Angry Birds Red’s Mighty Feathers Now Available – Take our Poll

At long last, Angry Birds v3.2.0 has landed, bringing with it incredibly unique gameplay unlike anything we have seen so far: Egg Defender Mode. This episode, called Red’s Mighty Feathers, has been teased for weeks. First, Rovio announced that the Red Bird would be gaining a new power, then later giving a name to the episode. The update has landed for iOS and Android via Google Play, with more platforms coming soon.

Update 10 July: Rovio Accounts are working there way globally, having just landed for iOS and Android in the US. For more information, see our dedicated post.

Now on to the details. As we said above, the gameplay in this update is not like we are used to in the Angry Birds universe. So let’s explain exactly what’s happening.

  • Red’s Mighty Feathers includes 15 levels to 3-star, but a bit unlike normally. Foremost, stars are not awarded by score. In fact, there are no scores at all! Our walkthroughs are now live.
  • The first star is awarded for protecting the Egg from the Bad Piggies. The piggies come in several waves, usually one contraption at a time with a pig or two within. If any pigs manages to grab the Egg and return it to their lair, you fail the level.
  • The second star is awarded popping so many piggies in the level. You will see a “0/x” under the hurt piggy icon, meaning you must pop x pigs to earn the star.
  • The third star is awarded for achieving the first two stars, by using a set number of birds. You will see a number listed in the red bird’s silhouette, which is the maximum number permitted for the star. Under the silhouette will be an active count of how many birds you have used.

Unlike in Bad Piggies and Icebreaker, these objectives must be completed in a single try in order to obtain all 3 stars. For example, if you don’t pop enough pigs, the game won’t even consider how many birds have been used.

Possible issue? A few people have noted the inability to zoom — or at least zoom significantly. While I’m certainly accustomed to zooming a bit, I’m not sure if it’s a major loss here. Since you need only attack one contraption at a time, you don’t need to see what’s coming next. However, it should still be noted I think.

Red Bird’s New Ability!

As teased, the Red Bird has finally be given a special power. While in flight, you will notice a small red arrow pointing toward the pig closest to the bird. Tapping/Clicking will cause the Red Bird to attack that pig directly, changing its trajectory as needed! Essentially, this is a Lazer Bird with even better accuracy!

A few strategies can be used here. Foremost, the Red Bird will always travel in a straight line until it hits something, after which it will succumb to normal gravity. That said, take advantage of where TNT are located to try to blast those. Also, note that the contraption can be shattered without popping the pig within, which will force you to use another bird to pop him. So adjust your trajectory and angle to pop the pig after breaking through the contraption.

Final note on the Red Bird: This power is episode exclusive! You can’t go back to Poached Eggs and try to use this power, so our leaderboards are at no risk.

What Are Your Thoughts?

We would love to hear your thoughts on this update, especially given the uniqueness of gameplay. We are guessing that this gameplay is a teaser for a brand new game. Some speculate that it could be Angry Birds Go, but I don’t see much racing going on. Your guess is as good as mine though, so we’d love for you to respond to the poll below.

A few words of caution here. As the world’s largest and most dedicated Angry Birds community (no asterisks here, it’s absolutely true!), you can bet your bottom dollar that Rovio will check here for peer reviews. That said, both compliments and criticisms should be CONSTRUCTIVE. Any comments like “I love/hate it” won’t help Rovio improve anything at all. Explain what you like, what you don’t, what you think should be tweaked if anything.

reds mighty feathers update poll results

Comments (205)

Rank: Out of this World with 2890 points
By Spacer (@spacer)

I like game play. But it would have been better for anew app rather than an episode. It kinda doesn’t have the touch of ABo. But as usual I like to be challenged :)

By hog popper

I agree. not really like ABO.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18470 points
By cosmo2503 (@cosmo2503)

I really like new update but think it would be better as totally new game. What I find strane is that set number of birds isn’t the most efficient one. For those who hate game they could take it or leave it, it is just free update so there is no reason for anger toward Rovio.

