Angry Birds Seasons Summer Pignic Level 1-10 Walkthrough

The best strategy for Summer Pignic level 10 is to lob the White bird so it lands just left of the first stone chimney, demolishing the tower. Repeat the shot with the first Black bird to clear the whole left side of the level. Fire the next Black bird into the middle tower, blasting the right structure rightward. If necessary, use the remaining Black birds to pop any remaining pigs. The score in the video below is 120,090.

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Category: 06. Summer Pignic, Angry Birds Seasons, Walkthroughs
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Comments (78)

By Bob

Another easy level! 120,000 using 3 birds.

White Bird to damage the upper left and the 2 bombs to wipe off everything.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7305 points
By surfcow (@surfcow)Score: 128,740

Pigs like mud. Yay!

Rank: Hardened with 650 points
By armyms25 (@armyms25)Score: 133,060
Rank: Master Slinger with 7305 points
By surfcow (@surfcow)Score: 128,740

We owe a huge Thank You to armyms25 for posting a running narration of their scoring on this level. It’s entertaining at 3:33 AM. Yay! Oh, and the Leaderboard section of this web site is so confusing and complex it forces users such as armyms25 to use the video walkthrough comments as a logical place to humbly post scores without any explanation of how they did it. After all, loose lips sink ships, right?. Maybe tomorrow you can bring a bullhorn and wake everyone up so we can all enjoy hearing how you are now number one and all the rest of us are not. We just need to try harder, I guess. So please keep posting just your scores here. And don’t forget to notify us immediately if you need an ego boost. You can always laugh at our pathetic point totals over on the Leaderboards. Thanks again for enriching this community of Angry Birds addicts by sharing just enough to keep us begging for more details!

By Abby

For surfcow:

Launch the white bird to the pig in the flowered hat on the right and drop the egg at the last second. This should cause the blocks on the right to knock out the tall flowers. Done right, you can get 20-30+k on that 1st shot. 
Launch the 1st bomb almost straight up (tiny bit of daylight between it and the slingshot), toward the pig in the blue hat. This should take out all pigs on the left. 
Launch the 2nd bomb across the steps to take out the remaining pigs.
You might need 2 bombs for each of the last two steps, but even so, you should still easily get three stars.
I’ve gotten scores of 100-133k repeating that method. 

Rank: Master Slinger with 7305 points
By surfcow (@surfcow)Score: 128,740

Thank you, Abby! You are a good person for taking time to help a frustrated guy with a very tender fingertip on my right hand. I usually get a decent score early on but then I can’t figure out what I did right. After an hour of trial and serious failure/error, it’s helpful to read what others have found to be successful. I hope to return the favor sometime, so let me know if you need any of my double-secret tips and tricks. Heh. Take care. Aloha.

Rank: Sling God with 26440 points
By SweetP (@sweetp)Score: 130,820

For @surfcow and Abby. I launched the first bird as Abbey mentioned, and got lucky when the entire right side tilted and fell over the flowers which gave me a starting score of 24K-26K.

For the 2nd bird, I didn’t have consistent results in getting all of the pigs in the left structure. Instead, I lobbed the bomb bird and had it lodge between the wood roof slanted on the right, and the chimney. This created better results in getting those pigs, and a bit more debris damage, 60K-61K.

When aiming the next bomb bird, I kept the trajectory as low as possible over the top of the stairs so that it broke through the hollow cement block and the horizontal plank so that it dropped down and settled on the first step. The explosion pushes everything to the right and pops the two remaining pigs, for 110K+.

With the two bonus birds, I got my 130,820!

By BigBird

Thank you for saying what I know many of us are thinking. Even though the fine moderators of this site have asked people not to post score without explanations, the same offenders do it every morning. The added self cheerleading that goes with it is just an added bonus, I guess.

Come on guys, read the paragraph above.

Rank: Sling God with 37440 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)Score: 109,860

We all agree, but it’s how we go about informing someone that is important. Take the highroad when replying to someone and there will be no issues.

