Angry Birds Rio Beach Volley Walkthrough Level 30 (6-15)

Boss fight! Our strategy for Beach Volley level 6-15 is to fire the Red bird into the beach ball atop the vertical wooden blocks. Launch the Blue bird head-on into the ice tower in the top-left, causing it to topple to the right. Loft the Yellow bird into the sand support holding the dozen beach balls in the top-right. Fire the White bird, and Blu & Jewel, into the structure directly in front of the slingshot. If necessary, use the Black bird to take out the upside-down marmoset on the right. The score in the video below is 163,740.

Fun Fact: Luiz the Bulldog appears in this level to help you out! Like any dog, he will fetch any ball, such as the beachballs in this level. He will run to any ball on the ground, destroying anything standing in his way.

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Comments (51)

By Pete

Hopefully we can use Luiz in the next update like we’ve been able to use Jewel and Blu this time.

Rank: Deputized with 145 points
By slatersm (@slatersm)Score: 173,280


Aim for the board holding up the beach balls in the far right first.


The whole dog thing is pretty nice. Since it chases the beach balls, it will make life much easier. My new favorite character next to the black bird.

By Jazzy

Normally I wouldn’t purposefully aim a weapon at a dog but… Drop your bomb from the white bird on Luiz and watch him fly! I had him tear down the upper frame work with a well time shot and some luck. Not my high score but still got three stars.

Rank: Debriefed with 1255 points
By FrithaB (@frithab)Score: 176,820

What a GREAT level. Love the dog and the fact that we get one of each bird. Terrific ending to the Beach Volley.

By MongDoubtDave

Tried to beat this score with the same method, I think alot has to do with luck, 172,590.

By Jeff

185,960 broke the three stacks of glass with the red bird. This caused a lot of damage, mostly luck. Used the three bird break glass on second stack, more damage and somehow knocked beach balls out. Had four birds left over. I could never do it again!

By Jeff

191610 using this method! cheers.

Rank: Flinger with 40 points
By gamerkyp (@gamerkyp)

189,150 with three birds left. Use first two birds to destroy everything but the two marmosets to the far right. Yellow bird aimed at the wood holding all the beach balls above takes care the rest.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6700 points
By wanda (@wanda)Score: 201,720

If you could explain what you do with the first bird, that would be great. I can’t seem to make much impact with that one, no matter how I launch it. Thanks.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6700 points
By wanda (@wanda)Score: 201,720

Finally!!! 183,510 with three birds. First bird skimming top of first beach ball to take out sand blocks, first bird on wooden tower and most of the first glass structure. Second bird into second glass piece and taking out top monkey hanging from sand block – this also destroyed most of the stone structure below it. Third bird into sand holding up beach balls. Thank you gamerkyp!

Rank: Master Slinger with 6700 points
By wanda (@wanda)Score: 201,720

oops, I meant to say first monkey on wooden tower.

Rank: Champion with 3300 points
By ohforfive (@ohforfive)Score: 177,080

IT looks like Rovio read your comments and put the beach ball completely in front of the sand blocks. It impossible to hit it and the red bird isn’t powerful enough to go around it.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8570 points
By Kartflyer (@kartflyer)Score: 164,680

Are you sure? Rovio has never edited any level as far as I know… Please correct me if I’m wrong. :)

Rank: Sling God with 26055 points
By sal9 (@sal9)Score: 174,850

Actually they have in the past. One of them was ab 3-15, they added a small ice block next to the top pig.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6700 points
By wanda (@wanda)Score: 201,720

I just went back and played this one again, after seeing your comment @ohforfive. I don’t think it looks any different. I was still able to get the red bird to take out the sand blocks. The bird has to skim right over the top of the beach ball and hit the sand blocks. Sometimes, the bird hits the ice blocks and they fall through the sand. Either way, it is possible to get the sand blocks destroyed and clear the way for the blue bird trio.
I am still trying for 190k on this one :).

By Cynthia

I don’t understand. I’ve made it through the three different scenarios. I don’t have three stars on all my games but I’ve gotten all my fruit.

Now I have nowhere to go, no games to play. Does this mean I have to go back and get three stars on every game? Does this also apply on original Angry Birds?

This is my first game since Sims…I haven’t enjoyed playing games for forever, so this is great but I feel like intuitively, I’m not sure what I should be doing. Is there a place where they are rules or whatever, to go to tell me how to proceed or is this it? (not bad at all but I’m just wondering)

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 179,890

There’s no real rules to Angry Birds, besides “Don’t fling your phone.” While the first goal is of course to beat all levels, the next goal should be to get 3-stars on all levels, which is sometimes easier said than done. This applies to all Angry Birds games.

Also, there are always new levels coming to Angry Birds, so we don’t expect any game to completely end for quite some time.

