Angry Birds Rio Rocket Rumble Walkthrough Level #3

Our strategy for Rocket Rumble Level #3 is to fling the Yellow bird into the opening in the mountain. The bird should roll down and ignite the rocket below. Then send the Red bird into the remaining marmosets to finish off the level. The score in the video below is 83,040.

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Rank: Master Slinger with 5680 points
By fenikus (@fenikus)Score: 90,230

88,190 same as video but try to hit as many mushrooms as possible while YB travels through the tunnel (including the near two on top). How pieces fall after explosion is also important; I’d say minimum of 40K is needed for 85K+ score and I’ve had as high as 42K after 1st shot. Last piece of the puzzle is rotating fireworks and how many mushrooms it gets.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5680 points
By fenikus (@fenikus)Score: 90,230

Make that 89,240…this time I hit all the mushrooms that are possible to get and only 4 little pieces of debris left: I think 90K is possible but not much more than that (with 2 birds anyway).

Rank: Sling God with 46135 points
By comex666 (@comex666)Score: 89,560

thx to @fenikus for details
here a video with 86k:

Rank: Sling God with 70300 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)Score: 88,410

I too used the same strategy as the ABN, thanks. With the first bird was able to get 11 mushrooms and hit the first wooden post of the lower structure. The lower explosion is key to a good score in how much of the wood is destroyed. I agree with @fenikus with a score close to or at 40k. With the second bird found that hitting the little woos piece and stone piece work more consistently on getting the structure to fall. Also bouncing Red bird off the rocks above.
Thanks @comex666 for his video also. Fun level to play.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16080 points
By crash (@tmax)Score: 87,570

pretty much the same as all have said.

1st bird) To the top cave opening — hit mushrooms, etc…. 40k is what you looking for

2nd bird) Fire a higher type lob —DO NOT AIM DIRECTLY FOR MONKEYS—

… you want to bust thru the little wooden bridge, it should drag everything down with it and set of the spiral rocket almost every time. Also, it does the most damage as usually most or all of the structure is destroyed.

87k+ doing that….. 85.9k my second highest

Rank: Master Slinger with 5870 points
By emider (@emider)Score: 89,680

Thats the way to do it @tmax

Rank: Sling God with 20000 points
By Bird Tester (@bird-tester)Score: 88,410

Knowledge of what is needed here and execution there are 2 different things. YB – few arc possibilities. To lean hard diagonally forward and attack little down or fooled height and go flat to just cut honey fungus at enter to the cave. Harsh walk by cave back throat is better then easy one. 2nd shoot was described. Street wheel – once I seen it cleared all fungus.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 85,620

What helps me on the 1st shot and any shot like it is to zoom out and unfocus my eyes, so I’m looking at the screen, but not focused on anything. When you do this, you’re minimizing distractions and allowing your peripheral vision to track Chuck’s trajectory. Peripheral vision is much better at detecting motion than your foveal(central) vision. It makes these long, precise shots so much easier.

Rank: Sling God with 21330 points
By Stocktoad (@stocktoad)Score: 87,630

What can you say about a level that is 99.9% luck? The only control you have is making sure you get 10 mushrooms on the first shot. (I guess 11 is possible, but that bottom one almost always goes with shot #2 anyway.) I had the best results activating as soon as possible. After that, if you don’t get at least 40K you might as well reset.

Tips from @bird-tester are usually helpful and always fun to figure out the Polish to English translation. This one is no exception. I think the honey fungus is the first yellow mushroom. But….after that….. I need to figure out how to take a harsh walk in the back of the cave. Probably not like tiptoeing through the tulips or fungus or whatever.

Rank: Sling God with 21330 points
By Stocktoad (@stocktoad)Score: 87,630

Tiny Tim singing tiptoe through the truffles?????

Rank: Sling God with 37385 points
By HallieGinSB (@hallieginsb)Score: 88,950

@stocktoad reading your musings on how to interpret the tips posted by @bird-tester was the most entertaining part of today’s Challenge. Haven’t been able to improve my score yet but I’ll keep working on that harsh walk. ;)

Rank: Master Slinger with 5100 points
By Mechanic Pig (@christian-cosgrove)

I got 83,940 but I can’t enter the score…

Rank: Master Slinger with 5100 points
By Mechanic Pig (@christian-cosgrove)

Fling red through the top hole. Then destroy the remains with chuck.

Rank: Sling God with 33510 points
By asher (@asher)Score: 90,510

90510 with two birds.

Same strategy as in the video with @fenikus adjustments. Thanks a lot ;-)
However, two lucky shots are what you need since the results are varying wildly for both. Chuck missed one mushroom in the tunnel so 91k is definitively possible here.

Here is the final result.

And this is the highscore screenshot.

All the screenshots are also available in high res here in one set.


By @stocktoad

@hallieginsb Glad I entertained you. It’s been a while since I played, but I still pay attention when my name is mentioned. I am happily playing Angry Birds 2. I do have a question though: Is anyone playing the new Angry Birds? I tried it yesterday, and it is very much like the original. Getting 3 stars is very challenging even in the beginning level.

Rank: Sling God with 37385 points
By HallieGinSB (@hallieginsb)Score: 88,950

@stocktoad A few folks are playing the recently released Rovio Classics Angry Birds, though I wish it were more. Actually, it’s kind of a mixed bag as to which levels yield higher scores than the Original and which don’t. There have been some high scores in Mighty Hoax, Danger Above, and Ham ‘Em High. You might check out those episodes.

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