Angry Birds Seasons Fairy Hogmother Update Now Available!

Love is in the air! Angry Birds Seasons is celebrating Valentine’s Day with a brand new episode called “Fairy Hogmother”. The episode includes 19 new levels inspired by your favorite fairy tales. Three Little Pigs, Rapigzel, Swinederella, Hamzel and Gretel – they’re all here! Angry Birds Seasons Fairy Hogmother (v6.0.0) is now available for iOS and Android via Google Play and the Amazon Appstore.

From the Appstore:

A romantic new episode begins – just in time for Valentine’s Day! Does this story end in romance, or heartbreak?

This update includes:

  • 19 new levels, fairytale themed including 4 bonus levels!Our walkthroughs are live.
  • New Golden Eggs!
    • Two Golden Eggs hidden in-game;
    • The “Big Mushroom”, which will unlock after 3-starring all levels;
  • More Pig Days levels! The next one is set to be released on February 14th, Happy Valentine’s Day.
  • New “Last Chance” option: Ran out of birds? You can add three Red birds for another chance to pass the level. They will cost you 90 Golden coins though.
  • The leaderboards is live!. Remember that scores obtained with Power Ups are not permitted on our leaderboards.
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Category: Angry Birds News & Updates, News, Updates

Comments (57)

Rank: Pig Leader with 11130 points
By datguygamer (@datguygamer)

Three Little Pigs, Rapigzel, Swinederella, Hamzel and Gretel. That’s four pigs, not three.

Rank: Boss Hog with 13895 points
By Power Pork (@abginebird)

There are new cages in game which you can earn an extra bird from them (for example level 2)

Rank: Pig Leader with 11130 points
By datguygamer (@datguygamer)

If I had to be a guessing man, more often than not, you would lose the level trying to get an extra bird than what it’s worth.

Rank: Boss Hog with 13895 points
By Power Pork (@abginebird)

I usually ignore them when it’s not a bomb bird in it.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11255 points
By DG47 (@dg47)

I found if you didn’t get the imprisoned bird you lost the level.

Rank: Fling King with 4615 points
By welshwitch55 (@welshwitch55)

I didn’t get Terence out of the cage on the 2nd level and didn’t lose. I haven’t 3 starred it yet either.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11255 points
By DG47 (@dg47)

3* the first 14 levels-not found a golden egg yet-but still have the 5 bonus levels to do-doing 4 seems to unlock a 5th one-maybe one of the eggs is gained there?

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8250 points
By GrimmJow (@grimmjow)

Do you find GE ?
Do you 3-star the level 16 ?

Rank: Pig Leader with 11255 points
By DG47 (@dg47)

Have stopped at level 14 for today.

Rank: Fling King with 4715 points
By Suikyo (@suikyo)

One Golden egg can be found in level 1-3. In the tower, there are two places whose color is different. The upper one is where the golden egg is hidden. You may use Matilda to get it.

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)

@suikyo— Yes, I got that GE, thanks to you, but I don’t understand what that level is about? One Matilda and 9! pigs! You do get an extra bird if you destroy the right pig? but still???

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)

The second GE is in level 1-19 ( the 50-star bonus level. It’s in plain sight, but I haven’t even been able to complete the level, let alone get the egg.

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)

Well, if you just try for the egg, you can get it. Still have to complete the level.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9615 points
By Mp127 (@mp127)

Cool update, especially caged birds on levels (a bit like AB2)
BTW, on my game ALL Pig Days are open. A bug?

Rank: Pig Leader with 10780 points
By mcc8206 (@mcc8206)

I noticed that Pig Days needed to be re-downloaded from the cloud, however it needs to be done in increments of 15 or 16 levels at a time. I downloaded the most recent set and noticed that my high score in Penguin Awareness Day was lost.

I haven’t downloaded all of the levels yet so I’m not sure if any additional progress was lost…

Rank: Pig Leader with 11255 points
By DG47 (@dg47)

Exactly the same experience-mine was because “Seasons” in its entirety refused to stop downloading on one of my devices-after an hour I found the courage to delete it and download again from the App store-everything was OK -all levels downloaded with scores on all games- but had to re-do Penguin Awareness Day again on Pig Days.
There is also a glitch in that ALL the upcoming “Pig Days” are have opened as well!!

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8250 points
By GrimmJow (@grimmjow)

@admins, @mcc8206, @dg47

I also lost my score of level Pig Days of the pinguins.
But look at the numbering of the levels. The 3-15 became 4-1. I think that that’s it which upset everything.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11255 points
By DG47 (@dg47)

Sounds logical to me-thanks

Rank: DaBomb with 260 points
By JimmieJ48fan (@jimmiej48fan)

I have the issue with my high score lost for the Penguin Awareness Day level.

I also have an issue with the NBA team levels. It’s not a big deal because my stars and scores are right. But some of the levels that I completed don’t have the 3 stars below the logo but a single star on the logo.

