score: 161,360

1. very high arc, bird almost touching the base of the sling. activate on the downward trajectory so he just misses the pig on the left and impacts the bottom horizontal wood beam in the mast and takes a chunk out of the deck
2. underwater arc targeting the chain, as flat of a trajectory as you can get,should take out most of the boat. don’t be too quick to reset, lots of delayed damage is possible.
3. target the pigs on the hill. high arc, activate just before it starts to descend, hopefully passing thru the shovel and hitting the gap between the big pig’s hat and the ground.
4. cleanup as needed (small pig in mast) or just launch for extra points if necessary.
so far 130 to 135k but potential for much more.

Rank: Sling God with 21565 points
By dmsral (@dmsral)Score: 154,280

Cut the chain with first bird and then fire the first bomb bird into the back of the ship at the triangle rudder block, detonate on impact. 2nd yellow bird to take out the back piggies. Now we wait. What you want to happen is to have wreckage on the left slowly disintegrate, and the mast rotates to the left and causing the bow of the ship to crawl out of the water. With luck it will roll all the way over. Then clean up. Only 140k so far but that’s due to having problems with the back piggies. Should be upwards of 160k is possiblewith some luck.

Rank: Sling God with 21565 points
By dmsral (@dmsral)Score: 154,280
Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 166,710

@justpast40 lol ‘I thought of a few different words for those ‘problematic’ pesky pigs on the hill!

Rank: Sling God with 24465 points
By justpast40 (@justpast40)Score: 159,540

Pretty much followed @dmsral & just managed 159540 on iPad with only 5 birds; the 6th (10k) bonus bird & while it was TopScore, as I wrote this to post, poof, I moved to #2 spot

The pigs on the hill are definitely problematic.

1st shot YB to underwater chain; as dmsral

2nd shot Bomb to the top part of triangle where it meets the box within a box (don’t know what this this) hanging over the deck….wait wait wait & hopefully the ship will be damaged enough it begins listing

3rd shot YB high arc only took out baby pig

4th shot Bomb into the middle of the now severely damanged ship (now only King Pig of the Hill remains)

5th shot YB to King Pig & I nailed this one (can’t tell you how many times I’d missed)

I opted not to shoot remaining Bomb into the scattered wooden debris in the water as I just wasn’t sure there was more than 10k & I knew my score would be just under 160k

Rank: Boss Hog with 14970 points
By bonneypattycat (@bonneypattycat)Score: 172,230

This is how I did it too, with just three birds. Yay!

Rank: Boss Hog with 14970 points
By bonneypattycat (@bonneypattycat)Score: 172,230

About those pesky pigs on the far right: I had best luck when not arcing too high, then going through the shovel and into the side of the pirate pig.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 166,710

Great Strat @dmsral !! The waiting is the key!! I had the whole bow rise up and eventually tip over after the second shot. Leaving only the pirate piggs on the hill exposed.
Yb took them out and I ended up throwing the rest of the birds at debris for extra points. Ahoy matey :)

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 166,710

@dmsral again thank you the waiting finally paid off..I believe higher score possible depending on the amount ofv Patience. .Im happy for now with my average score:)

Rank: Deputized with 130 points
By Dingbat (@dingbat)

I used all birds & started with the first two cutting the chain & under the boat.lucky fallout & loads of debris smashed for 154,170 points. No power ups or alternative slings. How do you people film your angry birds stuff? I’m using an iPad 2. Any advice gratefully received.

Rank: Deputized with 130 points
By Dingbat (@dingbat)

There are more points here, I think

Rank: Sling God with 69580 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)Score: 167,190

1. Yellow Bird arcs into the big pig on the right. Go through the smaller pig on the shovel first and sometimes both will be taken out along with one of the chests.
2. Send the Bomb Bird so it goes underwater and comes up and hits the left rear the the ship. The tnt is not activated. Your goal is to cut/split the ship in half and have the left half fall onto itself for some destruction points.
3. If the ship is cut/spits, as dmsral mentions above, the ship will climb out the water on the right side. This sets up the the various pathways for the remaining birds and also provides destruction points.
4. If the big Pig on the right is still alive send the second Yellow Bird up to take him out and also get a chest and the palm tree. Adds more points.
5. Use the remaining two Bomb Birds and the Yellow Bird to destroy as much of the wood, tnt, and bottom gold as possible. These will all add in your point totals.

Seems this level is based on destruction and not how many birds remain unused.

