Angry Birds Seasons Fairy Hogmother Level 1-1 Walkthrough

Here is our walkthrough strategy for Angry Birds Seasons Fairy Hogmother Level 1-1. The score in the video below is 151,040. You can read more about the Fairy Hogmother update and find helpful links here.

Category: 24. Fairy Hogmother, Angry Birds Seasons, Walkthroughs
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Comments (39)

Rank: Sling God with 35805 points
By ixan57 (@ixan57)Score: 169,540

2* 144,540
3* 145,750

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16895 points
By bikkit (@bikkit)Score: 163,860

I seem to get better 1 bird scores by flinging at the ivy to the left of the swing, and letting the vegetation and/or the bird to fall and dislodge the wand to trigger the catapult

Rank: Sling God with 37070 points
By catsnbirds (@catsnbirds)Score: 169,020

I concur with @bikkit . My 169K score was achieved that way.

Rank: Sling God with 25800 points
By MG516 (@mg516)Score: 166,110

I had tried that approach without success, but based on your recommendation @bikkit I revisited this level and using your approach I improved 3K getting barely above average. Thank you.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16895 points
By bikkit (@bikkit)Score: 163,860

Hey no problem @mg516. This is the time i like the best, a new episode, new strategies, try this, do that, swap successes with fellow nesters. Yay!!

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16080 points
By crash (@tmax)Score: 176,200

but you have only 159k at the moment?…… is that a typo?

By DanielleinDC

That worked for me too! Thanks!

Rank: Pig Leader with 10990 points
By Happy66 (@happy66)Score: 167,920

Hi @bikkit, that is the way i play since the beginning but my score is faaar from yours (and others flingers!), so i came back here to look for more strategies/tips, but there is not so many and seems i am only unlucky (whining time, LOL!!)
I’ll give another try tomorrow ;-)

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16080 points
By crash (@tmax)Score: 176,200

I achieved (a now 6th place) score of 168+k using all three birds….. not sure if I should be tying to one-bird this thing or not

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16080 points
By crash (@tmax)Score: 176,200

It seems like there are large differences in my final scores with similar damage….. anyone else noticing that for this level?….. seems like I am doing decent damage and end up in the 130’s or 140’s ….. sometimes in the 160’s….. maybe it’s because there is a bunch of tiny stuff worth points (leaves, shingles, etc.) ?

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 170,000

@tmax I haven’t even made average:( but yes wide variation in score.
Any tips on how you used the three birds? Or is it too soon to ask..

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16080 points
By crash (@tmax)Score: 176,200

I usually toss first bird up into the vines to break them off, its good to have the wand activate on this bird but not manditory

On the second bird I just tried to pick up lots of stuff, but am thinking that picking up the steel catapult piece might be the way to go.

Third bird drop the egg on whatever looks good. I usually aim low and try to get the leaves and shingles, the small stuff cause it adds up to a lot

Rank: Sling God with 31635 points
By Aki van Emden (@aki-van-emden)Score: 174,340

That’s the way I got my current 174k. Took a lot of trials, however.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 170,000

Thanks @tmax I’ve improved a bit, great score @aki-van-emden and Klara’s as well is there anything you can add to where the extra 20k comes from, I’ve got lots of damage without a lot debris left that i can’t find points anywhere: (
Do you fling the shots immediately after one another or wait in between, Neither seems to be working for me: (

Rank: Sling God with 45780 points
By karen68 (@karen68)Score: 169,980

@kathy like a lot of Seasons levels recently the scoring is hard to figure out.
What got me to 169k was the 1st shot to the ivy as described above. I’ve had better results if red doesn’t hit the wand directly but hits the roof so the wand falls off to either side & is destroyed. If red hits the wand he tends to get in way when the metal plank swings down & hits the house. That house has to be mostly destroyed for the points.
2nd shot I send Stella into the left side of the larger building which usually has started to collapse from the ivy. I try to bury her in as much as possible to lift up what she can. I also don’t wait but fling her after the boulder has been released.
3rd shot – those roof tiles, the small red half-circles, are worth a lot of points. There’s often a pile of them near the front so drop the egg wherever you see a lot of them. May have to fling quickly as usually all the pigs are gone by this point.
Doesn’t often work, but it got me to 269k. I’d love to crack 170k on this but for now I’m moving on.. good luck :)

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 170,000

Thanks @karen68 I’ll try this:)

Rank: Sling God with 31635 points
By Aki van Emden (@aki-van-emden)Score: 174,340

Nothing to add from my side. Happy flinging!

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 170,000

Woot! !! Thanks @karen68 :D
I did it!! Boy was I surlrised lol:)

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 169,820

Thank you @karen68 for your details that always seem to help me…except my Fairy “HogMother” must be mad at me because she’s just not cooperating, haha ;-)


I just finally finished this episode and I am currently sitting at 21 over all…this first level seems to be really dragging down my rank!

I did figure out how Matilda can greatly increase your score if you come in very low so that her not-a-carcass takes out as much as possible on what’s leftover on the bottom right…BUT the three shots combined just don’t want to cooperate!, Ugh!

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 170,000

Wow I’m finally here at the beginning for once!!
Usually I’m a year or four behind lol!!
Thanks for suggestions @bikkit @tmax :) I just got here so I’ll give them a shot:)

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 170,000

Does any one else think this level is a bit glitchy¿ my birds seem a bit, uhhm ,shaky kinda , not really sluggish but something?