Rank: Fling King with 4365 points
By grammyK (@grammyk)

@cosmo2505, anger stems from acute disappointment of much anticipated new levels which turn out to be a totally different game.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6375 points
By AngryBirdsSpaceMaster (@spacemaster)

I feel like this is a really great concept, it just wasn’t made in a very appealing way. It needs to be slower so that it’s not impossible to beat, as well as easier to defeat the vehicles. Those bouncers make me want to kill myself.

Also, there’s a bug that makes it so every time you open the first level of an episode the game crashes. I’ve tweeted Rovio about it.

By Tony

Mine crashes every time. Won’t even let me get through the first level.
Have you heard from Rovio?

Rank: Master Slinger with 6375 points
By AngryBirdsSpaceMaster (@spacemaster)

I haven’t gotten a reply yet. I hope something is done about that.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10395 points
By Kayreen (@kareen)

Tony, mine crashes when I try to open the first level. I was looking forward to a new level, intrigued by AB Nester comments –but I can’t play it. oh well.

By Mike

Yeah.. not a big fan of this one. I definitely haven’t stuck with AB for so long because it features new and unique gameplay every update. In fact, just the opposite. I can always rely on that class AB style to kill some time.

Rank: Fling King with 4400 points
By lostgreybird (@lostgreybird)

Glad that Rovio released this in AB original before releasing a brand new app. If it was a new app then people would either “Love” or “Hate” a brand new app. This way they can test the waters.

I think this is part of the difficulty level of the game but it took me some time to realize that RB only target the pigs and that you can’t control him like the Lazer Bird in AB Space. I think I would like it a little better if I could target the TNT etc. But again, I think this is done on purpose to increase the difficulty level.

Rank: Fling King with 4400 points
By lostgreybird (@lostgreybird)

Also, one of the best parts of any AB game is that you can restart levels in no time at all. Hit the restart and you can fling almost instantly, or at least instantly slide the screen over to the slingshot. I think that after playing the level for the first time it shouldn’t take so long showing you the Pigs and all their stuff. Let me slide over quicker.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14970 points
By bonneypattycat (@bonneypattycat)

If they wanted to test the waters, it would have been better as a separate, free app.

Rank: Fling King with 4365 points
By grammyK (@grammyk)

I too wish they would put this in its own app. Still hope they do.

Rank: Fling King with 4400 points
By lostgreybird (@lostgreybird)

no way. From a business perspective this is smarter. If it were a new app they would need to waste marketing budget on this “new” hit or miss app just to get downloads. These downloads would be a fraction of the downloads they already have of the AB Original game meaning that the reception would minimal.

This way they load it in to an already own/downloaded app that is already on millions of devices and see what the reception is from this much larger group of people. No need for a big marketing push, no need to get downloads to see reception, no risk of a new app failing it’s a win, win, win.

I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw more test ideas from Rovio in AB Original considering is a 3 yr old app and now that seasons isn’t really “Seasons” anymore they can use their newer traditional AB style games in just ABS.

Give them credit for trying something new. There is only so many materials and layouts you can come up with before the game starts getting repetitive.

Rank: Fling King with 4365 points
By grammyK (@grammyk)

Agree about the marketing part from their perspective, thats why i keep calling it an ad rather than an episode. Disagree about materials and layouts. I have seen so many good ideas for new episdes here in the nest.

Rank: Fling King with 4400 points
By lostgreybird (@lostgreybird)

I think you are confused about my previous statement. This game IS NOT AN ADVERTISEMENT. It is a new style of gameplay that they wanted to introduce to us. I don’t understand how this game is in any way an advertisement. It is a FREE update. That they tried to give us something a little different than what they have been doing for 3 yrs

Rank: Fling King with 4365 points
By grammyK (@grammyk)

You said it exactly, a new style of gameplay, that is why IMHO it belongs in a new game and not in ABO.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14970 points
By bonneypattycat (@bonneypattycat)

From a business perspective, I do not think it wise to sucker punch loyal customers.