By TuscanaMama

193,330!!! I love this level. There’s so much action, variety and fun, and the first time the bulldog came charging out of the bushes I thought I’d die laughing! Red bird to lower left wood blocks & balls. Blue bird to break the glass obstruction. The yellow bird through the highest structure on a slight downward trajectory into next structure. White bird’s egg dropped on remains of last structure and shot into and breaking off board retaining beach balls which knocked down last two marmosets. Almost total destruction.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11560 points
By leggy (@leggy)Score: 172,430

@TuscanaMama – ditto on the ”thought I’d die laughing” factor :)))))
This in my opinion is the best level of all the ab games! – Luiz came as a complete surprise when he ran out from those bushes, and boy oh boy, I haven’t laughed so much in years; still makes me chuckle now!
I do hope we see old Luiz again soon, it’s so cruel to keep him locked away like this ;)

Rank: Master Slinger with 6700 points
By wanda (@wanda)Score: 201,720

This level is so much fun! I keep trying to break 190k, and saw something that cracked me up- if you can save a monkey til the end, time it right and drop the bomb bird under Luiz, he will jump almost to the top of the right side cliff. I did it a couple of times- he will scramble through the air and destroy alot of remaining stuff. I didn’t get the highest score ever, but it was entertaining : ).

By Legrand

193.910….three birds left..Complete destruction of the first half of the field with one bird..
First shot just above the closest ball…

By Camilla

What a fun level!! I have 3 starred everything in all AB except the damn 3-10 in Halloween.. As I am home sick at the moment, thought I would go “back” and see if there were any fun levels to play :) Now I am addicted to this one! I didnt even remember the dog, and its cracking me up!! So now I just play to drop the egg on the dog! LOL!!

Rank: Master Slinger with 6760 points
By username12345 (@blahalb09)Score: 178,750

1st bird same as video but beachball went all the way to the end, causing Luiz to come out. Entire right side destroyed. 2nd bird to glass on the left side. 3rd bird hits the wood supporting the large bulk of metal. 4th bird destroys sand preventing metal to fall. 5th bird hits the structure still standing or sand holding beachballs. If needed, use the black bird to kill any remaining monkeys.

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 185,660

This was a really cool ending to this level..alot of options and love the puppy! There’s lots of ways to do this one. I got my highest score by hitting first bird at the wood in first structure just under the concrete triangle & right thru to where the monkey is that broke thru the sand at bottom, ball rolled over and puppy came out… Then second birds at the glass and sand, then third bird at the sand under the big hanginging monkey and it cuts thru to the wood just right of him. Then I shot WB in the gap that’s now been open drop egg and try and get wb to take out some of the righter structure with concrete open squares on it or if there’s a shot, aim to hit the sand holding up balls, if not then shoot big blues over to take out the sand holding up baloons.

Rank: Sling God with 21285 points
By AngryAdvisor (@lesleyg)Score: 185,660

Yeah! That completes my above average goal in the Beach Volley Levels!!! Going over to Carnival…

Rank: Champion with 3295 points
By Laurence (@laurence)Score: 173,930

whoo, followed this method, but unfortunately had to use all birds, so only got 173k :( Oh well, its still above average! Now I’ve got to head back and finish the rest off to the same level – only a few left! :)

Rank: Master Slinger with 7205 points
By TruckDriver (@truckdriver)Score: 169,750

I had to as well, but still I (barely) squeaked by above the average. Now I guess I can go to sleep now, as I’ve actually accomplished something today!! :-)

Rank: Pig Leader with 12170 points
By sunshine (@sunshine)Score: 176,700

I also had to use all of my birds.

By Jennifer Cooke-Rabig

LOVE Luiz … 168,070 with his help!

Rank: Well Traveled with 1855 points
By DocTonyNYC (@doctonynyc)Score: 187,190

Thought I would give the daily challenge a shot again today (I was really hoping for the Piglantis update, though).

I was able to improve from about 176K to 187,190 (52nd place, just missed the daily list!). It wasn’t pretty, but this is how I did it:

1st bird as Wand describes. This broke the sand bars, and the left wooden tower came down on the left (the right stone part remained on the bottom left).

2nd bird took the top marmoset and the glass pieces in the middle which brought the middle tower down to the left.

3rd shot was high and hit the wood piece holding the beach balls. The balls came down in such a way that they made the marmoset on the bottom right fall. Luis knocked over the wooden structure. It was clear I didn’t have quite enough points, so I quickly fired the white bird at the stone structure on the bottom left.

