Angry Birds Seasons Hogs And Kisses 3 Star Walkthrough Level 7

One strategy for Hogs and Kisses level 7 is to break the leftmost cloud of the main structure with the Red bird. Then break the next two with a Yellow bird, causing the tower to topple left, taking out one small Cupid Pig. Target the remaining Cupid Pig with the Blue birds, finish off with the Yellow bird. The score in the video below is 88,460.

Golden Egg #5 Alert!

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Category: 03. Hogs and Kisses, Angry Birds Seasons, Walkthroughs
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Comments (49)

By Euan

There is a golden egg, zoom out and drop an egg when it floats to the right, you can use earlier birds to take the platform edge off


Golden Egg hidden beneath bird ramp.

Rank: Shooter with 890 points
By Moe (@christophermorrison5)Score: 91,730

Must be a better way but I shot birds into the cloud ledge to make room then timed it to drop a white egg on the golden one

Rank: Flinger with 25 points
By Lumberjack (@lumberjack)

I personally don’t think that there’s a better way, but precise timing obviously plays a large part of the equation for higher scores. The walkthrough video is definitely the best and possibly only method.

Rank: Flinger with 25 points
By Lumberjack (@lumberjack)

Actually, e-star’s method scores better.

By Wilks666

88910 using the same way as this vid, I finished this whole entire Hogs n Kisses in more or less 12-13 hours with three stars but not enough points to pass the trophy room, so thank u for this vid all those ppl who posted more score than me, care to share how? Thank u.

By Stph

I’m very not able to get the golden egg with egg bomb.. could you show me how?

Rank: Sling God with 37440 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)Score: 89,210

Yeah, watch the first video on this page. It should help. Be to shoot the white bird backwards. It’s all about timing.

By Mark

95550. If you throw the red one into those 3 pixels that leave only the flat part of the boat’s bottom and then shoot the yellow so it brakes the 2nd cloud (under the pig with pink bow) and then the tall structure fall straight down… Honestly more of a freak accident then sth I would be able to repeat.

By Habanero

Great walkthrough.. thanks!!
Used 4 birds and on the one occasion when I managed to get all the wood on the far right to fall, I managed to get 98,560!

Ref the walkthrough sequence … if you just time it so the little pig cherub on the left is at a low point of his descent before launching the 2nd bird into the snow base, the centre pole will always take him out as it falls, so one minipig less to hit with the blue split bird. Then you need a well placed (and dead lucky shot) on 4th yellow to take out enough snow blocks for the whole damn lot to fall.

Rank: Sling God with 69570 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)Score: 96,120

Thank you @Habanero for the post with your tip on the 2nd bird, Yellow Bird. Along with Alexey tips below was able to improve 7k and get an above average score.
Two tips some may find useful: Launch the Blue Bird when the right little pig cherub is swinging to the left or is just about at the left. Found more consistency in taking it out when it is going to the left. Also, with the last Yellow Bird, take out the two bottom snow clouds so the entire wood structure falls.

By Alexey

98,520, as Habanero said, you need 4 birds to get this much.
1. Destroy the back cloud of the big ship (or second one from the end).
2. Destroy the bottom clouds of the ship. If you time it carefully, falling mast WILL destroy: left angel, left balloons, small boat AND itself. It’s possible. Really. If you don’t have at least 51500 at this point, restart.
3. Destroy the right angel, balloons, rostrum clouds and wound moustache – in one hit. Don’t kill the shemale pig OR…
4. …if you did – launch last yellow bird to destroy two of the remaining bottom clouds.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6700 points
By wanda (@wanda)Score: 90,300

Following Habanero’s and your description, I did improve my score by 6k or so. Thanks. Those swinging cherubs are tricky, so thanks for the advice on timing things carefully, it did make a difference. I can now see how I can score higher, so back to the slingshot :).