There are loads of different ways Rovio could change up the game and still stay true to the classic game play and scoring system. I do not wish to spend my day dumping on Rovio, but gads, where has their imagination gone to?

Oh well, back on down to Rio I go…

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

“Sucker punched”? Exaggerating a bit too much I think.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14970 points
By bonneypattycat (@bonneypattycat)

Rovio advertised, and teased us, with the news of an update to ABO, and many of us were looking forward to it. Turns out the update does not fit in with ABO game play or scoring, so it hardly feels like a true update. I think “sucker punched” adequately describes my reaction to the update. But, I am ready to move on. Still plenty of classic style levels I have yet to play.

Rank: Fling King with 4365 points
By grammyK (@grammyk)

@bonneypattycat , i fully support your opinion and hope you are getting support from others. I personally have no levels to play as i cannot play this type of speed game and have three starred all five games long ago. I loved your wording of suckerpunched. Just how i felt. I am perceived as a newbie on this site but i have been playing AB since close to the beginning and read many of the forums all that time and viewed a few walkthroughs when really stuck. I never joined as i had no interest in the leaderboards and high scoring. I recently joined due to boredom and am thrilled with the virtual friendship i am making. Thank you for your comments.

Rank: Fling King with 4400 points
By lostgreybird (@lostgreybird)

sucker punched from a game that has been giving you the same thing for 3 yrs? You’ve gotta expect something to change if everything has remained exactly the same over that time frame.

PS-I think it’s interesting that everyone that commented on here that has a “NO PUPS” Avatar is also someone that commented that they are either very unhappy with the update or would rather it be a separate game. Looks like they just don’t like change. We can’t fault you for that.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14970 points
By bonneypattycat (@bonneypattycat)

This is getting rather personal. Not what I am here for, so I will just go back to playing the games I do like and keep all my future comments strictly to game play strategy.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14935 points
By swellD (@swelld)

@lostgreybird that was totally uncalled for.

Rank: Fling King with 4400 points
By lostgreybird (@lostgreybird)

About the avatar? That is pretty vital information when looking at the reception of this update. There is a big difference between people not liking the update because of the gameplay and people not liking it because they don’t like any changes to something they are used to.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14970 points
By bonneypattycat (@bonneypattycat)

I don’t see a relationship between not using Powerups and not being open to any changes. For instance, I love the portals introduced in Seasons. I would heartily welcome changes of that nature within ABO. The update isn’t ABO at all, it is an entirely different game, albeit with the usual suspects. There is the big difference.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14935 points
By swellD (@swelld)

Well @lostgreybird FYI I like powerups, I use them on a different device, BUT I didn’t like ( and there is only one game left to change) the lack of distinction of scores IN the game. That was the whole purpose behind the avatars to begin with not, as you seem to think, powerups as a whole.
Lastly, while everyone is entitled to their opinion on a great many things, assuming “everyone” who supported that movement doesn’t like change is patently untrue.
If you “love” the new update and think it is representative and belongs in AB “original” then play on McDuff. I think that it does not.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

@swellD 2 games, I believe?

Rank: Boss Hog with 14935 points
By swellD (@swelld)

of course you are right @amslimfordy. I forgot about Rio.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14935 points
By swellD (@swelld)

And on with a more upbeat thought happy 4th of July for all you celebrating and my friends at the nest and @team for all you do day in/ day out!

Rank: Out of this World with 2890 points
By Spacer (@spacer)

Just a question- Will walkthroughs be available?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Absolutely. Will be live before EOD we hope.

Rank: Explosive with 2205 points
By jrz3472 (@jrz3472)

I am not a fan of the new update. I am only 2 levels in and am very frustrated. You cannot zoom out the screen to see all the level. I think its great that red gets his own power, I just feel this is a different game play than traditional play and would make a better stand alone game (ie… Angry Birds Go!) If this is a preview of the new game that’s fine, but I really was looking forward to traditional Angry Birds Update. Like I said only 2 levels in maybe my opinion will change with further play, and if it does I will update my review of the game. If not this is my two cents worth of opinion.
Happy flinging – JRZ3472

Rank: Fling King with 4400 points
By lostgreybird (@lostgreybird)

there is no zoom because there is no more level. The level ends at the “No Egg” sign. The fact that you can’t zoom forces an “end” to where you can attack the pigs.