Rank: Fling King with 4470 points
By Jetmang (@jetmang)Score: 171,030

I think the trick is to wait and wait until the ship almost destroys it’s self before you send in the last bomb, two birds remain my score with this method 162390, but I think scores at almost 170000 are achivable.

Rank: Boss Hog with 12875 points
By MikeinMont (@mikeinmont)Score: 158,680

Followed @wrw01 on this one. The tip is to WAIT until each bomb does its thing before proceeding.

Rank: Sling God with 69580 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)Score: 167,190

Obtained 153 with the technique above.

Obtained 167k with this one which is similar to @E-Stars below:
1. Yellow Bird into the King Pig on the right through the little pig on the shovel.
2. Bomb Bird into the rudder on the back of the ship. Natural activation.
3. Now get a cup of coffee and let the ship climb the rock. The outcome one wants is that there should be a good space between the two mast poles and the ship’s front is facing up whereby exposing the space directly to the sling.
4. Second Yellow Bird into the King Pig to take him out or get some extra points with the chests and tree.
5. Bomb Bird into the gap between the two mast poles. Destroys most of the ship and all the remaining pigs.
6. Two Bonus Birds for 20k

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18615 points
By rubeeinthesky (@rubeeinthesky)Score: 184,710

I just got extremely lucky with @wrw01‘s strategy through step 4 and had 3 bonus birds left!

Rank: Champion with 3420 points
By Vic the Hun (@vic-the-hun)

This level has a very nice feature, and also, unfortunately, a very shabby one. Please read IMHO throughout.

The nice feature is that this level, in contrast with many other ones, especially Star Wars and Stella, it is not straight as a cane. There are multiple ways to three-star it, even to reach scores that one calls, quite contrary to the meaning of the word, average ones. Tu put it simply, there is room for imagination.

My current score is 146something. I used all birds, the tactics (and not a strategy, please refer to is to try to hit the two pigs on the hill with the first YB. Having done so, send the first BB through the leftmost horizontal mast, explosion on the deck guarantees optimum destruction. The rest is heavily dependent on luck. After a handful tries I decided to ignore the underwater TNTs, explosions upon the deck tend to bring significantly higher scores in my practice. There was not much room for further destruction, but the same is feasible I think with one bird less, so 160k-ish should be considered as the ceiling.

Now the unpleasant part. As mentioned above, try to hit the two pigs on the hill with the first YB, one shot. This borders on the improbable. I do not say it is impossible, I maganed to do it three or four times out of say 300 tries, it is insanely difficult though. But this is not the problem, the problem is that the Pirate Pig with the feathered hat can occasionally survive two direct hits! This is in contradiction with the laws of physics in a physics-based game, is in contradiction with common sense, and is in contradiction with ALL previous pigs beforehand. Each and every one of them could have been destroyed with a direct hit made with any bird. Now this one can survive two hits. Gentlemen, even the Hood or the Bismarck were unable to survive two direct hits :)
A bunch of elements can constitute a system if the whole as such is free of internal contradiction or conflict. Lacking this, it may not be called a system, I am sorry.

Apart from this very annoying feature the level is rather enjoyable.

Rank: Explosive with 2445 points
By brandenburg5 (@brandenburg5)

I agree. I knocked the pirate hat off, then the pig survived a direct hit with a subsequent bird. Inconsistent. But this is a fun level.

For some reason, I got logged out every time I went to this page.

Rank: Sling God with 21565 points
By dmsral (@dmsral)Score: 154,280

A quick note to anyone who may have a problem accessing this level, I upgraded to iOS8 last night and ran into this:

I checked the Pig Days screen yesterday and it said 21 hours to go. When I checked this morning, it still said 21 hours. I force-closed the app and reopened it, still said 21 hours. Rebooting the iPhone solved the problem.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9550 points
By curite (@curite)Score: 177,470

first shot like video (kill one or two pigs), second shot in water close to left side of ship (don’t explode bombs), wait ship sinking (it take some time) and use yellow bird to kill remaining pigs on the right. 20k-30k bonus birds left (sorry for bad english)

Rank: Sling God with 21505 points
By Jronstad (@jonstad)Score: 161,240

@curite congrats on top score, thanks for sharing your strategy it works great!

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18285 points
By OldDog (@olddog)Score: 152,060

This level be drivin’ me crazy. Forget talkin’ like a pirate. I’m about t’ talk like a jack tar!

