Angry Birds Seasons Mooncake Festival Level 2-9 Walkthrough

Our strategy for Mooncake Festival level 2-9 is to fire Big Brother head-on into the first set of wooden blocks. Follow the same trajectory with the Black bird. It will break the hollow stone square and the explosion will destroy most of the level. Fire Big Brother slightly higher to pop the pig on the right side. If necessary, lob the last Black bird into the debris on the left side of the level. The score in the video below is 115,020.

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Category: 07. Mooncake Festival, Angry Birds Seasons, Walkthroughs
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Rank: Deputized with 145 points
By Dave (@daveprince13)Score: 132,950

1st bird (Big Red) The vid shows him taking the wood pile but as we all know by now, Big Red is to wood as Speedy Yellow is to glass (it stops them dead) so first bird goes above that wood pile and into the square cement blocks, bottom one has a lantern and you will kill quite a few pigs with the sheer force.

2nd – Bomb Bird – Goes straight into the triangle cement block that’s open facing the slingshot, he should break through that killing the pig with the fan and then detonate taking out the bunny, the grass and the whole left side with him.

3rd – Big Red – By now you should have a lot of almost broken debris left and the pig in the bottom right with the hat on (maybe the top right pig too depending on how your 1st shot went). If you feel you can get more than 10k points with big red then try not to kill the last pigs and use this bird for points, I didn’t have much left to destroy so I used him to take out the last of the pigs and get the 10k bonus.

4th – Bomb Bird – Not used if debris was cleared. If used, his primary function is to take out as much cement and wood while also taking the last pig with him.

There ya go and good luck!

Rank: Deputized with 145 points
By Dave (@daveprince13)Score: 132,950

Got it up to 132,950 this way. There is usually enough debris on top of the pile to the right to justify using the Big Red for points, he always gets more than 10k as well so to revise my strategy — shot 3 —- Use Big Red to take out all the half broken debris that has piled up on top of the second structure.

Shot 4 — Use the Bomb Bird to take out as much of the remaining cement as you can while still killing the pig.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1940 points
By novocool (@novojit)

thanks for your strategy… I’ve got 131k on 1st try

Rank: Fling King with 4810 points
By Sandini (@sandini)Score: 130,860

Thanks! Great strategy!

Rank: Explosive with 2250 points
By mabilica (@mabilica)Score: 140,800

thank you 140180 this way & used all 4 birds….

By Zsgorf

Took all day just to get 140,380…. 1st red & 2nd bomb aim as low as you can with both towards the Lower First. 3rd & 4th basically the same way, clearing all of the stones.

Rank: Sling God with 22565 points
By Pauliboy (@pauliboy)Score: 164,550

Been coming back and doing a few of the older levels: usually the ones where I’m ranked in the 100s or worse and miles from a high score. Tried this method and, once I’d got the aim right, scored 164k leaving not a lot left.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16160 points
By josephine (@josephine)Score: 144,940

Trying to improve my score of 134.000, I shot the 1st red low into the cement triangle above the rabbit. Only the pig with the brown hat survived.Then the bomb above this pig, this also cleared part of the second tower (with the lamp). Last red into the remains of the second tower. Score 144.940.

By barbara nacarelli

I aimed the red bird toward the lower left corner, then used the black bird to get underneath it – blew it up. Then the next red bird toward the red latern, then the same thing with the black bird. got it all :)

Rank: Sling God with 46080 points
By karen68 (@karen68)Score: 155,270

I used all 4 birds for maximum debris points.
1st – Aim at the 2 small pieces of wood on the side of the left structure. Damage can really vary but a good solid hit at the corner of the upper one can take out half of the left structure. You want to have a shot into where the pig with the fan is.
2nd – Aim at the space where the fan pig is, you want to get as deep into the corner as you can & destroy as much as possible. A good score here is 70-75k, you need a minimum of 65k to score high.
3rd – Right hand structure, aim at lower hollow stone square, the one beneath the red lantern, this should take out left side of this structure. Ideal score here is minimum 100k, the more the better.
4th – Fling the bomb into the heart of remaining structure & blast away. Get max points by getting debris to tumble down off the right side of the platform.
I can consistently score over 130k with this, I scored 149k with very little debris left.