Rank: Sling God with 36540 points
By Joey (@joeyba)

I agree with some opinions. This should be a separate new App. Maybe Rovio is testing here before launching a new App so it won’t “fail” as Amazing Alex did.
Now, this episode can be part of Bad Piggies. But it doesn’t have the same effect, intelligence and creativity Bad Piggies gave us, even with no scores!
My opinion: Angry Birds in all different Apps should still provide scores and challenges.

Rank: Explosive with 2130 points
By Valous (@guinness1079)

I like the new update, but is very differant from the ABO game which will cause a stir among some players. It has its own unique challenges, but can get frustrating when you have to finish it all in one go. On that side it makes it very challenging to complete. I am only on level 7 at the moment. It would be a good stand alone app eg AB Go. I will no doubt not give up untill i finish it, but i see alot of Loyal fans leaving this episode, for it is a very big change from the Original Gameplay of the AB franchise.
It would be nice to have a larger playing field to complete each level in and with maybe a preview of the next vehicle would make it a bit easier, with the option of turning it off, for the more challenge drivin players.
Well thats my two cents, best of luck,
Happy Flinging.

Rank: Sling God with 70300 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)

I like the new Red’s Mighty Feathers level in ABO. Provides a new “twist” to the previous game stats in ABO.
The aspects that are fun is that it is “timed”, we can only use so many RBs and that all the pigs have to go away in their travelling vehicles/machines. The part that came true to the virtual life is the pigs can pick up the eggs. That was a hoot to watch even though the game ended.
It would be interesting to see if Rovio comes out with an entire new game based on the playing strategy, results and maybe more new attributes and powers for the different birds.
At least for myself, I embrace the “change up” on accomplishing the end goal of obtaining 3 stars. It is just a different challenge strategy and I needed to adjust my brain to accommodate the game which is suppose to be fun. This opinion is that it meets the objective of “fun” to play.

Rank: Sling God with 70300 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)

The other aspect that is exciting is the unexpected vehicles that come from the right. I realize that the zoom does not work but the “surprise” factor is fun and one does have to react with some speed and thought to hit the vehicles in the right spot to destroy the pigs.

Rank: Pig Leader with 11600 points
By leggy (@leggy)

Didn’t like the concept in Bad Piggies, and this episode is just the same!

The concept being mainly focused on hitting a certain number of targets (eggs/piggies/number of birds used), with an unlimited (it would seem) amount of red mighty feather birds, in order to fulfill the criteria for each level within this episode, thus enabling you to achieve a 3 star score; as opposed to building a machine which is used to fulfill the target criteria and the 3 star scores in Bad Piggies.

The lack of zoom option also forces you to play the levels via the built-in methods of the game, as opposed to being given the freedom to be able to play it in a way that feels comfortable to the player, which in itself takes away the skill and luck involved for achieving the 3 stars, and this together with the non-scoring aspect makes it more repetitive, than fun.

I personally do not think it belongs in the ABO app, I feel that it is just another of Rovio’s ill-fitting attempts/schemes to try and get more people to play their Bad Piggies app, and/or it’s just an advertisement for their forthcoming app, Angry Birds GO!…I’ve played just one level, I have no intention of playing the other 14 levels, and as most members have already stated, I’m very disappointed by this release, it’s just not the Angry Birds we all know and love!