Rank: Master Slinger with 6640 points
By E-Star (@e-star)Score: 172,180

I send the 1th bird like everyone else to the right side, 1 out 50 times both pigs pop, but the tree definitely holds some nice points (I think I have seen 6 or 7k coming from there). The 2nd bird I did differently… I send the bomb bird to the front of the ship, taking away the front. 3rd bird was needed for the surviving Pig on the right.
Maybe with a lot of patient the unstable ship will sink on it’s own, but I ermmm I wasn’t today… so the 4th bird I used to take out the middle of the ship, but not breaking the ropes between the middle section and the right, this way the middle section will make the ship topple over and sink. I needed the fifth bird to actually make it crash. One bird left and I got a score of 156k this way.

Here is my video.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18285 points
By OldDog (@olddog)Score: 152,060

@e-star Thank you! I haven’t improved yet, but your strategy is easily repeatable. :) I have hope.

Rank: Out of this World with 2770 points
By bomb bird (@spongebob)

Thanks so much for the strat @e-star, did it in 2 birds. 1st bird, got both 2 pigs at the back and 2nd bird like in your video and then I waited for the ship to sink.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 124,790

@spongebob Your image is not publicly visible. Since your score is 20k over second place, the score has been removed for now.

Rank: Out of this World with 2770 points
By bomb bird (@spongebob)
Rank: Out of this World with 2770 points
By bomb bird (@spongebob)

Here’s proof and this pic should work because it’s in my album.

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 165,860

My highest score went slightly different but same idea as @e-star, especially the part about…ermmm no patience ;-) I finally have a little free time and want to fling some birds…Not watch the grass grow, lol ;-)
So for us less patient flingers, you can still get good scores with out a very long wait:

1) I sent first YB like others to the top right. (Of course the two times I managed to get both top pigs, it was pretty early on and I messed up the rest)… He took out the little piglet and landed on the gold coins which seems to trigger the palm tree to automatically tumble off the cliff. Average scores range from about 11K to 12K when that happens.
2) BB to the front left triangle wood piece. It needs to explode so that the boxes and the wood under them will separate and fall left so they are out of the way of propping up the left mast. I think it’s better if the tnt doesn’t ignite just yet as it can assist in a better explosion when the middle and right side fall in.
3) YB to the annoying top right King Pig.
4) This is where you can wait it out and hope with enough time the whole ship tips left and crumbles down for a great three bird finish. BUT, I elected to speed things along a bit ;-) Regardless if the masts have already started their left tip and the right side has started to climb the rock, or they are still standing up right…either way, I sent BB to the leftmost bottom wood planks…aiming for under the red strip. Of course it helps if they have already started falling as long as there is a good path available for BB to get a good shot to the wood. That’s key for making it work with 4 birds without too much of a wait.

I actually got better scores several times after the BB exploded and everything crumbled in with no wait. It seems when it was a slow crumble, there was more debris left and often a remaining pig.

Before I lost my patience, I did do several tries of the “waiting” for the ship to sink on it’s own but it quickly became very annoying and I can only make so many cups of coffee! hahaha ;-) I never did get a three birdie anyway so…I’ll happily take the quick version with four birds and my score of 165860 (currently #10)and move along!

P.S As always, Thanks for your time and sharing your videos @e-star ;D

P.S.S. btw…when I did attempt the “walk away and wait” way…my iPad always goes into sleep mode anyway…where I have to then slide it back open and hit the “play arrow” (Not reset) where it then resumes to only the progress of the level that it was when I left it??? No progress is happening when it’s in sleep mode. I would have to keep watching the screen to tap it every 3 to 5 minutes to keep it going? Which by the way is probably why I opted for the quick way, hahaha ;-))) It wasn’t like that before…like when we played the DZ levels and I let it “run over night”…can anybody reply to this as to how to get it to stay in progress mode? I’m not concerned about it for this level per say but just in general for the levels that do require waiting for good scores?

Rank: Master Slinger with 6640 points
By E-Star (@e-star)Score: 172,180

@lesleyg hee hee I know right, finally we get to fling a new level and patience is needed, not my strong suit in the early beginnings of a new level. As for your settings of your iPad (hope the dutch to English translation will work) go to the System App and select “General” from the left column. Scroll down on the right till you see “Automatic lock” and select the amount of time you wish to use or choose “never” in this case. After you are done don’t forget to either turn it back to a timed setting or turning your iPad off by hand when putting it away. Hope this helps and as always a pleasure to try to help any way that I can and a pleasure “seeing” you!