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8570 points
By Kartflyer (@kartflyer)Score: 90,930

Thanks Alexey and Habanero! I improved a lot too, thanks for your contributions! :)

Rank: Boss Hog with 14970 points
By bonneypattycat (@bonneypattycat)Score: 97,710

I stopped reading comments at this point and tried for a good 4-birder. I should have kept reading ;)

By todd.cover

98650 with only 3 birds. Followed Mark’s advice and with a little luck like Alexey said, cleared the level with the blue triple bird. Didn’t need to waste any more birds.

By Steven

89520 but only two stars. What is needed for 3 stars???

Rank: Sling God with 37440 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)Score: 89,210

This level is an odd one. It’s 84,000 in the Angry Birds Seasons and 90,000 in Angry Birds Seasons Free.

By Maria

i can’t find the golden egg!??? I destroyed a floating brick under the bird platform thinking that would do it but no!

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 91,370

Have you watched the video above, or the Golden Egg walkthrough? You may want to check your Golden Egg page as well. Perhaps you already grabbed it.

By Roberto

I don’t know why but i hate this level too much! :/

By Jennifer

If you look up there are two very small could boxes. If you aim a yellow bird and can hit them they ground the flying pigs. I seem to have more luck doing it this way. I’m still trying to complete the level

Rank: Master Slinger with 6640 points
By E-Star (@e-star)Score: 97,720

I shot the first bird the same as the video, taking out the left top cloud. But I waited until the pig in the helmet and the wood he is sitting on falls down. It almost happens every time, just wait a moment before taking the next shot. Wait for the flying pig on the left to go on his journey downwards and shoot the yellow bird straight thru breaking the wood underneath the wooden pole. It tumbles down and takes out the flying pig on the left. Blues take out the remaining last two pigs. I got 97720 this way.

Here is my video.

Rank: Flinger with 25 points
By Lumberjack (@lumberjack)

@e-star, I followed your video and after quite a few tries I managed to raise my score by about 8000 points so thank you kindly for your wonderful cinematographic service.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6640 points
By E-Star (@e-star)Score: 97,720

You are so welcome @lumberjack 8k raise huh! Nice shooting, glad my service was able to help you out with that!

Rank: Flinger with 25 points
By Lumberjack (@lumberjack)

You’re most welcome oh highly revered and celebrated Queen of videos.

Rank: Sling God with 26440 points
By SweetP (@sweetp)Score: 95,270

Thank you as always @e-star. I followed your video and got a nice score!

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9940 points
By kimmiecv (@kimmiecv)Score: 98,550

Thank you @e-star!! Got me a very nice 14k increase in score!! Whoo Hooo your Gooood!!! :D onward I go! Need to get the heck out of this hearts and pink stuff!!! ;)

Rank: Sling God with 21330 points
By Stocktoad (@stocktoad)Score: 98,190

It’s interesting that there are no comments on this lever from today’s challenge people. Probably because it is kind of a frustrating level. I hate waiting to see if the first shot will collapse the left side. @e-star ‘s video is very helpful, but that second shot doesn’t happen very often. (actually not at all for me) To get my score, I had to get the second shot to go a little farther and take out the snow block under the girl pig.
Just a side interesting note, as Jennifer said above, as shot with a yellow bird to the little boxes high in the air does take down the flying pigs. I can’t come up with a useful strat that uses that shot though.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9590 points
By crivit (@crivit)Score: 100,450

very repeatable 98k+ 3 bird strat
1st like @e-star video a little bit higher to hit the horizontal wood
2nd high arc through horizontal above the two presents and through the middle cloud
3rd kill the 2 floating pigs

Rank: Sling God with 45770 points
By karen68 (@karen68)Score: 100,070

@crivit thank you! The hardest part is the timing to take out the wee swinging pigs, I think it was more luck if got them both, I need to try to figure it out for more consistency. I managed 3 98+k scores in about 20 minutes. Awesome strat :)

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9590 points
By crivit (@crivit)Score: 100,450

yw @karen68 3rd I shoot when the left pig is going downwards its hard to miss ;)

Rank: Pig Leader with 11235 points
By cali_mom (@cali_mom)Score: 101,260

Similar strat. So close to top score! The key is to wait after first red bird like estar’s video. The second bird high through the closest flying pig straight down through the middle cloud. The rest of the structures should collapse inward and make everything in the middle fall through the middle cloud that is gone. Then the 3rd bird to take out the last floating pig. 2 birds left. All hearts hit.