Rank: Pig Leader with 11600 points
By leggy (@leggy)

PS could I just add my appreciation for the ABNteam:
@AMSlimfordy @Birdleader @Sal9

You’ve all responded incredibly fast to the needs of members wanting to express their views, and the voting system that you have quickly implemented is rather impressive to say the least – thanks guys! :)

Rank: Fling King with 4365 points
By grammyK (@grammyk)

Well said, :-)

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9470 points
By Myselfiandme (@myselfiandme)

Agree. I was disappointed because i envisioned 15 levels similar to actual angry birds. These levels are bizarre to me. Not at all what i expected. About the same as my Bad Piggies disappointment….also a bizarre game. First Power-up, now levels that are simple too different. I appreciate Rovio trying new things, but new things weren’t needed in my opinion.

Rank: Fling King with 4615 points
By welshwitch55 (@welshwitch55)

I have to agree–I didn’t like Amazing Alex or Bad Piggies. I’m content to play Seasons, ABO, Rio, Space and Star Wars. This new format is just strange. I’ve 3 starred every AB I have, but I don’t know that I will be motivated enough to finish out this new update.

By Golldd

@AMslimfordy, I have an issue which is unrelated to the post but is tied to this update: After updating my Android all apps were lost but thanks to @CmdrBond‘s backup guide I have all stars and medals/feathers now; even the IAP’s. but strangely, I had to get the golden eggs again. I have collected all again except GE#8. There is no sun now, how do I get the egg? I tapped at the same place but nothing popped up and GE star counter shows 27. That means I am missing 1 egg. help please.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Try in a Level Selection screen instead of Episode Selection.

By Golldd

I tried. Didn’t work. One question: Is the GE exclusively related with the sun or by any chance the backup data I have is corrupted? The data restored everything though except for the eggs.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Golden Eggs are stored in the settings file. That could be corrupted.

By Golldd

@AMslimfordy, thank you very much for posting the GE#8 problem as a bug. I started having second thoughts about my data but now I can safely assume that my backup is not corrupted. I will wait until Rovio comes up with a solution. Good to know I am not the only one in this weird situation.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Actually I just confirmed that its NOT bugged. Instead of clicking on the (missing) sun, click a few times on the ABSW advert (NOT the little PLAY symbol on the right; the words ABSW). Should pop up.

Rank: Out of this World with 2550 points
By Aman (@amandeep)

If they will release a new game like this, then they should include Scoring System like previous AB franchise i.e You should get points on popping pigs & damaging the contraptions.
I don’t like this episode because we don’t get any scores! No leaderboards.

I think, they are testing their upcoming game ‘Angry Birds Go’, by giving us an update in ABo because it’s the most classic & favorite AB app.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 7660 points
By BBinMiami (@bbinmiami)

Whoa!! The legendary Classic theme song has changed! With the update, the theme song is the same as Angry Birds Trilogy! The most legendary theme song in all of apps has changed??? This will take some getting used too!

Rank: Champion with 3470 points
By . (@minh)

Well, I like the new gameplay but I think it would be better if they make it into the new app. For me, this update is fun to play, the goal is just only get stars but it’s very challenging and I’m currently in the level 11, those suction and bubbles are making me crazy so now I’m hoping for the walkthroughs come out.

Rank: Champion with 3470 points
By . (@minh)

PS–Have anybody noticed the main screen background still appears when we go to the levels selection screen and the new theme song ?

Rank: Boss Hog with 14970 points
By bonneypattycat (@bonneypattycat)

The wording of the poll does not adequately express my disappointment and frankly, disgust in this “update”.

I feel like I have been sucker punched by Rovio. This is not an “update”, it is as others have described, an advertisement. I love most of the Angry Birds games, but that does not mean I am interested in buying anything at all with an Angry Birds label slapped on it. That includes soft drinks by the way. I am beginning to think that Rovio thinks they can slap “Angry Birds” on a bag of bird droppings and people will eagerly buy it up. I don’t know… maybe it isn’t really Rovio’s fault…

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9660 points
By Dr. Omega (@dr-omega)

I am really confused by your feedback. How is this an advertisement? It was a free update to an existing game..?? If you don’t like the gameplay or something, I could see that, but your feedback doesn’t seem to relate to Red’s Mighty Feathers so much as a critique of Rovio’s marketing initiatives..