Also, us moderators do remove a lot of scores posted via comments. The reason so many remain is sometimes we remove them after a thread gets going, as there is some value to us for having them. For one they can help us authenticate high scores on the leaderboard. Sometimes they can also assist in pinpointing the min 3 star threshold. Once these thresholds have been established — whether high or low — many times we try to go back and remove them.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11200 points
By FujiToast (@fujitoast)Score: 120,090

@surfcow, Though I understand your points and appreciate your effort to help us push “simple score comments” to the leaderboards, I’d still prefer if we didn’t berate other members on The Nest. We’d like to keep things nice and friendly around here. Feel free to politely ask the member how they achieved the score or encourage them to join us in competing on the leaderboard.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7305 points
By surfcow (@surfcow)Score: 128,740

@FujiToast & @Bird Leader. Will do. I apologize for being so rude and harsh in my post re armyms25. This is a classy site so there is no excuse for blatant attacks on others in “the Nest.” My reasons for contributing here have been altruistic, therefore I will try to keep my future frustrations to myself. And I promise to promote only goodwill from now on. Thanks again for creating such a useful resource for us “Angry Addicts” …AA? ;-) Aloha.

@armyms25 I am very sorry for my comments. I regret that my frustrations caused me to lash out at you rather than to refocus my energy in a more positive way. Please accept my apology. I wish you continued success in your high-scoring efforts. Aloha.

Rank: Fling King with 4800 points
By myhthk (@myhthk)Score: 125,740

Same method as Bob’s but 1 bird left at 119,080. Will try to get higher score. Not too difficult to get 3 stars so far.

By MimieJay

Is the game getting easier or what? I got 3 stars in first try!

By Chris

No, it was always that easy. I had 3 stars in first try in most of the levels.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By Pharos (@pharos)

It is hard, as not impossible, to achieve less then 3 stars on this levels…

Rank: Master Slinger with 7315 points
By rjohnson_8ball (@rjohnson_8ball)Score: 135,050

Yeah, 3 stars is too easy. 116k on my first try, 135,050 after a bunch of tries. I begin by dropping the egg a close as i can to the foundation on the left. Then a bomb to the tiny pig on the left. Next I send a bomb onto the left side of the right roof (either through the stone tower or by a high arc). Another bomb to finish off the right side. One bird remaining.

By Matt

I’m actually proud of my 1 star beating on this level.

3 star score is much lower than it should be for this level, but you should always aim for the average score anyway :)

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9325 points
By f91jsw (@f91jsw)Score: 138,720

138720. Started with the foundation on the left, then the little bird to the left. Then the central tower, then the gap between the pyramid top and the stones to the right. This killed all pigs but then quickly launched the last bird on the remaining stones on the right to maximize destruction and score.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1855 points
By DocTonyNYC (@doctonynyc)Score: 140,880

I can’t believe I just got 140,880. It seems to me that the key is shooting the white bird just above the first flower trying to take out the bottom stones so the first pig falls. First bomb at little pig. I did the rest the same as the video, but really lucked out with how things fell. I had done it about 100 times and only reached 130K once. I did have one bird left, I think (I got so excited, I kinda blanked out for a second).

By Z

140,590. The white bird dropped its bomb right after the first flower, causing some dents in the construction. After this I sent the first black bird to land right next to the big pig in blue hat. This made the blast from the explosion to move towards the left which caused everything to crumble, due to the contruction having been weakened by the previous explosion. Then I shot birds 3 and 4 pretty much like in the video. Haven’t been able to duplicate this yet though…

Rank: Fling King with 4530 points
By AustinRHL (@austinrhl)Score: 136,390

I’m surprised that nobody commented on this strategy back when this level was released. In my opinion, it’s the best one out there by a pretty big margin. One tip: if you can, try to send the second bird so that it glances off the bottom of the central tower before coming to rest next to the hatted pig. This weakens that tower and makes the third shot quite a bit easier.

Rank: Flinger with 15 points
By BlueBirdy (@bluebirdy)Score: 134,690

I have run in to a bug or bugs on this level. On one occasion, I dropped the bomb from the white bird between the pink flower on the left and the first tower…the pink flower flew across the screen over to the center of the right platform and then the game crashed. It would not be physically possible for the flower to travel through the dirt platform (that the concrete platforms rest upon) or through the concrete blocks. On another occasion, after dropping the bomb in the same spot as before, the same pink flower flew to the right across the concrete blocks but it did not do any damage to any blocks and was still intact. Then it suddenly disappeared and re-appeared back on the stalk as if it was never touched. I hope that makes sense! It is not that big of a deal as far as scoring goes but it could get a little frustrating when the game freezes. I’ve also noticed it fly across the screen on a few other occasions but nothing else significant happened. Has anyone else had this happen. I am using the android ABS ad supported version on an HTC Evo Shift smartphone.

