Angry Birds Seasons Piglantis Level 1-1 Walkthrough

One strategy for Piglantis level 1-1 is to send the Red bird underwater to cut the rope holding the boulder. Send the Yellow bird along a similar trajectory, triggering the speed boost as it approaches the surface to blast through the suspended TNT. If you can destroy enough material, 3 stars may be yours!

Category: 12. Piglantis, Angry Birds Seasons, Walkthroughs
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Comments (152)

Rank: Explosive with 2380 points
By duffy (@duffy)Score: 71,080

Perhaps I missed it or I am missing something, but I don’t think anyone has mentioned that if you get the red bird onto the deck & take the pig out it’s worth over 6,000 pts. as compared to about 1,130 in the video. There’s been a lot of talk about the vases (are people referring to those white pillar-like objects?). If not, what and where are the vases? Also a lot of discussion about which way the round rock rolls, but I don’t remember seeing anything about the R.B. landing on the pier or deck and killing the pig. It seems like a 5,000 pt. advantage in this game is significant. If I’ve missed it, I apologize. If it’s not important, I’d appreciate knowing why. Now I just need the other 65 or 70,000 pts. to go with it. Diabolical episode!

Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)Score: 70,090

Hi @duffy – yes it’s good to get the red bird on the pier to take out the pig – mainly to get red out of the way so yellow does not bump into him. That pig on the pier has to go either way – so it doesn’t matter if you get him with red or later on – but getting a clear lane for yellow to hit the suspended TNT is the best thing you can do.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)Score: 70,090

Sorry – the vases everyone talks about are on the ocean floor – the suspended ball that red cuts can go to the bottom and break a vase – which I think is worth 100 points.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6960 points
By iamMighty (@iammighty)Score: 70,360

Thanks for this. Really helped me to increase my score a bit.
By the way, the highscore on this level seems a bit high.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1855 points
By DocTonyNYC (@doctonynyc)Score: 70,980

@duffy. The vase and treasure chest are on the ocean floor–vase on the left.

Pigs are always worth 5,000 points. If you don’t get it with first shot, you have to get it with second (or third) to clear the level. In other words, you will always get the 5,000 for killing the pig. There is no point advantage getting it with the first bird.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1855 points
By DocTonyNYC (@doctonynyc)Score: 70,980

LOL, I hadn’t seen the responses from @playdbird, when I wrote this. Hopefully, between the two of us, things will be clearer.

Rank: Explosive with 2380 points
By duffy (@duffy)Score: 71,080

@PlayDBird@DocTonyNYC…Thanks to you both. Now I get it about the red bird, etc. I do realize the vase & treasure chest are underwater. I
just don’t understand exactly what object you are calling a vase – is it that white pillar-like thing? Sorry to be so obtuse.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1855 points
By DocTonyNYC (@doctonynyc)Score: 70,980

@duffy. Right below the boulder hanging from the rope is a hill. After hitting the rope, the boulder falls in the water and rolls either right or left, if it rolls to the right, it stops at the treasure chest (I’ve never seen the boulder break it). If the rock rolls down to the left, it goes over w shell and stops at (and sometimes breaks) the vase. Maybe it’s an urn, instead? Does that help?

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 75,950

@duffy on my phone I couldn’t see the is on the ocean floor..below the boulder.if you zoom out you may be able to see it ..

Rank: Explosive with 2380 points
By duffy (@duffy)Score: 71,080

@Kathy…I’m embarrassed to say that I just never noticed it. Guess I thought it was a fish! As I’ve said before – old eyes. But thanks for the help. I need all I can get on this level. I’ve 3 * it several times but my scores are lousy. I may have to settle for 68+. It’s making me a little crazy.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 75,950

No problem…believe you I have old eyez also and old contact lenses ..double trouble;)

Rank: Explosive with 2380 points
By duffy (@duffy)Score: 71,080

Well I finally broke 70K which was my goal. I really needed to see how a score of 70+ was achieved so in desperation I went to YouTube. I found a video by Yuryigolkin which showed how to get 70+. So many many thanks @Yuryigolkin, whose video confirmed moonsabre’s screen shot so a shout out to @moonsabre too. I may go back for a higher score :)! Here’s what I learned:

1st shot: RB cuts rope near top of rock which falls left & breaks vase/urn/jug. RB lands on dock & kills pigf(6,0 pts. 6,000+ pts. (smiles to @PlayDBird and @DocTonyNYC). VERY IMPORTANT for RB to land on the dock.
I don’t think enough importance is attached to this 1st shot. For me. It’s chief value is in setting the trajectory
for YB in 2nd shot.