Rank: Fling King with 4365 points
By grammyK (@grammyk)

Well, since it is not angry birds game play, how can it be an ab episode?

Rank: Boss Hog with 14970 points
By bonneypattycat (@bonneypattycat)

I will buy and eat a stuffed Angry Birds toy if this “update” turns out not to be a lead-in for another game or more merchandise.

Rank: Fling King with 4365 points
By grammyK (@grammyk)

Well said @bonneypattycat. I was so disappointed about not having fifteen new puzzles to solve.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14970 points
By bonneypattycat (@bonneypattycat)

I still haven’t played much of Star Wars, so I have that to look forward to after I finish up with Rio (trying for 30M). There is Seasons too, but I haven’t yet got over the unfairness of the Santa Hat Glitch. What I was really looking forward to was an all new game in the classic AB style. I guess any hope of that any time soon just vanished.

Rank: Fling King with 4365 points
By grammyK (@grammyk)

I too was disappointed not to get classic gameplay and am afraid for the future. I enjoy the puzzle aspect of AB and have three starred all the games. I am not competetive scorewise so do not do leaderboards for high scores. I find it excrutiatingly boring to play the same shots over and over until an extra brick breaks for a better score but respect those who enjoy that. So I am afraid of there being no more angry birds at all to play and it is the only game i have been able to enjoy and master since chips challenge in nineteen ninety five.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6700 points
By wanda (@wanda)

@bonneypattycat, I agree with you. This is not an update at all. I don’t like Bad Piggies, and I don’t think I will play this ‘update’ very often. This might be a test drive for a new game, but it just does not fit here, and in my opinion.
We can’t complain about free updates, but this is disappointing.

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

@bonneypattycat But you didn’t have to buy this. You bought the app for $1 or so and have over 400 levels of normal gameplay. To be “disgusted” by something you didn’t pay for? Seems unfair.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14970 points
By bonneypattycat (@bonneypattycat)

Perhaps I have overstated my position considering the price of a game, but my let down remains real. I do hope in the future Rovio’s teasers turn out to be more than that.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14970 points
By bonneypattycat (@bonneypattycat)

I will say one more thing, regarding the price of a game and updates, since it was brought up. I would be more than happy to pay for a real update. I would rather support Rovio by paying for updates, than spending money on Powerups and Angry Birds soft drinks. That is as long as the updates continue to be of the same quality as the original game.

Rank: Fling King with 4400 points
By lostgreybird (@lostgreybird)

If you don’t mind paying then buy seasons, space, and Star Wars. They are filled with levels similar to classic style of play. You admit to not playing those yet. ABO is almost 4 yrs old. We are lucky they haven’t killed the app. i don’t mean to bring bad news but like I mentioned above I really think the classic style updates you will look for in the future will be seen in AB Seasons. They have more ability to add creative themes to smaller chapters.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14970 points
By bonneypattycat (@bonneypattycat)

I have bought all the games, and play them all occasionally for the Daily Challenge, I just haven’t spent time 3-starring all the levels. I have even bought games I did not anticipate spending much time on, Icebreakers, Bad Piggies and Amazing Alex, because I wanted to support Rovio in a small way. That is why I consider myself a loyal customer and as such feel let down by the mis-leading ads for an update to ABO.

I’m getting a little fed up with your haranguing. My opinion was solicitated, I have given it. I was ready to move on yesterday, perhaps you should consider doing the same.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 18130 points
By trishohara (@trishohara)

I like it, but maybe it would’ve fit better as new episode in Bad Piggies.
It’s fun, interesting to play, but the replay wish isn’t high without scores.
Though with the gamecenter Leaderboard limits, maybe ABO reached all limits, so scores wouldn’t count anyway.

Rank: Fling King with 4365 points
By grammyK (@grammyk)

Agree bad piggies would be a better fit.