Rank: Hardened with 510 points
By rambeaux (@rambeaux)Score: 138,390

I’ve seen some weird things in Summer to be sure. Lots of stuff falling through boards while leaving them intact, etc… As you say, usually non consequential (except for the pig not scoring after being blown off too far to the right)

Rank: Flinger with 15 points
By BlueBirdy (@bluebirdy)Score: 134,690

I’ve had many small issues with Seasons in general…one being a sort of “delay” when I am aiming birds. As I’m moving the angle of the bird prior to releasing, it often sticks and I have to re-angle. Another issue when trying to open certain levels in Summer Pignic as I have to press it numerous times to open the level. I’ve also seen things fall through boards but leave them intact on many levels throughout Seasons. I haven’t really had any issues with AB original or RIO.

By Liz

I have had some weirdness with that flower too, iPhone 3G. I also had the game freeze once on this level (none of the others) and I don’t know if that flower was related or not.

By Chris

The behavior of this flower is really not normal. Does nobody of Rovio play those levels before they release them?

Rank: Sling God with 37440 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)Score: 109,860

Yes, I’m sure the they do.

Rank: Sling God with 31500 points
By ABeggerToo (@abeggertoo)Score: 145,580

Anyone else getting the screen freeze after dropping the first egg bomb? Has happened 3 times on my iPod Touch when the egg hits the left corner exactly.

Rank: Deputized with 130 points
By achik74 (@achik86)Score: 134,060

Yeah I had the same. I’m also using iPod Touch. I think it maybe because of the flower. Because once, after I dropped the egg next to the first flower, it ‘flew’ to the first tower (but didn’t destroy so much).

By Chris

The same on my iPhone. But when it was frozen, I pressed the pause icon, then I continued.

By Angry Bird Addict

128,100 on Android phone, and 126,020 on ipod touch. About to see if I can beat those. Fun, Fun, Fun……….:)

By Liz

I’ve been having some good luck (133490 max so far) doing things a little differently. I just send the white bird over and drop the egg on the right side of the wood structure, not worrying about trying to knock anything over with it or destroying much. Then the first bomb bird, I shoot from right next to the post, so that it lands on top of the little left pig (where it is at the beginning, the white bird usually wipes it out). Ideally, you cab get the bomb into the square shaped hollow space above the second square but it isn’t necessary. That blows out the whole left side, almost always getting at least 45k, and up to the low 50s. Then just clear out the right side as you wish. My max score was achieved with one bird left, but I’ve also gotten over 130k using all of them.

I hate the number of times this level has ended prematurely for me. Once, I wiped out the last pig with a direct hit from a bomb bird, and the level ended before it even had a chance to explode! I always like to let them explode in their own time rather than tapping again, if possible.

By Liz

Should be “square shaped hollow space above the second _stair_”. I should look things over before I post.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1855 points
By DocTonyNYC (@doctonynyc)Score: 140,880

I think you are right, Liz, about this strategy versus shooting the egg at the lower left base. After two birds, same number of pigs killed with both methods, but your approach seems to yield consistently higher scores. Thanks,

Rank: Master Slinger with 6700 points
By wanda (@wanda)Score: 132,870

This is definitely easier for me. I had been scoring around 115k using video method, and trying this got me 132870 with two birds remaining. Great idea, thanks.

Rank: Hardened with 650 points
By armyms25 (@armyms25)Score: 133,060

I agree with fujitoast maube you shouldn’t be mean. I am soooo sorry I made you sooo mad and ruined your day!! why do people feel the need to be so rude on forums? Now I do need to apoligize for posting my score without an explanation. I was about to go to bed and in a hurry, It wont happen again im sorry.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11110 points
By Habanero (@habanero)Score: 142,320

I just read your post as somebody who was dead chuffed at getting a great score, but I suppose if other readers are having a real initial struggle with a new level it can come across as a bit annoying to just read somebody got 20k more than they did. Not to me, I just think “Aha, so 130K or whatever is possible”.
Maybe just add in a bit of strategy as that is what is really useful with the walkthrough forums.

Level 1-9 is bugging me as I want to get 135K but KEEP blowing the last shot after 2 good first shots. Great level though!
Have to agree with other comments that both Level 1-9 and 1-10 are particularly bad at ending prematurely with blocks are still falling!

