Angry Birds Red’s Mighty Feathers Pro Tips and Tricks

Angry Birds Reds Mighty Feathers Pro Tips and Tricks Post ImageThe latest Angry Birds Classic update saw a new episode — Red’s Mighty Feathers — that ushered in some entirely new gameplay. Based on the poll and the comments on our release post, there is little doubt that it was received with a mixed reception. Many thought it was fun, others found it way too different, while others were frustrated with the gameplay itself. It’s important to remember, that many of those who commented and took the poll probably hadn’t actually played that much. They were basing their opinion on their initial reception to the new episode and gameplay. I’m not criticizing, that’s just the nature of the bird.

Update: In v3.3.0, auto-aiming has been disabled. You know manually aim the Red Bird.

I personally played through the entire episode, so I wanted to share some of my own pro tips and tricks. Before I do though, I have to give partial credit for this article to Rovio themselves, as they were nice enough to create a helpful article, “5 tips to master Red’s Mighty Feathers”. Their tips are below (obviously you’ll need to check out “the article for the full context):

  1. Aim carefully
  2. Smashing things
  3. Materials
  4. Timing
  5. Find the right route

These are definitely helpful tips, but as I mention, I also wanted to add a few of my own.

Our Pro Tips

Flip it and Wait

If you happen to tip over or flip a contraption upside down be patient and the piggy should exit and start running away. When they do, wait for them to clear the contraption and take aim.

Slow and Steady

These crazy piggies must love Transformers, because many of their contraptions transform as they get closer or capture the egg. Sometimes they get weaker upon transformation, so use this to your advantage. In other words, if you find yourself frustrated and stuck see what each contraption does and how you might expose its weakness.

Old Habits Die Hard

It doesn’t matter where you tap on the screen, as Red will always head towards the closest pig. I found that my ability to 3 star levels improved once I got over my desire to aim. That said, I understand this is tough, as we’re mixing strategies in the same game.

TNT Go Boom!

I win the award for overly obvious pro tip, but I am going to mention it nonetheless. If the piggy was foolish enough to mount TNT to their contraption see if there is a way to blow it up. I found that much of the time this is your best bet at quickly popping the pigs using as few birds as possible.

Not Up to Code

These pigs are ingenious, but they use shoddy materials and poor construction techniques (they need to take some lessons from ingenious pigs over at Pigineering). As a result, once all piggies in a contraption exit, the contraption becomes very unstable. You can pop a fleeing pig by sending Red through the contraption’s debris field.

Bring Your Patience

Some of these levels are very fun, but some, such as F-7, F-14, and especially F-15, are frustrating to the point of not being fun (I really only had this problem with F-15). Realize this when you play and you’ll save yourself a lot of aggravation.

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Category: Angry Birds News & Updates, Guides, News

Comments (21)

Rank: Explosive with 2195 points
By bubbles (@hans-peter)

Yah, the tips are really helpful! Still haven’t managed to beat Level 15 though, the only one I haven’t 3-starred yet!

Rank: Master Slinger with 6495 points
By CC Jolly (@cc-jolly)

It’s great to see the tips here. I already finished the first 11 Levels. Only 4 Levels left. I can’t play very long because some Levels are very hard. I become very aggressiv when i played some Levels to long :-)

Rank: Boss Hog with 14280 points
By Josm (@josm)

I understand your frustation haha :)

Rank: Pig Leader with 12210 points
By Bad piggies (@bad-piggies-2)

Yep. I almost wanted to break my device when I after so many tries got to the last pig on a level, and then failed.
But now I have completed all the levels but I have not 3-starred them all, and these are the only levels in Angry birds classic that I have not 3-starred.

Rank: Sling God with 36205 points
By Joey (@joeyba)

Bring your Patience indeed!!

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18470 points
By cosmo2503 (@cosmo2503)

When I said that I, unlike majority, absoulutely love game, I really meant that. Now, things are changed, I lost all enthusiasam for game. Boy, it is frustrating, it is too hard to 3 stared all levels and I don’t even want to see menu screen showing my 2 or 1 stars on most levels. Still I hope I could perfect gameplay if only I had more patience-

Rank: Out of this World with 2985 points
By Chucky (@chucky)

It is kind of ironic that I couldn’t stand these levels from day dot, yet I have 3 starred them all :p

Originally I wasn’t going to, but a post here in another thread inspired me to at least complete them….now I can never think of them again.

Rank: Explosive with 2195 points
By bubbles (@hans-peter)

@chucky: exactly the same :D

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16710 points
By thee-michelle (@thee-michelle)

I hope new levels! Or new application!

Rank: Sling God with 69570 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)

Thank you so much for these tips and techniques. Hope they help me get out of level 6. I like playing this game but finding the “sweet spots” to destroy these rascals does let one employee the 3Ps of patience, persistance and practice. Looking forward to the real difficult levels as mentioned above. The thought process for this game is a bit different and that is still the fun part of playing it.

Rank: Master Slinger with 5655 points
By Angrybirdy0420 (@angrybirdy0420)

Hey @amslimfordy, I am in the U.S. using an Android phone, and today my phone started showing Rovio Accounts. It is fully functional and successfully synced my scores.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Thanks, our post should be live soon.

Rank: Pig Leader with 12210 points
By Bad piggies (@bad-piggies-2)

Hope this means it´s coming to more countries now. Because I live in Sweden and can´t see Rovio account, strange because Rovio are working in Sweden.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Rovio is based out of Finland.

Rank: Explosive with 2105 points
By chimichangachick (@mecstaveler)

@angrybirdy4020 since my starting screen on my android versions Of AB now show “logged in as guest”, does that mean I can use this Rovio feature? Can someone explain what the Rovio account is and its benefits?

Rank: Sling God with 36205 points
By Joey (@joeyba)

I thought the state I was in when I started playing AB 3 years ago, that is shouting and jumping and “crying”, has gone forever and AB became part of my daily activities. It became a moment for me to take the stress away and relax whenever I played the games…
Until RMF came!!!! That state came back! I became, again, the crazy guy in my building shouting and soon breaking everything around!
36 stars and 9 to go. But I think I’ll be be locked before it happens!!

Rank: Sling God with 36205 points
By Joey (@joeyba)

44 stars now!!
1 more star left in level 15!

Rank: Sling God with 36205 points
By Joey (@joeyba)

and 45 stars finally!!

Rank: Master Slinger with 6060 points
By Plaistergal (@plaistergal)

Tips greatly appreciated. Might even get me to go back and try try again!

Rank: Explosive with 2105 points
By chimichangachick (@mecstaveler)

I love new levels and seeing the new things you can do with your birds in the them, and RMF is no exception! TY for putting these tips together!

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