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16080 points
By crash (@tmax)Score: 176,200

Golden egg is in the other window of the castle. Where it looks like two cardboard boxes

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16080 points
By crash (@tmax)Score: 176,200

Whoops , level 3 that is, no wonder I didnt see anyone saying anything about it

Rank: Sling God with 35805 points
By ixan57 (@ixan57)Score: 169,540

@admins as a result of indications from rovio re score oddities @steely59 and myself are checking a few levels for oddities. Proving score for this level
2* 144,950
3* 145,030

Rank: Boss Hog with 13250 points
By Maiasatara (@maiasatara)Score: 157,360

I’ve tried just the 1-bird clear with and without vines and have tried going at my debris with the remaining 2 birds and I cat even reach average? Hmmm. Is it possible the Matilda glitch had found its way out of Friends and into the rest of the AB universe? Not even close to 160 I can’t even imagine how to reach 170+ without powerups. I’ll have to come back to this one!

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16080 points
By crash (@tmax)Score: 176,200

Well, I have to mention @kathy as her mentioning me yesterday made me decide to play this level again a few times.

Through 99% luck I am sure, I managed to get 176.2k using all three birds (good for 3rd place at the moment)

Didn’t do much different then normal….first bird high up into the ivy….this first shot was decent tho as it looked like I was going to score about 167k one-birding it…. this was under my top score of 168k so I had no choice but to fire the 2nd bird…..I fired pink bird basically straight ahead and it picked up a nice chunk of stuff, but was still going to leave me about 1,000 points short of my best, so I threw the white bird….. the 3rd shot I managed to grab a screen shot of….actually a couple of screen shots which I blended together to make a nifty collage.

The shot of the board in the top half is actually two different pics that I blended so well, it’s hard to tell there is two pics….the third pic is the bottom half showing the score.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 170,000

Woot!! great score @tmax 3rd place not too shabby, happy i dragged you back to try again, and Thanks so much for the details and screenshots:)

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 169,820

Is it just me or has this level changed a bit…perhaps from a recent update? I thought when we sent the first birdie up top to the left vine as first mentioned by @bikkit – that the whole piece came down before? Hmmm…anybody else think so? Also looking at the Challenge page makes me think so too…I didn’t try all that many times but I’ve only come close to my existing score once. Would be interested to know if anyone else agrees.

Rank: Sling God with 45780 points
By karen68 (@karen68)Score: 169,980

@lesleyg I don’t really remember how much of the vine used to drop, but I seem to be having a hard time getting the wand on the 1st shot without hitting it directly. Used to be (I think) that red would bounce down nicely off the vine onto the roof & that would knock it over fairly often, but it’s hardly happening for me today.
I’ve only come close to my score once too, but it did take me forever to reach 169k the first time round. :)

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 169,820

@karen68 – Thank you for your input ;) I have to agree with you on that too! I’m even more convinced now. I’m pretty sure the whole vine fell before which I believe assisted in causing the big house to get damaged as you mentioned in your original post. Now Red hardly ever causes the wand to fall…I’ve been sending him to the little leaf area and he usually drops straight down w/o getting the wand to fall…then Stella to grab the left half of small roof, grabbing the wand. This actually looks like it will work nicely because the metal bar demolishes the rest of the small house, but the scores just aren’t there. Then Matilda to bomb the most debris, etc., etc…I’ve also tried with using her to drop the big part of the vine but still no luck. I have a screenshot of almost nothing left and the small house and all it’s tiles are completely gone and the score only came in around 150K I think…on that one the big vine remained so I definitely think it’s changed…definitely doesn’t belong on the Season’s Easier list, haha ;D

Rank: Pig Leader with 11705 points
By sheilahdb (@sheilahdb)Score: 156,000

I’ve been at this level for several days and can’t even get close to average. Based on the comments above I am accepting this level must have changed since the higher scores posted early on and am moving on…bruised but not broken.

By Garry Terrell

None of these work for me not one i dont get it

Rank: Sling God with 45680 points
By comex666 (@comex666)Score: 175,280

use all three birds. low, low, high.
here a video with 166k:

Rank: Sling God with 69580 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)Score: 161,520

This level was a challenge obtaining an above average score. Used @comex666 strategy, thank you. Found that the higher scores come when the tnt blows with the first bird. It happens but not very often.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18405 points
By JTB (@jtb)Score: 162,720

Was finally able to get over 160 using this method @comex666 so thanks yet again for the helpful video!!!

Rank: Sling God with 41620 points
By howie-k (@howie-k)Score: 171,110

There is a definite difference in the updated versions. I have v6.0.0 on my pc android emulator (MEmu) and the latest version on my tablet. When using the old version the big branch falls EVERY time, while on the new version it NEVER falls. Makes a big difference in scores.

Rank: Sling God with 36180 points
By PeeJayDee27 (@peejaydee27)Score: 167,050

Hi @lukew. That’s a phenomenal score, more than 6K higher than second place. Not doubting it’s genuine, but as it’s a trophy score, could you describe which strat you used, and maybe provide a screen shot? Thanks!
Cc @admins.

Rank: Champion with 3100 points
By lukew (@lukew)Score: 188,030

Actually, I just went through my leaderboard to update my scores from my last 3-4 years of play. So as to the exact strategy I used? I’ve tried all the ways as described in comments so I can’t remember which one gave me this score. But it is legit.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 15595 points
By Brian N (@briann)Score: 175,810

Have to agree with @howie-k on this one.V6.0.0 on an emulator is the way to go for the reason he mentions.Found my better scores came when the metal pivot was standing upright after the dust had settled from the first shot.It’s a little tricky trying to pick it up with Stella but seemed to help in clearing out the left and middle sections.Bird three usually takes care of the right section along with the stove.@karen68 tip about going for the tiles also very good idea.

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