Rank: Boss Hog with 13975 points
By burry (@furry)Score: 159,090

As always E-Star thanks for the video. Finally got above average. I just hate watching paint dry! But it is paying off. Slowly inching my way up!

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 165,860

Awww, Thanks so much @e-star ;-))) You are the Best!!! I followed your instructions and found it! Thanks again…You always save the day for me with these technical things, hahaha. I can never thank you enough for you teaching me how to do my back-ups back in the day ;-) Your Dutch to English translations are always spot on and very detailed which helps so much ;-) Nice to “see” you too my friend 8-) Thanks again!!!

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8400 points
By patamoose (@patamoose)Score: 159,100

Thank you again E-Star. I was stuck at 149k. Your strat got me to 159k.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 166,710

Heee heee @e-star looove the video with the subtitles nice touch! !
Thank you as always :):)

Rank: Master Slinger with 7110 points
By Thumper1170 (@thumper1170)

1st bird to right side. If you can get both birds you can beat this score.
2nd bird down as steep as possible without hitting rock and coming up under the ship. Do not hit TNT. This should take out the back of the ship and start the collapse.
If you haven’t taken out the king pig yet, use the next yellow bird to do so. Otherwise, take a break and make yourself some lunch or a cup of coffee while the ship collapses. From here it’s all luck and patience. If any pixel is moving keep waiting. Use whatever birds you need to finish.
I used three birds for 166920. Two birder is possible.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7110 points
By Thumper1170 (@thumper1170)

Apologies to @curite. I hadn’t read your post, but you did mention not hitting TNT as a strategy first. Anyway we’re both not top score anymore:).

Rank: Sling God with 36180 points
By PeeJayDee27 (@peejaydee27)Score: 170,980

Followed this strat, and waited ages for the ship to settle and hopefully sink. Finally just the right mast remining but leaning well to the left. Managed to get bomb bird into the middle and it blew to bits. Very little debris and score of 167310 for 2nd place (not for long I’m sure!!).

Seems to be many ways to approach this level and surely lots of big scores to come.

Rank: Sling God with 36180 points
By PeeJayDee27 (@peejaydee27)Score: 170,980

Just tried this same strat again and scored 165k and 166k in 5 minutes, so it seems that this might be one of the best ways to go.

Rank: Sling God with 46680 points
By bernersenn (@bernersenn)Score: 166,280

@thumper1170 thanks for your strat. Worked best for me.

Rank: Sling God with 36215 points
By Joey (@joeyba)Score: 151,640

i used the right bird, under water strategy. seems the best so far.

Rank: Debriefed with 1320 points
By Silverhornet81 (@silverhornet81)Score: 171,150

Just got 171,150.. Was a lot of luck! YB to the far pigs, got the small one, then BB under the ship, which caused enough damage to the center of the ship that it eventually collapsed, I had to wait a while for the ship to ride up before it tipped over and got the remaining pigs. While waiting for that, used one more YB to pop the big pig on the far right. 141,150 then 30k bonus for three remaining birds.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 15560 points
By bryonjames (@bryonjames)Score: 169,130
Rank: Gold Flinger with 9470 points
By Myselfiandme (@myselfiandme)Score: 162,630

1. the first bird low to release the TNT
2. Second black bird to the front
3. Third bird over the top, did not take out the king pig.
4. Wait until ship finishes shifting, black bird into middle of ship. Finished off the birds and much of the shit.
5. Took out the kit pig.

One bird left. Should be able to get 170k if I could get the king pig with the third bird like other have done.

Rank: Shooter with 920 points
By butters (@butters)Score: 157,880

Was reading the comments about waiting for boat to collapse over time; tried and immediately scored 131,190k (w/ 1 “extra” bird). This after getting my high score of 138k-n-change by non-waiting means after MANY attempts and varied strategies and no extra birds! Still much fun though!! I thoroughly enjoy Pig Days!

Rank: Shooter with 920 points
By butters (@butters)Score: 157,880

The ship destroyed itself quickly this time–was a ble to destroy king pig on 3rd shot

Rank: Gold Flinger with 7940 points
By mars805 (@mars805)Score: 175,740

i have not gotten this level added to Seasons. i,ve rebooted. checked app udates. any ideas?