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By hadaf9 (@hadaf9)

146670 , how? I believe it is luck ;; first bird destroy first tower by just place the boom egg as close in the lower left corner which destroy most of all tower . second bird drop exactly after long block and boom directly when it hit the concrete to make massive explosion and destroy most of blocks ; then I left with 2 birds.
This happened to me after 100+ of trials

Rank: Gold Flinger with 7655 points
By Chicadee (@chicadee)Score: 133,300

I’ve been playing AB for 8 months now and have to say this is the weirdest behaving level I’ve come across so far. I play on a PC and have v2.4.1. (I’m not updating until the bugs that accompanied v2.5.0 are fixed for PCs.)

I agree with the above posters who commented about the first/pink flower. When hit, it does some extraordinary movements unlike any I’ve seen before. Whilst playing this level today, the game actually jammed. I’ve never had that happen before. (I saw the comment by Liz (Jul 1, ’11 9.34am) so I’m not the only one this has happened to.) I wonder if these glitches/bugs are happening because Seasons has been updated so many times. Maybe Rovio should fix it all up and then let the sleeping dogs (pigs & birds) lie.

Meanwhile, back to the game itself. The luck factor seems to have deserted me on this level so I hereby invoke the “whinge factor” to attain a better score. Everyone’s descriptions and the video are all very helpful but I just can’t get the destruction needed for a high score.

Btw if I see that pink flower end up stuck in the middle of the right hand structure again, I’m going to take a screenshot. It’s got to be seen to be believed.

Rank: Flinger with 35 points
By WereWolf69 (@werewolf69)Score: 124,410

Well this level was certainly a surprise for me, I can’t imagine why I had such a crummy score on this, I just played it a couple of times and upped my old score by 14k+ and I’m going nowhere but up if Rovio permits me. The video way is certainly the best route to take.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6975 points
By DonnMega (@donnmega)Score: 141,090

@mvnla2 my turn to ask you for some details on your highscore :-) 166.5k is some super shooting. care to share your strat?

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 127,390

Oops! @DonnMega That’s the politest way I’ve seen to point out an error (and I just noticed the smiley). Obviously a typo, and has already been removed. Not sure where that score belonged either, and no similarity to my actual score.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6640 points
By E-Star (@e-star)Score: 138,270

Like some other I shot the white bird towards the rooftop just behind the flower and dropping the egg at the last point, making the house crumble down on the left side. Second bird I shot with a high arc to the Pig in the hat, making the rest of the house tumble to the left. Third bird to the top of the “stairs” and it almost caused the whole right side to crumble down, but unfortunately (or not, think the blast takes even more debris points than the regular crumbling down) it didn’t. So the last bird right behind the stairs and voila all Piggies are gone and I got a score of 138270.

Here is my video.

Rank: Sling God with 69580 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)Score: 141,250

Thank you @e-star for your video. It worked great, repeatable and was able to obtain a good score and get above average on yet another level in Sumer Pignic, thanks to you.

I have mentioned this previously and will probably say it again, but I, for one, appreciate your ABN spirit of generosity to willingly share your strategies for all the players to gain higher points if they are willing to try.
This level took some patience and persistence to get into the 130k range.

I basically used the same technique you presented but shot the 3rd and 4th Bomb Birds one right after the other which seemed to provide a few more points. Gained 22k in points overall.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6640 points
By E-Star (@e-star)Score: 138,270

Whoohoo nice score @wrw01 and awww Pops thank you so much for the kind words. Yeah you do shower me with them from time to time and I love it, a reminder of why I do what I do, just to think you reached up higher, with a little help from me and I suspect you smiled at your iPad when you reached that score, just warms my heart and makes me want to fling fing record fling some more :) [[huggs]]] Pops!

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 148,320

@karen68 How are you getting around that glitch? Every time i fling wb to the left side of that first wooden roof as in E-star video, i it triggers the glitch:(

Rank: Sling God with 45780 points
By karen68 (@karen68)Score: 163,330

@kathy I had a go at this & I don’t remember the glitch happening so frequently before. It certainly seems to be happening more often than not now.
If you wait & do nothing when the freezing starts you could lose your score.. I exit & hard-close the game every time it happens.

I tried angrychicken’s shots to the right side of the roof & got a score of 146k after about 20 min so it can work as an alternative, but like everything in this level it ain’t easy. :)

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 148,320

Thanks @Karen68 I guess I’ll call this one a wash as for improving until maybe someday they fix it:( Is not really worth the frustration for now.. thanks for checking and verifying :D so i know it’s not just me m

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 148,320

My screen freezes and i can’t go on,, do i wait and see what happens or how do i move on,, just keep trying and hope the glitch doesn’t happen? I tried @angrychicken strat of hitting the right side of the roof but with no luck. I can’t believe I’m back here so soon after my last try, maybe need to move on lol..