Rank: Sling God with 39390 points
By meanguy (@meanguy)Score: 100,700

THANKS crivit!! Your technique really works. Played for several hours,barely getting a little over 91,000. Twenty minutes with your strategy got me 100,700. Keep flinging.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 19230 points
By scooter (@scooter)Score: 100,500

Thanks @crivit and @e-star Followed your strats and went way up in the ranks! Fun level. Great score @cali_mom and Top Score! WTG. Will keep flinging until the next great challenge.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6640 points
By E-Star (@e-star)Score: 97,720

Nice score there @crivit ! Great shooting my Dutch neighbor! Love the 100k look of your score, might inspire me to revisit this level soon :D

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 98,750

Great score @Karen68 ;) I am having such trouble with this level! So I’m giving a little Wwwhhiinneee just a little one before i bow down before the AngryBirdGoddess. .;)

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 98,750

Finally !! Thanks @crivit for the great strat and @e-star for the video; );)

Rank: Boss Hog with 14970 points
By bonneypattycat (@bonneypattycat)Score: 97,710

I found this to be the easiest way to a 97k plus score. Thanks @crivit!

Rank: Sling God with 45680 points
By comex666 (@comex666)Score: 102,500

thx @crivit and @e-star and all other for tips and video
first bird high arc, bird hit the corner of the horizontal wood on left.
important is, that the second cloud is away, before the long wood is falling to the left.
it doesn´t matter, after the first or after second bird.
start the second bird with high arc, when the left floating pig is on half way up, because the long wood can be stuck
with the pig. break the wood and hit the middle cloud.
third bird high, start when the left floating pig go down, split, when the right floating pig go to the right.
here a video with 100k and the second cloud is away after second bird.

Rank: Sling God with 33355 points
By HunnyBunny (@hunnybunny)Score: 105,420

Woo Hoo @comex666 another puppy. And three posts…..

Rank: Sling God with 45680 points
By comex666 (@comex666)Score: 102,500

i have forget details in my strat.
and i don´t know , how to delete the other posts

Rank: Sling God with 26440 points
By SweetP (@sweetp)Score: 95,270

Thank you @comex666 for the video alternate strat. I highlighted as such, and deleted your duplicate comments.

And congrats to your #101 puppy, too.

Rank: Sling God with 33355 points
By HunnyBunny (@hunnybunny)Score: 105,420

Following @crivit strategy, to the letter, was dismayed that the small cloud with heart present (lots of points!) had not been taken down. You can still see it there in my screen shot.
Then the back of “sky boat” collapsed 105k Woo Hoo!

Hogs n Kisses puppy

Rank: Sling God with 39390 points
By meanguy (@meanguy)Score: 100,700

Amazing score @hunnybunny !! Great flinging !!!

Rank: Sling God with 33355 points
By HunnyBunny (@hunnybunny)Score: 105,420

@meanguy thanks, lucky I think, rather than great!

Rank: Boss Hog with 14175 points
By knichy (@knichy)Score: 96,390

@hunnbunny great fling! Persistence and determination make the luck, which in turn brings out greatness. I think that’s another T-shirt. Keep calm, fling on!

Rank: Sling God with 33355 points
By HunnyBunny (@hunnybunny)Score: 105,420

@captrec try this one, it’s hard, but if everything went, you never know

Rank: Sling God with 28470 points
By CaptREC (@captrec)Score: 98,720

Nice trophy @hunnybunny!

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