By Carrie

This happen to to me too, after updating cleared all games out had to start over vey pissed

Rank: Pig Leader with 11490 points
By leggy (@leggy)

As reported before me (above)…
1. My score on PD level 5-12 (now 5-13) was set to zero after updating; no other levels/scores affected.
2. Levels from 3-15 onwards have been re-numbered.

As for my PD level selection screen…
Well, after updating, all of my previously opened/played levels (except 5-13) were displaying pictures/stars, there was a timer on next level, and the 6 new levels had the standard hologram placeholders.
I then closed the app briefly and when I reopened it the timer and new levels were displaying ‘open’ so I opened levels 5-15 & 6-1 to see what would happen, they opened fine, but when I tried to open 6-2 I got booted back to the level selection screen and everything at this point had then reverted back to timer and holograms – very odd and defo buggy!

Something that hasnt yet been mentioned…
The PD episode has been moved from the top of the screen to being in-line with the other episodes, and strangely, whilst released in 2014 it’s under the 2016 heading -?

Quite enjoying the new episode, fairy hogmother…
I’ve only played 7 levels so far but have managed to find/unlocked g.egg #70 as well as unlocking a few bonus levels, but I have a way to go before I’m finished, and in the meantime, just gotta hope that any pending bug fix doesnt affect my scores!

Rank: Pig Leader with 11490 points
By leggy (@leggy)

Ps. a few new birdwear items have been added to the book too! ;)

Rank: Pig Leader with 11490 points
By leggy (@leggy)

Havent used last chance option bird purchase…
I consider their use an unfair advantage over people who don’t use them, much the same as using pu’s. For example: worst case scenario, all three used yet additional damage/points, best case scenario, only one of three used so additional damage/points plus 20k bonus.
Birds on slingshot and caged birds at start of level however are available to everyone and give no unfair advantage.

Are scores using the last chance birds being allowed on leaderboards?

Rank: Pig Leader with 11490 points
By leggy (@leggy)


As previous: Are scores using the last chance birds being allowed on leaderboards please?

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)

@leggy Sorry for the late reply. The answer is NO. Any power ups or extras are not allowed on the leaderboard.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11490 points
By leggy (@leggy)

Thanks for reply @sal9
In view of the fact that not all members will have visited this page of the nest, I wonder if perhaps the squawk notice on the FH leaderboard could be amended to reflect the fact that extra last chance birds (PU telebird or 3-reds) are also not allowed please?

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)

Great suggestion @leggy Let me see what can be done.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11490 points
By leggy (@leggy)

Great job @sal9

Rank: Pig Leader with 11490 points
By leggy (@leggy)

Having played a few more levels…
Something else new!

When you 3* a level whilst online, there is an option to triple your reward coins by watching a video.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11490 points
By leggy (@leggy)

Cloud download isnt working properly…
I’ve had to download pd levels twice and previous episodes three times now…?

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)

@admins concerning the above mentioned by @leggy as to the levels being renumbered, now the leaderboard doesn’t match the level, is there any word from Rovio if this will be fixed, and/or are there any plans to redo the board to make it match the game? This seems to have affected quite a few members , not sure if it’s all or platform related , I’m using Android . It’s all very confusing:/

Rank: Boss Hog with 14280 points
By Josm (@josm)

I LOVE this update, especially because they made it in ‘old style’. No ‘busy’ backgrounds, no unnecessary decorations etc.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7355 points
By abbob (@bbbobbb)

Exactly! A beautiful update, no BS resets and pay to continue. Extra birds in cages only help to finish the level. I am at the gold level 50 for tonight that and the goldens is all I have to complete.

Thank you Rovio!

Rank: Pig Leader with 11255 points
By DG47 (@dg47)

Have to agree fully-hopefully Rovio has dropped the in game pay-to-play-or-wait gimmick forever!

By joe

Anyone find a golden egg yet?

Rank: Pig Leader with 11255 points
By DG47 (@dg47)

One on level 1-3-hit the upper odd coloured bit of the tower with the rebound off the white bird

The other is on Level 19-“50 Star” extra level GE in the treasure cave on right

By joe

Thanks. I had a feeling one might b there but haven’t been able to hit the spot yet

Rank: Fling King with 4615 points
By welshwitch55 (@welshwitch55)

Is it just me (maybe my age is catching up to me), or are these getting harder to 3 star? I’ll blow everything up and maybe even have a bird left, and still 2 stars. What does it want from me?!? Maybe I need more kettle bell reps for my fling finger. I’m not practicing as hard. Slacking off. MORE KETTLE BELL. Where’s Christopher Walken when I need him?

Rank: Master Slinger with 7355 points
By abbob (@bbbobbb)

It is hard! But not as hard as some of the ridiculous levels of a few years ago…

Rank: DaBomb with 485 points
By Stahl (@stahl)

I would say they are slightly more difficult than I’m used to. So I do agree, but now I have everything 3starred =)

Rank: Sling God with 36410 points
By Joey (@joeyba)

this was an unexpected update! fun as always

By Irene

The golden egg levels appear impossible to win.