Rank: Flinger with 35 points
By WereWolf69 (@werewolf69)Score: 150,540

That’s a pretty good strat you’ve got there @karen68, I’ve already increased my score by 16k+ using your method, I thank you from wingtip to wingtip.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16895 points
By bikkit (@bikkit)Score: 151,650

Thanks @karen68 that strat works nicely. But that first shot, oooooh, how random is the impact?!? Usually I can find a ‘fling point’ in the background to allow repeat shots with some accuracy but this level seems to defy the rules. Or I’m a little bit inaccurate which is FAR more likely!!

Rank: Sling God with 46080 points
By karen68 (@karen68)Score: 155,270

Glad it helped @werewolf69, @bikkit. I don’t remember the 1st shot being so random when I first posted this strat but it really is. Hit the right spot & you clear out a lot of the left for 30-40k, miss & you get nothing. Glad it still works, I managed to improve my score for the Challenge.
And Bikkit let’s keep calling it “random”. I’m sure we’re all super-accurate in our flinging ;)

Rank: Sling God with 26590 points
By SweetP (@sweetp)Score: 147,880

Wow, great score! @karen68, don’t you just love it when you figure out a strategy BEFORE reading all the comments here in ABN? I was getting ready to write about the same method when I started reading all of the comments here and got a pleasant surprise! Anyway, I made screen shots for each bird, so I thought it would help clarify what you’ve written above.

1st – It takes a lot of flinging over and over to find that “sweet” spot!

2nd – Got lucky when I bombed the right side of the structure, taking out the left side of the upper structure.

3rd – I was trying to aim at the edge of the bricks under the large Kung-Fu pig so Terence could push the rest of the structure to the right, but I choked (normal for me) and aimed too high!

4th – I had to use the last bomb bird to clear out what was left, so I scored much lower than what is a possible 150K+ points. I was too upset to do a screenshot, but you get the idea.

This is a fun level, watching all of those pieces of cement and wood flying everywhere! Hahaha! I’ll be revisiting soon to try and increase my score by another 10K.

Good luck, and happy flinging!

Rank: Sling God with 70045 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)Score: 152,800

Thank you @karen68 for posting your strategy. It helped to increase the score from 113k to 152k+. Used a very similar technique with a few tips or change-ups:
1. Big Brother is always aimed at the corner of the upper wood block on the bottom left but the results were not always in 40k as mentioned below. So as an alternative is to make a hole in the blocks above the rabbit it aided in clearing a path for the second bird.
2. Always tried to place the Bomb Bird to the left of and as close to the pig with the pointed hat on the bottom level on the left and have the column of stone blocks fall to the left obtaining as many points as possible and destroying the blocks as they fall.
3. Aimed the Big Brother at the top left corner of the hollow stone block under the lantern.
4. Land the Bomb Bird to the left of the far right pig with the pigtail.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6640 points
By E-Star (@e-star)Score: 149,970

Used the same method but it took me a lot of tries to get the score I wanted. I got 149970 and happy for now.

Here is my video to go along with your great written strat!

Rank: Flinger with 35 points
By WereWolf69 (@werewolf69)Score: 150,540

@Daveprince13, that was an excellent strategy, I used it and came out pretty good. Thank you very much.

Rank: Flinger with 35 points
By WereWolf69 (@werewolf69)Score: 150,540

This is incredible! I just got a 2-Birder and all it gave me was 132k, in that case I don’t want anymore 2-Birders, give me nothing but 4-Birders.

Rank: Sling God with 21330 points
By Stocktoad (@stocktoad)Score: 160,510

Ten minutes before the challenge was over I tried once more after playing this level off and on all day. For some reason, everything worked. Unfortunately I am still 430 points from the top score and the underdog badge…… oh well. My strat…… First bird to the corner of the bigger left wood piece. Keep repeating until you get major damage with the first shot. You need something in the area of 40,000 points, but more importantly you need to be able to get the second bird close to the bottom right corner. After two birds there shouldn’t be much remaining on the left side. Bird three goes low to mid level on the right side. Since there isn’t much left on the left, when the high stuff on the right collapses, it gets pretty much destroyed. The fourth shot should be on the bottom of the right side, but try to get it to the middle of the remaining structure. That way when it explodes rubble will go both left and right and destroy most everything.

Hey @werewolf69 I’ve been trailing you on the challenge every day lately. It’s nice to finally come in with a good score.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 152,160

@stocktoad thanks for posting, a true Nester, sharing last chance tips:D
i was able to add 10k to my score on a last ditch effort!
And thanks to all above who posted also @karen68 and others :)

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18405 points
By JTB (@jtb)Score: 142,880

Like the @e-star video You’re basically using Big Red to clear the wood so that Bomb Bird can get to the stones.

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