Welcome to our first walkthrough for the Seasons episode Easter Eggs! It’s Golden Eggs galore, so keep an eye out for our alerts. Our strategy for level 1 is to fire the White bird straight ahead, bombing the first wooden square on the left. Launch the first Black bird into the middle of the structure, blowing up all the pigs except for the wood-encased one in the top-right. Fire the next Black bird either into that wooden block or the TNT above it to finish the level. The score in the video below is 79,200.
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88,260. I threw the white bird over and bombed the TNT first, using the others to clean up what’s left.
87,100. Two birds:
Same basic strategy as in the video but the second bird hit a bit higher than the video (hit the stone block instead) taking it all out together with the tnt.
used the same strat, but it did take a while to perfect it
87800 – different strategy. Aim first white bird high, drop egg just before impact with piggie in stone. White bird then flies high, hitting TNT in stone. Second black bird still needed to clean up last piggie and explode TNT, but my guess is that this strategy might clean board with just white bird
got 91030 by aiming white bird to hit first pig in the stone block and droped the egg right before impact causing everything to be wiped out except for the big next to the tnt. the rest is pretty obvious.
Aimed the White Bird so the egg would hit the joint between the pig in the hollow stone block and the hollow wood block below it. The top hollow stone block fell down through the middle and destroyed everything on the left side.
Bomb Bird to the tnt and the pig on the right side.
@wrw01 thanks for your strategy, it works great, raised my score by 5k.
First post – I must have gotten dang lucky. 89,140: White bird as shown in video, but took out all birds except last one on right under TNT. Next black bird cleaned up, leaving 2 black birds for 20,000.
I’m looking for some help. I have 3 stars, and would like to improve my score. I have tried the above tip and video without success. Any other ideas?
Got it!! Thanks :)
This level is indestructible! I’ve hit the hollow wood block below the first pig with a black bird a dozen times and all it does is bounce off.
97390 …….. Hours and hours and hours and hours to get this score.
White bird launched low like the video but release bomb just a smidgeon above the 1st ice block nearing bird impact. You will need plenty of luck to ensure that the first concrete block smashes………. as well as causing the same damage that’s shown in the video. Hope that the bunny ears concrete block falls too cracking and smashing the middle column 2nd from bottom wooden block, this will cause a chain reaction for the middle column concrete block with pig to fall smashing the bottom ice pig block. If luck’s on your side the bottom right TNT will still be there surrounded by the ice block, 2 wood blocks and a few other pieces. You need also to have the white bird roll onto the grass to take out some more points rolling along the grass. Black bird bomb high lob to land nestled in the far right ice block, setting off the TNT and blasting remaining rubble from right to left collapsing in the middle on top of each other. Nothing left at all, didn’t see any pieces fly off screen so pretty confident that all that can be smashed was apart from a couple of pieces of grass.
Thanks @rege for the aiming points and great detailed strat! 3rd shot out I’ve got 5th place. Wooot!!
similar like @rege strat. thx for the details
here my result with 95k:
My go-to level when bored and after a few weeks of trying managed to clock 98,000 exactly!
This level drove me nuts for quite some time. It just seemed like there was always one pig that would survive, and it was never the same one each time. Anyway, I eventually settled on using the video’s first shot, which can occasionally collapse all but the rightmost edge, although it doesn’t need to. The wooden square just above the glass-encased pig at the bottom needs to be broken, but that’s the only requirement. The second bird should then be sent on a high arc into the TNT, detonating manually just as it hits. The timing has to be pretty precise and the explosion sometimes leaves a pig surviving, but I have about a 30% success rate with this shot, and that’s certainly better than repeating the first shot over and over and over until you get a lucky collapse.
@rege – Excellent work! The detailed description is greatly appreciated, too. However, I understand that the leaderboards are set up to periodically get rid of any “orphan” scores like yours, so for your sake you should probably enter the rest of your Easter Eggs scores.
Scores entered – cheers
I’ve been to this level about 4 times since I first played it, and this has got to be the most irritating, frustrating and agonizing level in most of the difficult AB levels. Today it’s giving me higher scores in increments of 50 to a 100 points at a time, so it’s very well driving me insane, and apart from the fact that my score must be one of the lowest here, the only thing that keeps me trying for more is my persistent doggedness.
Like @WereWolf69 I have not so fond memories of this level as well. I know I played this level after my crash and managed to get a good score, but now that I am revisiting and want to have my best scores in video (which I didn’t make after my crash), so I tried getting a video of the 90k I got. But after 2 days of not even getting close to it, I gave up. I do have a video of my old score and I think I used this methode as well after my crash.
I send the white bird to the right side triggering the TNT with the white bird, Bomb bird in the middle and it finished of the rest. Easier said than done, I know!
Here is my video of the 88k I got back in 2011.
@e-star thank you was about to give up then watched your video….whaaddy know 87740….. so out of here…..
First, like the video, get close to the wood block, then egg bomb it.
Second, aim at the wood block, this should be enough to do some damage on the left part and destroy the TNT.
Got a notification a few weeks ago that my high score of roughly 10 years had been beaten so therefore decided to try to beat it. Finally managed a better high score than my one before so now sitting on top of the leaderboard once again – same strategy as before.
Just like @e-star described above