By evan

One the first egg quest you want to use the boomerang bird to hit the second level with the yellow bird and big red. Use the yellow to hit the middle pig and go through that pig into the highest pig on the wall. That will then fall and take out the second level pig on the right side, Now all you have to do is fling the red bird at the lowest remaining pig on the right. It took a little while but you will get it. Maybe 25 times it took me.

By Irene

Oh thank you! Tricky little imps!

Rank: DaBomb with 485 points
By Stahl (@stahl)

Alternatively you can get telebird with the Tucan and with a trick shot you aim for the upper yellow bird. Shoot it horisontally and teleport it just a lil left to the upper Chuck. If strenght and angle is correct, it frees Chuck, pops the upper pig and on its way falling should take out the bottom one too. Now you have one yellow and the upper right two pigs left. Aim for the top one so that after collision it falls back on top of the last one.
Yeah… don!t ask me what the guys at Rovio had in mind at this level… Never seen one like this before!! Good luck fellows! :)

Rank: DaBomb with 485 points
By Stahl (@stahl)

Has any of you noticed that the golden eggs unlock themselves after completing all the levels? I’m pretty sure I did not get them before and all of a sudden they went unlocked. Not that I mind it … just saying :)

Rank: DaBomb with 485 points
By Stahl (@stahl)

I did not mean the big shroom, that is obviously available after 3starring all the levels. I got the two other one without a single fling.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11490 points
By leggy (@leggy)

They havent unlocked for me @stahl
The placeholders are there for them with this episode though, whereas on previous episodes they didnt appear until you found the g.egg/s.

The placeholder g.eggs change to a brighter yellow with lighting effect once the eggs are found, the lighting effect then disappears when the g.egg is opened.

By BirdFeeder

You’re right. I found the level 19-50 Golden Egg had unlocked after I’d completed all the rest of the levels. (I just assumed I’d somehow hit it without noticing.) I then completed that Golden Egg level, but when I read your post, I went back to look on level 19-50 and sure enough – the Golden Egg was still sitting in that cave. So I hit it, and the Golden Egg popped up, and when I checked the start page, the star had disappeared from my Golden Egg level and I had to complete it again!

By Bob Banks

So what story is each level?

1 – Jack and the Beanstalk
2 – ?
3 – Rapunzel
4 – Three Little Pigs
5 – Snow White
6 – Aladdin
7 – Peter Pan
8 – Cinderella
9 – Hansel and Gretel
10 – Princess on the Pea
11 – Pinocchio
12 – ?
13 – Little Mermaid
14 – Alice in Wonderland
15 – Winter Queen
16 – Sleeping Beauty
17 – Pied Piper
18 – Frog Prince
19 – Ali Baba
20 – Bremen Musicians
21 – Thumbelina

Golden Egg – ?
Golden Egg – ?
Mushroom – ?

Rank: Explosive with 2050 points
By Jenny (@jennyweatherup)

I think #2 is supposed to be the Ugly Duckling. I don’t have a clue about #12.

Rank: Boss Hog with 13905 points
By nice_psycho (@philip)

I think 12 could be: “The Story of the Youth Who Went Forth to Learn What Fear Was”

By KillaKnight

I also believe #2 is Ugly Duckling – there is small red duck (looking like hybrid between duck and devil) behind the waves under the mill. And then you have the 2 white swans in the lake.

I also believe #7 is Treasure Island and not Peter Pan (you have pirates and treasure on an island, but there is no trace of Peter Pan).

#12 I also had no clue, but I read the tale mentioned above and it seems likely that it is a correct guess.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14300 points
By swansaredead (@swanz)

The two eggs levels are a littel bit “marioinbowsercastle” shit . i like it!

By Fremont

Does anyone else have bugged physics in level 1 – 4? I have Fairy Hogmother on my Android tablet and Android phone. The the phone, it plays perfectly but on the tablet, the boomerang bird doesn’t really respond in level 1-4… he just kind of drops. Likewise, the pink birds bubbles don’t lift anything up, they just form and stay there (but they work as normal on my phone). I’ve played through all seasons episodes from the start, so I know how it should operate!

Rank: Pig Leader with 11130 points
By datguygamer (@datguygamer)

Not sure about Hal (the Boomerang Bird) but I can help you on Stella (the Pink Bird). See when you see bubbles form but none of the structures are being lifted, then that usually means the structure itself is to heavy to be lifted. You have to lift specific lighter parts of the structure in order for your Stella to properly work. This has always been there since her introduction. Hope this answers at least one of your questions.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1510 points
By Zack Voyager (@zackvoyager)

@admins Did you mention the fact that older episodes now require to be paid in birdcoins to be unlocked ? This is pretty horrible, and this is true for all episodes prior to Ham Dunk…

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