Rank: Sling God with 45780 points
By karen68 (@karen68)Score: 163,330

I used 4 birds very similar to the video from @e-star.
1st dropping the egg on the left half of the wooden roof.

2nd a high lob aiming to hit the tower at the left side of the right structure, rebounding to the left to the pig in the hat & destroy more of the left side. I try to hit a bit lower than E-star does, hitting the lower hollow stone square. This destroys more of that tower, or at least damages the bottom of it, making the 3rd shot easier.

3rd aim to drop down into the gap on the 1st step down to the right against the horizontal wood. E-star almost gets there in her vid. I manually detonate just before it lands on the step.

4th along the same trajectory, sometimes the 3rd shot opens it up enough to get the bomb to land on the shelf where the pig in the hat is for greater destruction. Throwing the 4th shot quickly as the right side is still crumbling gives an extra push to the stone.

There was still a fair amount of stone remaining on the left but I chose not to fling the 5th –

Be careful of the pink flower on the left, if parts of it fly into the 1st house, through the glass, it sometimes triggers the freezing glitch, & can cause entire structures to disappear, including the platforms.

Rank: Sling God with 24465 points
By justpast40 (@justpast40)Score: 124,950

@karen69, glitch is an understatement …. I just got 209990 on iPad (original score on old Android phone). I wish there were a way to get rid of this iPad score .

I image some newer players may not realize GLITCH SCORES ARE NOT PERMITTED

Rank: Sling God with 24465 points
By justpast40 (@justpast40)Score: 124,950

Whoops, that’s @karen68

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 148,320

@justpast40 @karen68 This stupid glitch is killing me!! Every time i get a great first shot , the glitch kicks in, my game freezes and i have to force close it:(
@mvnla2 this glitch still exists fyi.. Not sure if your keeping track, i haven’t checked the forum for it

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 127,390

@Kathy — I seem to have missed this glitch. it might be classified as an unstable level, if you could actually get a high score. What first shot are you using? Have you ever gotten any points from the pink flower?

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 148,320

@mvnla2 I’m using the first shot as described by @karen68 and similar to Estar video but it seems if you drop the egg to soon it triggers the glitch, the pink flower does give some points, but hard to say exactly how many. I just dropped the egg on the flower alone to check and got 4400 pts, did it a second try and only got 3200.
It’s a strange glitch , I’ve never gotten a benefit as my game freezes and i have to reset, but reading some of the comments it seems it has led to higher scores.
Also the flowers on the right sometimes ‘go wild’ also varying points. It probably can be considered unstable as it doesn’t happen very often that I can benefiting from any of it, but seems others have.
Karen may know more

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 127,390

@Kathy — I’ve been following E-star’s video, and managed to improve my score a little, and finally got the freezing glitch. Haven’t seen anything useful though.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 148,320

Yes @mvnla2 that’s mostly what keeps happening to me: (
Thought it worth mentioning though, didn’t think you’d seen it.

Rank: Sling God with 45780 points
By karen68 (@karen68)Score: 163,330

@kathy @mvnla2 this glitch reminds me of the one we saw on a few Pig Days levels, where everything just freezes. Sometimes nothing happens & you have to force close, but I’ve also seen things disappear, including the structures & one of the platforms. It can zero your score too although that never happened to me.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 148,320

Thanks @karen68:) is a strange level indeed!

Rank: Sling God with 20685 points
By Angrychicken (@angrychicken)Score: 154,450

154450 with 5 birds, which is quite a lot above the previous top score. This level might have been made easier like many ABS levels involving explosions. On the other hand, I only had 145K before so I may just have been very lucky.

1st high arc dropping the egg on the right of the first wooden roof. I also hit a small stone atop the chimney but I suppose it doesn’t matter much if the bird doesn’t hit anything.

2nd same trajectory, auto explode. Goal is to blow up the left side for 54-60K.

3rd high arc hitting the left side of the second wooden roof. Detonate bomb bird as he rolls down just before he hits the stones. 100K+ is a good score here.

4th flatter arc just over the wall and falling one ‘step’ down, detonate as close to the wooden plank as possible.

5th quickly launch before the level times out at same trajectory as 4th bird, penetrating as far into the right side as possible to topple the remaining stones (auto-explode).

