Angry Birds Rio Hidden Harbor Walkthrough Level #10

Our strategy for Hidden Harbor Level #10 is to loft the White bird high in the air, bombing between the first two towers. Drop the egg bomb of the second White bird onto the inner tube, clearing the level. For some extra points, ricochet into the top-left TNT. The score in the video below is 169,570.

Category: 13. Hidden Harbor, Angry Birds Rio, Walkthroughs, Walkthroughs
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Rank: Avian Overlord with 16160 points
By josephine (@josephine)Score: 175,840

This level really doesn’t like me. Finally I managed 170K with the following method.

First bird in a high lob:
1. dropping the egg on the right side of the left tower on the first floor;
2. TNT exploded and took out the left tower on the ground floor;
3. bird ricocheted off the big pillar. I had hoped it would fall straight down into the far right TNT, but it didn’t.
4. the entire left side including the middle tower on the ground floor was gone.

Second bird as @terribletom described.

I give up for know, will be back later.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 7530 points
By SilverBird (@silverbird)Score: 179,080

Use the life preserver to take out the first column and the platform above. With any luck, some or all of the second column will come down, too. If it doesn’t, forget it…start over. If it does, fire the white bird just above horizontal and drop the egg on the life preserver. Again with luck, the egg will explode between the two remaining platforms, raining down debris.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 177,750

Thanks @silverbird :) I had been trying this before looking here and was having no luck!! But somehow after seeing you did it I tried more and with a little whining I got it finally:)

Rank: Sling God with 25875 points
By Rogue (@rldoty)Score: 178,440

THX @kathy & @silverbird…. Initial trys have yielded no joy :) . Guess I’ll keep at it , tho :-) …. the method I’ve been using hasn’t been too productive ( < 177K ) @ this 6/7/16 post :-). Cheers, Rogue :)

Rank: Sling God with 25875 points
By Rogue (@rldoty)Score: 178,440

Also, @kathy , a while ago you mentioned the Bloated Pig …. & I have finally looked at it. I’m sure you’re swimming in congrats … but pls add my CONGRATS to the pool :-) . It’s a SUPER thing …. & my next project is to figure out how I might send a ‘private’ msg … & to find out about how I might find out how to donate to the ABN project/whichever :-)….. while I ploy ahead with Hidden Harbor :-). Besr & Cheers, Rogue

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 177,750

Thanks @Ridoty and your always welcome to pop into the BP and hop on into the fun:) slow sometimes, but usually someone pops in:D
to send a pm you , go to your name on the upper right and click on it, a drop down board will appear,,click on messages, about halway down, and it will bring you to your messages, you will see a choice
‘inbox,sent, compose
of if you hit compose, you can send any admin a pm ,or someone on your friends list, also on your profile page you can send any member a public message let me know if you need more help:)

Rank: Sling God with 25875 points
By Rogue (@rldoty)Score: 178,440

THX @kathy !!! It’s REALLY kind of you to reply & I DO appreciate it! Sorry I didn’t see sooner; my best guess is that I don’t get notified when ” @Ridoty ” is used — tho I *think* I did, once when the lower case ” R ” was used :-) go figure :) _ the ” @rldoty ” seems to work consistently (my name is Roger Louis Doty; so I use all lower case in the 6 character ID/identification/whichever …. soooo, immediately following the ” r ” (1st char initial of 1st name, ‘roger’) is an ” l ” { 2nd char – pronounced ‘el’ :)- for initial of middle name, ‘louis’) …. followed by 4 more chars/my last name in lower case _ ‘doty’. Sorry for providing so much detail for typing … it’s just that your msgs are important to me! Thanks for all your help & patience — it MAKES my day…. AND, today I was finally able to make the @silverbird ‘work’ —> with a 177,840 at time of this post :). THX, too, @silverbird !!! Best, rogue

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 177,750

Sorry @rldoty hope i got it right this time, i will remember in the future, and no worries I’m happy to respond and to hear from you:)
Nice going on the score!
Yes @silverbird is very helpful also?