As I said, it was the prettiest completion, but the score was good.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5010 points
By misterparon (@misterparon)Score: 194,000

I get very lucky at this level 194000 whith two birds left

Rank: Hardened with 610 points
By maksims97 (@maksims97)

Nice video,tactic and score!:D
directly 194k:D
is this the top score for this level,to you?:)

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9590 points
By crivit (@crivit)Score: 197,480

Finally got 191k with 3 birds left today. I used the “start breaking the bottom of the ice and hope for the best” method. I’m happy now since max with this one is around 193k, not even going to try misterparons method shot 1 and 4 are too perfect. There is someone I believe in Italy that got to 199k. That must have been a 2 birder with one icebird reaching the sand by the beachballs and one through the glass, also way too difficult imo, even if u pull that one off still lotsss of luck needed for a highscore.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9590 points
By crivit (@crivit)Score: 197,480

I was wrong about the maximum score here ;)

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9590 points
By crivit (@crivit)Score: 197,480

I missed ton tell this but the 191970 was with 5 birds ain’t this a crazy level

Rank: Well Traveled with 1940 points
By novocool (@novojit)

WOW, finally got 188k using all birds but the last one, use the bulldog tactfully.
Here is the screen-shot –

By Andykn

Has anyone managed to clear everything? That’s my goal. I’ve managed to get down to a couple of concrete blocks but not clear the lot.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 193,890

Anyone else had the level refuse to end because a beach ball’s stuck bouncing between the cliff and that umbrella? Twice I’ve cleared the level w/4 birds and had to burn the last 2 to get the level to end ’cause of that stupid ball :)

Rank: Sling God with 26000 points
By Uncle B (@uncle-b)Score: 189,260

Yeah ~ “Stupid Ball” !!! ………………(LOL)

Rank: Sling God with 36530 points
By PeeJayDee27 (@peejaydee27)Score: 188,170

Just got a personal best of 194k but then a beach ball got stuck between the umbrella and cliff on right side, and wouldn’t stop bouncing! Left it for half an hour whilst I had lunch but still bouncing!!! Had to reset and lose my score. Grrrrr!
Back to flinging….

Rank: Master Slinger with 6700 points
By wanda (@wanda)Score: 201,720

Wow!!! It’s taken 3 years, but finally I did it:-). First bird like always, skim his tummy over the beach ball and destroy all the wooden blocks. In a perfect world the first tower will fall to the left for the extra points. Wait a bit so the all of the wooden blocks can crumble. Launch blues high and split so that the lowest one hits the ice in the center and the top blue flies over to release the sand holding up the beach balls.

Held my breath, didn’t blink and it all came crashing down. :-)

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9590 points
By crivit (@crivit)Score: 197,480

@wanda great persistence, congrats on getting the ultimate 2 birder. I know how tough this 2nd shot is.The top bird has to bounch from the top beachball into the sand while the lowest has to go into the glass after a good 1st. Maybe put this up for the daily challenge again, I think you’d be safe :)

Rank: Master Slinger with 6700 points
By wanda (@wanda)Score: 201,720

@crivit thank you! This level was the one I just couldn’t quit trying. I hope I don’t run into many more :-).

Rank: Sling God with 46060 points
By comex666 (@comex666)Score: 206,230

inspired by @wanda
here a two-birder.
first over the beach ball on left, destroy all sand bars, woods fall down
second bird high, split, top bird hit the beach ball on top and fly to sand bar on right, where the other beach balls are.
the lowest hit the glass in the middle tower, fall left, ready.
198k with 3 birds, 200k with 4 birds on MAC, PC also possible
for details, see the video
@sweetp @kelani

Rank: Boss Hog with 12900 points
By late2thegame (@late2thegame)Score: 191,660

@comex666 First of all, thank you for the awesome videos, they have helped tremendously as I go through the games. I was about to pass you on the total episode score and feeling proud when I noticed that you didn’t enter a score for game 5-9. If you enter a average score that would put you in the top 10 for this episode, I hope you can come back and get the credit you deserve.

Rank: Sling God with 46060 points
By comex666 (@comex666)Score: 206,230

you’re welcome
nice that i can help
thx for the tip
i made a video on level 5-9, not top-score

Rank: Sling God with 24465 points
By justpast40 (@justpast40)Score: 198,680

I’m so close yet so far during this Challenge with a 2-birder for 198690 while flinging on iPad. Thank you @wanda for the original idea/posts & @comex666 for the video. I’ve now managed an almost 15k improvement from my starting Android phone score.

After a small improvement last night I was stuck on 188k when this 2-birder happened. I’d been close to a 2-birder a few times since the Challenge start but it never came together. This takes 2 precise shots & lots of luck IMO & while I’m now in 3rd place on the Leaderboard, I’m still 3040 from a puppy & actually not holding out much hope that the adoption will be finalized ; -)

Rank: Sling God with 70160 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)Score: 185,440

Used the same strategy thanks for posting @wanda and @comex666 for the video. Worked great and obtained an above average score. First bird still able to break the wood blocks and with the collapse a lot of the first structure. After the second bird it seems luck comes into to play to destroy the remaining structures. Fun level to play. Great destruction sequence and love the dog.

Rank: Sling God with 29120 points
By anton249 (@anton249)Score: 203,890

2 birds similar to the @comex666 video (thanks!). It takes some patience, only mediocre results for an hour or so until finally everything fell nicely.

Rank: Shooter with 835 points
By Spacething7474 (@spacething7474)

this specific walkthrough has been ingrained in my mind for so many years…

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