Rank: Gold Flinger with 7940 points
By mars805 (@mars805)Score: 175,740

and its magically appeared! time warp

Rank: Gold Flinger with 7940 points
By mars805 (@mars805)Score: 175,740

wow, 3 nice shots got me 2nd place. 1st bird accross thru small shovel pig and big hat pig.BB down at steep angle without activating TNT. ship began to roll over but stopped. 3rd bird between masts, broke everything up, watched the points roll in, + 3 birds on shore.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5570 points
By pax (@mkjvanh)Score: 161,710

@mvnla2 Not a self destruct or bug but possible glitch. Was waiting for boat to crash when blue hat flew off and started bouncing “on water”. Slowly started gaining points. Gained about 1,150 points and then just continued to bounce up and down, no more points gained. Let it go a while before killing it. Here are screen shots trying to show bounce location.

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 150,350

@mkjvanh — Thanks for the report! I’ve been on vacation, so wasn’t able to respond. This certainly qualifies as an unstable level, and the additional points you get can be included in your score. Would be nice to know if the points ever keep accumulating until the hat is destroyed.
Can you explain exactly what shots you made to get this to happen?

Rank: Master Slinger with 5570 points
By pax (@mkjvanh)Score: 161,710

I have no idea how this started but it was when I was waiting for ship to sink. I cannot get it to repeat. I’m still working on trying to beat avg. score, so if it happens again, I will let you know. Thanks for response and hope vacation was fun!

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18260 points
By cconnielf (@cconnielf)Score: 164,690

@e-star….Thank you so much for your help on this level! I really appreciate your videos as they seem to work best for my approach to almost every level! Your advice to wait in this level was “spot on,” and finally helped me achieve an acceptable score. I am really late in getting to “Pig Days” because of all the time I spend in SWII…..but now I am really liking Seasons …..especially benefitting from your comments and videos. Many thanks!

Rank: Sling God with 35805 points
By ixan57 (@ixan57)Score: 153,190

@admins loose ends

Rank: Sling God with 46680 points
By bernersenn (@bernersenn)Score: 166,280

@ixan57 thank you very much.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18405 points
By JTB (@jtb)Score: 153,510

The boss pig on the far right *can* be popped with the first bird.

I hit it with a low trajectory and it bounced up and out of the ditch it was sitting in.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 166,710

Thanks for that @Jtb I’ve managed it a couple times now thanks to your screenshot! it’s a tough shot but it does save a bird! I almost improved a bit, but didn’t lol! this is one That got lost in my last (or one of my other progress losses) gotta reset my score of i don’t hit it soon! 😢

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 166,710

My ship doesn’t’twitch’ anymore, nor climb the rock..

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18405 points
By JTB (@jtb)Score: 153,510

@kathy Awesome, I’m glad it helped! 😃

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 166,710

@Jtb 😎 now if i could just get my ship to sink!! lol Not what most pirates hope for 😂 argggh matey 💀

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 166,710

Woot!! made my previous 166k +about 300 more! moving on! I’ll be back I’m sure, i like a challenging level! (to a point) lol!😎

Rank: Sling God with 45680 points
By comex666 (@comex666)Score: 166,940

first to the right pig
second to the front
third to the pirat-pig (right)
fourth in the middle of the ship
here a video with 166k:

Rank: Hardened with 550 points
By KingLegend76 (@kinglegend076)Score: 185,130

For about 3 hours I just repeated this level sending the yellow bird up and over to the pigs on the side, until I got both. When this happened, I would then send bomb to the wooden triangle and let him explode on his own, causing a very slow but worth reaction, where the ship fell, but just then, when it all fell, almost the entire ship came close together and hit the tnt causing heaps of debris to destroy, ending up with this score. I’m not sure how all this challenge stuff works if u win but I posted a picture in my album of my score if this doesn’t work.

I also see people tagging @sweetp but idk if it’s for the challenge or not.

Rank: Sling God with 45780 points
By karen68 (@karen68)Score: 172,240

@kinglegend076 can you replay the level & post a screenshot of the 3-star tally screen? That will earn you your first Underdog!

Rank: Hardened with 550 points
By KingLegend76 (@kinglegend076)Score: 185,130

Sorry, didn’t notice I had a notification on here.

I won’t be able to get a screenshot of it cause my phone broke like 4 days ago, which was an iPhone, and I bought an Oppo A9. It is saved in my cloud but when i go to the app store on another iPhone I once had, the old versions of Angry Birds have been removed permanently, so I can’t get any of my data and scores back, meaning I also can’t play and be active anymore.

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