Final result

Rank: Sling God with 45780 points
By karen68 (@karen68)Score: 163,330

@angrychicken I have to agree, there certainly seems to be a lot more points available on this level, and in several others in Summer Pignic as well.
I don’t know if I’d call it easy, it took a lot of flinging to get to 163k, but I was starting at 138k, & was able to get scores of 140k+ without too much effort.

Rank: Sling God with 20685 points
By Angrychicken (@angrychicken)Score: 154,450

@karen68 I figured my score would be beaten before long, but not with 163K. What a great score! I’m currently revising a lot of levels in ABS looking for easy points. Most chapters have at least a few levels where you can snag an extra 10K or so. This one was just one of many. Congrats on the trophy :)

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 148,320

Thanks @angrychicken and @karen68 for the strat and tips:) I didn’t do bad for my first pass through , I’m sure with more time and flinging I’ll improve some!
I’ll be back lol


Was going back through the levels collecting Mighty Eagle feathers. Something strange happened on this level. After shooting the first bird, the left half of the level disappeared and I collected all the points, second bird wiped out the right half without touching it. Final score 230,930.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6825 points
By Sck2DthofU (@dronnord)Score: 154,550

@JL You should post a picture with the score showing and add @admins in the reply

Rank: Master Slinger with 6825 points
By Sck2DthofU (@dronnord)Score: 154,550

Here is my glitch high score. while trying to get over 148680 I used the same technigue as before. This time it touched something on the wall that created a freeze up again. Instead of clearing my scores it gave me this score.

Rank: Sling God with 45780 points
By karen68 (@karen68)Score: 163,330

@dronnord unfortunately glitch scores aren’t generally allowed on the leaderboards. :(

cc: @sweetp

Rank: Boss Hog with 14175 points
By knichy (@knichy)Score: 144,510

@karen68 nice shot. I too got the lock up glitch, but not the 200k score part. I’ll give your strat w whirl now, I thought I was happy at 140.
@dronnord you need to revise your score, as glitch scores in general are nor permitted on the leaderboards.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6825 points
By Sck2DthofU (@dronnord)Score: 154,550

Hello @admins. There is a complete wipeout glitch on this level.

Rank: Sling God with 26440 points
By SweetP (@sweetp)Score: 130,820

@dronnord, is this what you saw when you first started the level? Very strange.

I haven’t heard of this glitch before. Has anyone else had the same problem?

Maybe you could report it to Rovio, and see if they’re aware of it.

Rank: Sling God with 45780 points
By karen68 (@karen68)Score: 163,330

@dronnord @sweetp see my comment above from last year. It’s the pink flower in the front that triggers it if part of the flower flies through the glass into the structure.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 148,320

@sweetp i just experienced this glitch also, but quickly hit restart for fear of losing scores:(

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 148,320

Oopsy sorry i see i mentioned it above,i hadn’t refreshed my page:\

Rank: Master Slinger with 6825 points
By Sck2DthofU (@dronnord)Score: 154,550

I also had this same problem in one of the other Pignic series earlier this week. It was triggered when I sent a yellow bird into a TNT at the base of a tree instead of high arc down into the tree. I am not at my ipad so I cannot tell you which one of the previous 9 games it was in Pignic. Thanks @karen68 @sweetp and @admins

Isn`t there a glitch page? on the nest somewhere?

Rank: Sling God with 26440 points
By SweetP (@sweetp)Score: 130,820

@dronnord, yes there is a Forum section, Bugs and Issues that I’m sure there is a topic for Seasons, that you could post in.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6825 points
By Sck2DthofU (@dronnord)Score: 154,550

Really..I will go back to the Santa glitch. How many of you used that glitch? Hmmm

I do not use the black bird or any other extra except when I play feathers or my grandkids use my ipad. I have decided that I will amend my score when I get it back up in the range I am happy with

Rank: Avian Overlord with 15595 points
By Brian N (@briann)Score: 153,920

I noticed no one ever replied to your question @dronnord.It’s a fact that if I was ever able to successfully download a version of Seasons that had the SHG any scores would be considered legitimate. (I have tried but I guess there’s no way a version so old could work on modern devices).
Anyway @sweetp, @karen68, @admins can you tell me why those scores are acceptable whereas a high score using a glitch on this level is not? I’m not being contentious and I haven’t personally benefitted from the glitch(it was never fixed btw). Just looking for a clear logical explanation.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 15595 points
By Brian N (@briann)Score: 153,920

PS your legitimate score on this level @karen68 is unreal, can’t get close.

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