2nd shot: YB follows as closely as possible the trajectory of RB. If on the mark it will be aiming just slightly
to the right of the TNT. Boost as YB comes out of the water.

I have repeated this strategy several times for 70+. I had tried every strategy described here without success,. I already had 3* with a 68+ score but I could never get more. After I discovered the video I got my first 70+ after a
few tries. But beware, I’ve had my share of failures too as I continued to try & improve. I decided to post now so I could get my life back!

Finally I want to give a shout out to @Ernor63 who wrote a description in Piglantis 1-7 that is my favorite of this entire series. I am going to try to emulate his style in my 2nd shot description. I don’t think I can do him justice but here goes:

2nd shot: With 2nd shot you must have YB closely follow the trajectory of RB. YB shall come out of the sea like a shark & it shall smash the 1st TNT to its slight right and the iron structure with the 2nd TNT shall be lifted up and smash down on the dock. All pigs shall be destroyed One chain of the trapeze might survive; nothing of the dock shall remain. Amen!

Thank you again @ernor63 for that wonderful description in 1-7. I knew I could never do it better than you.

Rank: Explosive with 2380 points
By duffy (@duffy)Score: 71,080

I wish 2 things: that Rovio’s scoring was a bit more transparent & that I could edit my comments. In 1st shot paragraph it should be…lands on deck & kills pig – 6,000+ pts. Same paragraph, it’s should be its. It should read: For me its chief value is…

Sorry about the typos & misspelling.

Rank: Explosive with 2380 points
By duffy (@duffy)Score: 71,080

Worst mistake of all…Sorry @Yuriyigolkin for misspelling your name in above comment. It’s very hard for me to see the difference between the l and the i on my iPad, especially when the print is small. I really hate misspelling people’s names so I apologize profusely.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5125 points
By yuriyigolkin (@yuriyigolkin)Score: 72,790

@duffy no problem. Glad that helped you…

Rank: Master Slinger with 6530 points
By ernor63 (@ernor63)Score: 71,160

@duffy, LOL. your’s is way better than mine.

Rank: Explosive with 2380 points
By duffy (@duffy)Score: 71,080

@ernor63… Thank you. No one can really do better than your description but I am glad to hear from & know you are still around. Do you ever play the Daily Challenge?

Rank: Master Slinger with 6530 points
By ernor63 (@ernor63)Score: 71,160

No I’m focusing on some old Seasons episods that I never really digged into before.

Rank: Sling God with 21330 points
By Stocktoad (@stocktoad)Score: 75,690

If you leave a piece of rope on the ball, you never break the vase. If you cut the rope right above the bolder, you always break the vase, giving you the points. The best shot is to hit the slanted wall just over the rope. Then the red bird cuts both top and bottom rope and also breaks the coral by the treasure chest. It is also possible to hit the rope right in the middle to break both parts. If you do the slanted wall shot, the red bird sometimes bobs up and seems to ALMOST set off the TNT.

Rank: Explosive with 2380 points
By duffy (@duffy)Score: 71,080

@enor63… Have fun with Seasons. Give it the old Viking try. But why should I tell you anything – you are one of the
best shooters around. Good luck.

Rank: Explosive with 2380 points
By duffy (@duffy)Score: 71,080

@PlayDBird@DocTonyNYC… Forget the vase — I see it now. It’s kind of gold colored, right? OMG I guess I must have thought it was a fish or something because I actually did not see it until now. Old eyes. Thank you both again.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1855 points
By DocTonyNYC (@doctonynyc)Score: 70,980

No problem! Ignore my reply above. By the way, if you click on “reply” under a message, it will keep a discussion thread together.

Rank: Explosive with 2380 points
By duffy (@duffy)Score: 71,080

@DocTonyNYC. Thanks. I knew that. Just not thinking. Old brain too. This level is draining all my brain cells.

Rank: Explosive with 2380 points
By duffy (@duffy)Score: 71,080

@DocTonyNYC…urn is better. Thanks for all your help.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16240 points
By Makin Bakin (@dseufert)Score: 68,190

For this frustrating level, let’s “revolt” and start a different, reverse strat and contest, if you want :)

Who can get all four pigs with the LEAST score?

I’ll go first with 35190 points.

1) RB on medium-high arc to land behind column on overhanging cliff; 170 points…
2) YB on very steep arc into orbit, 0 points…
3) BB flat to break rope and drop boulder; 1550 points… running score of 1720 so far…
4) YB however you want to pop all four remaining pigs with the LEAST score.

Golf, anyone?