Rank: Sling God with 25875 points
By Rogue (@rldoty)Score: 178,440

Oh, my goodness, @kathy , (please) NO worries(!); au contraire, many, many THANKS :-) ! … & thx4 score congrats …. seemingly took 4ever :).
The strategy that helped me {basically a ‘tailoring’ of @silverbird ‘s (THX, again, sb!)} has been to launch the first shot about where the bottom of the boat and the piling intersect …. and then release the bomb – a bit later – than it seems I would want to (this usually avoids Matilda landing in the lil ‘perch’ – to the left of the glass panel of the wood ‘block’ (upon which resides the red flag). My objective is to have Matilda kind of ROLL across the top of the ‘beam’ [ where the money bag/duck : ) ] sits. There needs to be enough momentum for Matilda to fall to the right of the marmoset (on the ‘base platform) and CLIP the box beneath the plank supporting the middle column of boxes — causing all to fall to the left. I ended up with ~ a 63K score at one point – after 1st shot … which I *think* wouldda been SUPER for a handsome score …. but I flubbed the second shot (arg):-). Obviously I could be all wrong; but, on several occasions, it seemed like I almost obtained a score in excess of 180K. Alas no points for almost :-) I hope this is helpful …. Best, Rogue : – )

Rank: Sling God with 25875 points
By Rogue (@rldoty)Score: 178,440

Also, @kathy , above NOT intended to even suggest that you – or anyone, for that matter – ‘needs’ help from a novice such as I !!! Cheers, Rogue :)

Rank: Gold Flinger with 7530 points
By SilverBird (@silverbird)Score: 179,080


Rank: Sling God with 46975 points
By bernersenn (@bernersenn)Score: 178,960

@silverbird thank you for this strat, it worked!

Rank: Gold Flinger with 7530 points
By SilverBird (@silverbird)Score: 179,080

You’re welcome, @bernersenn, you devil, you!

Rank: Sling God with 46975 points
By bernersenn (@bernersenn)Score: 178,960
Rank: Sling God with 25875 points
By Rogue (@rldoty)Score: 178,440

AWESOME scores, btw [ @bernersenn & @silverbird & @kathy ] …. it’s LOTS easier for me to get anywhere …. esp when playing 1 to 2 years after the Pros :). THX; great fun! Best, Rogue :-}

Rank: Sling God with 45970 points
By comex666 (@comex666)Score: 175,310

many many thx to @silverbird for the great strat.
here my video:

Rank: Sling God with 70045 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)Score: 177,180

Thanks @silverbird for the strategy and @comex666 for the video. Worked well but trying to get into the 178k range of scores was a challenge that proved unsuccessful. After the first bird had nothing in the water and mostly everything destroyed. After the second bird had one wooden box remaining. Fun level to play.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1755 points
By MrsShrek (@mrsshrek)Score: 177,110

177110 following the video method. However, on first bird, I ricochet in lower. Basically aiming to hit the crate of bananas on the top level.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 178,070

If using the video method, here’s some score boosting tips. To get above 170k, every point matters.

Second shot, egg needs to hit the right side of the life preserver, otherwise it’ll hit the pebbly-green floating block, instead of the structure below. Also, Matilda needs to ricochet into the right side of the plank supporting the structure above the ring. This makes the high-point-value fruit boxes land on the ground, instead of in the water.

Rank: Sling God with 20005 points
By MicroMax (@micromax)Score: 179,090

OhMyBird, this is a wee bit awkward. The very first time my top score is challenged and I don’t seem to have even made a comment here =-O

Fwiw – after brief replay – I find it plausible that I used the @silverbird strat.

Rank: Sling God with 27800 points
By gumby (@gumby)Score: 178,300

800 points short of a puppy so far using walk thru video strategy

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18405 points
By JTB (@jtb)Score: 174,550

Not a fan of this level. The distance between the average and the high score is very small making this difficult.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18405 points
By JTB (@jtb)Score: 174,550

Near total destruction… go figure. Not sure where I can find the extra 6K.

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