Rank: Slinger with 1075 points
By PigFlinger1234 (@pigflinger)

@dseufert Interesting…

1) Red Bird w/ low trajectory to the sea and jump towards the top rope holding the rock (Kinda challenging to do this, though). Score- 150.
2) A careful shot to the sea that hits the 1st pig (This one is challenging! This is madness! (Madness? THIS IS SPARTAAAA!!!)). Score- 5790.
3. Bomb Bird at near-same trajectory w/ the previous bird, that kills all the pigs and topples the tower to the w/ (I’m exploding him in mid-air, that’ll cause less destruction, and try to make the tower to not explode that TNT). Score- 31250
4. Yellow bird- Fire him backwards, he’ll not hit anything. Score- 31520.

Total score- 31520 (At least i beat ya, hehehehe)

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16240 points
By Makin Bakin (@dseufert)Score: 68,190

LOL !!! Nice to know someone else is up as late (or very early?) as me with a similar sense of humor :) Keep on flinging… er, well,… unflinging! I’ll try your “un-strat.” :)

Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)Score: 70,090

I got 32970

*First bird – threw him in there – something happened.
*Second bird – threw him in there – something happened and all pigs died.
*Third bird – threw him into the sea.
*Fourth bird threw him into the sea.

There’s gotta be less points out there somewhere….

Rank: Master Slinger with 5510 points
By SeasonsKing (@theangrybird)Score: 70,660


Flew red bird to break both strings, then used yellow bird to hit red bird (it was actually an accident) and caused the bird to fly towards the TNT on top, toppling the structure without hitting the other TNT and killing all pigs. :)

Rank: Master Slinger with 6710 points
By hinarei (@hinarei)Score: 68,120

Is it just me or is this the only level in Piglantis where you actually have to fling the birds through the water? I can’t place any other level that you have to use the water physics to get anywhere…

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 68,250

There’s quite a few I believe.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10760 points
By PdB (@playdbird)Score: 70,090

On most levels you have an option to use the water or not.
For example, levels 1-13 and 2-14. You can go underwater to complete those, but both are set up that you can also avoid the water and complete them more traditionally.

There are levels where there are structures underwater that you need to destroy to get high scores, but I do believe that 1-1 is the only one where you HAVE to fling a bird into water.

If I’m wrong someone please let me know.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 75,950

@hinarei there are lots of levels where different strats could take your bird or egg through the water..most have a choice of water method or air..good luck;)

Rank: Master Slinger with 6710 points
By hinarei (@hinarei)Score: 68,120

1-9’s a good one for sending the egg through the water and I’ve found that gives a better score in general, but for those that find the water a bother more than a boon then only 1-1 could be a struggle for a 3-star

Rank: Master Slinger with 6710 points
By hinarei (@hinarei)Score: 68,120

Thanks @playdbird. That’s what I was trying to get across, and apologies if its been mentioned before :) I realise there’s several levels where its a benefit to make use of the new control water shots give you, and I will enjoy going through those, especially if it could improve my score.

Rank: Sling God with 46080 points
By karen68 (@karen68)Score: 76,020

Any level that only gives you a thousand points on the 1st shot is definately trouble. Thank you @duffy for your input on this level, & also thank you @yuriyigolkin for your YouTube video, for some reason it made things much clearer.
Why did they remove the red rock structure in the background? I assume it was done in the BTS update, but what is the point in taking it out?

Rank: Explosive with 2380 points
By duffy (@duffy)Score: 71,080

@karen68 – You are so welcome.

Rank: Deputized with 115 points
By gmr72 (@gmr72)Score: 76,070

I managed to clear this level with the first red bird. Got enough lift when he popped out of the water that he clipped the board with the TNT ……..and the whole thing blew. Total luck, as I have played this level many times and failed to get the 3 star score!

Rank: Out of this World with 2555 points
By Jaydee (@jaydee)Score: 74,130

Hello @comex666 – I see you have 74k too. Did you also get your score when the back TNT was hit by the grey “wheel” that is on the bottom of the right hand rope? In my case it flew over the right structure and hit the TNT. Same for you? (Still 2 birder – I can’t get Red to pop the TNT at all – I have made it jump a few times but not explode). Well done, as always!

Rank: Sling God with 45970 points
By comex666 (@comex666)Score: 74,550

hello my friend @jaydee.
yes, wheel fall to right tnt.
first bird a little bit over the rock, cut the rope, land on dock and kill pig.
second bird a little bit lower than red bird, activate when bird is out of water near horizon like picture
tnt explodes, wheel fly to the right over structure, hit tnt.
chest in water hit from fallen stones

Rank: Out of this World with 2555 points
By Jaydee (@jaydee)Score: 74,130

Yeah! I did it like that as well. I preferred for red to fall on platform to kill that pig, because I tended to hit Red with Chuck if Red was still jumping up and down in water. That chest is tough to break. At least when I got 100% Mighty Eagle Destruction, the Eagle had no problem in that regard. *grin*

Rank: Sling God with 45970 points
By comex666 (@comex666)Score: 74,550

similar like this strat.
here a video with 74k:

Rank: Explosive with 2105 points
By chimichangachick (@mecstaveler)Score: 70,520

@jaydee @comex666 I haven’t been able to be here for such a long time, I wanted to be sure to at least say “Hi” to the peeps doing the challenge. So, “Hi!” (

Rank: Out of this World with 2555 points
By Jaydee (@jaydee)Score: 74,130

@mecstaveler ! YAY!! Awesome to see you again!! Welcome back!

Rank: Explosive with 2105 points
By chimichangachick (@mecstaveler)Score: 70,520

@jaydee thanx!

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 58,720

Wow, this level was making me seasick.

Rank: Out of this World with 2555 points
By Jaydee (@jaydee)Score: 74,130

LOL @kelani ! I hope at least the fun of the cruise wasn’t lost?
Incidentally, isn’t your score 68k and not 58k?

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 58,720

@jaydee I’m ashamed to admit it, but my score really is 58k. I picked up an amazingly bad cold yesterday, and I’m just going to blame my awful score on that. I definitely need to make a note of this level for whenever people say “wow kel, your scores are always so consistently good!”

Not always! Congrats to all you great scorers :)

Rank: Out of this World with 2555 points
By Jaydee (@jaydee)Score: 74,130

@budgie SO CLOSE to that puppy!!!! Simultaneous commiserations and congratulations to you! So you got Red to pop that TNT, I suppose?

By Gary

The TNT floats so I couldn’t make it sink down to the chest. However, I did manage to crack the chest after hitting it with the first yellow on a draw between 1/3 and 1/2 scored about 250 but didn’t open it. then my bomber cleared the rest of the pigs and I hit it one more time with the last yellow for 160 or so. After that, the pillar landed on it and scored 3,000.

With the red bird slamming the rock face, if you sling a little bit too low then you only get the coral left of the chest but with a little adjustment then you can get 2 or all 3 spots and nudge the TNT a little.

Maybe hitting the TNT on the far right first with the 2nd yellow bird may have better luck in clearing the level and cracking the safe at the same time with the pillar falling on it with no interference and full force from the right….

Rank: Avian Overlord with 15955 points
By jlz-666 (@jlz-666)Score: 78,410

Another level with TNT on steroids? On trying to replay levels with explosives to see if they’ve been given oomph factor with the latest update,I thought I’d give this nightmare a try. I’ve always struggled to hit the 70k and started today’s attempt at 69k. 2 birds,same as most peeps. Red through hanging stone,landing on pig on the deck then yellow long fling into water coming straight up boosting into middle of hanging TNT. At least I think that’s what most peeps are doing? There’s way too many comments to read through on this one. At first after a few explosions it didn’t look like this was one of those levels but suddenly it all went kaboom!! Very sweet blasts from both TNT’s which collapsed and destroyed the wooden stilts and cascaded rocks and boulders down onto the sea floor collecting lots more points. If you’ve been forever tearing your hair out on this one then now is the time to give it another try! GL

Rank: Boss Hog with 14970 points
By bonneypattycat (@bonneypattycat)Score: 75,300

@jlz-666 It did take about 15 minutes, but I FINALLY got a 175k score. :) It might be easier now, but that is sill an impressive score you got there!

Rank: Avian Overlord with 15955 points
By jlz-666 (@jlz-666)Score: 78,410

Thank you @bonneypattycat. Easier yes but easy? Nope. I guess I’m sorry to see so many levels have been made much easier and yep sure I’m going to be peeved to lose some top scores because of this but ultimately it’s made things more interesting! Heck,we’re forever striving for better scores and this has just raised the bar a wee bit!

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 75,950

@jlz666 @bonneypattycat Well i did improve my 69k rather quickly, i can’t say whether it’s because the level is easier or not. I’m wondering because back when i played theze all i cared was to get above average so back then if i had given it more time i may have been able to achieve my current 73k. Hmmm time will tell as I’m Hoping my improvement is due to the level being easier and I’m going to keep at it I’ll let you know in the forum how i make out,so as not to clutter up the walkthrough more than it is. Ty for letting others know of your findings :D

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9125 points
By sammer48 (@sammer48)Score: 78,620

Just got a top score, sending red right to exactly where the rope meets the cave, taking all the rope away, sent yellow at smaller angle powering close to cave at angle to cut ropes for first tnt and strong hit through far structure into final tnt. Tried same many times one finally went through structure, @sweetp here is the link to the picture

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