Rank: Fling King with 4400 points
By lostgreybird (@lostgreybird)

I don’t understand why people think this should be in Bad Piggies. Have the people that make that comment played Bad Piggies. This is in now way similar to Bad Piggies format or gameplay.

Rank: Out of this World with 2985 points
By Chucky (@chucky)

We are saying the update is ‘terribad’ …Just like Bad Piggies (at least I am ) :)

Rank: Sling God with 45590 points
By annach (@annach)

I also don’t understand why some people say it would fit in Bad Piggies. This new game is just as different from Bad Piggies as it is from Angry Birds. I like Bad Piggies, I really enjoyed playing it and completed all the levels. It is fun to construct those vehicles to reach the goals of the game. I cannot say the same about this new Mighty Feathers game, I find it frustrating and not much fun, all you do is tap the screen, and you have to do it fast. This is really not “my cup of tea”, and as much as I am willing to give it a go, I already feel tired of it, and I don’t think I am going to complete these levels.

Rank: Sling God with 37500 points
By catsnbirds (@catsnbirds)

This update gave me extra free time today, time I was expecting to spend playing the new levels. I don’t object to the mixing of bad piggies contraptions with ABO, gives an interesting new look. I like that the eggs can be snatched, then retrieved. Not fond of the lack of scoring, but I could accept it for a single update. But, I really dislike the lack of aiming control. Figuring out the angles and timing is, for me, the fun of AB. I don’t get the point of having the target predetermined by the flashing arrows. I have completed a few levels, but even with my AB OCD, I don’t expect to complete the episode.

Rank: Fling King with 4365 points
By grammyK (@grammyk)

Another well said comment I agree with. Thanks

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9325 points
By f91jsw (@f91jsw)

I don’t like the gameplay of this update. Unlike others, I have no issue with the fact that it’s included in ABO, since I consider ABO dead anyway. But the gameplay is simply average. I’ve played all levels and three-starred all of them except 14 and 15, but frankly, I just don’t feel any particular urge to three-star the last two. It’s too frustrating and too repetitive.

AB classic gameplay can be frustrating and repetitive too, but not in the same way. In ABO classic, playing a level is quick and you feel rewarded when you at last get a high score. In this update, playing a level is slow and you have to repeat all the contraptions to get to the last, hard ones, and instead if feeling rewarded most of the time you just get annoyed when you miss that last shot after all that effort.

If this is the gameplay that will be in AB Go! I will not buy that game.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9660 points
By Dr. Omega (@dr-omega)

I have to agree with you on all counts, @f91jsw. I like it quick – that is the nature of Angry Birds. Bad Piggies is different, but can be quick as well.

This seems slow and like you said, very repetitive. Even scrolling left to start the level is slow. I don’t like games where you have to get everything completed only one way or not at all. I like a bit of chaos theory thrown in there. I also don’t like the aiming system on this game. Why not make it exactly like Lazer Bird in Space? This just seems to want you to tap the screen when they want you to, to the spot they want you to. It’s frustrating, and not in a fun way.

I’m even confused by the story – The Mighty Eagle flys over, drops some red feathers (?) which scoop up Red and continue to swirl around him? Huh? Pigs attack, but where are the other birds?? I would love to blow up these vehicles with Bomb..

I give them major kudos for trying something so different and I don’t think we will be seeing a full-blown game like this as some are predicting. I certainly don’t think this will be the gameplay of AB Go! as some are predicting.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14935 points
By swellD (@swelld)

I agree and very well said @dr-omega

Rank: Boss Hog with 14935 points
By swellD (@swelld)

@f91jsw I agree with everything you said except it’s inclusion in ABO. Maybe this could have been another level in the bad piggies section of ABO.
What I DO take exception with is feeling like it was teased inappropriately and misleadingly. Leading fans and lovers of the classic version and gameplay to believe there was a long hoped for update. The letdown is that it is nothing classic at all. I think the idea is cool. The rest of it not so much. I played three levels and found it to be tedious.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6065 points
By kooop (@kooop)

In Google Play description of this update there is a rovio account for Android mentioned. Has anyone got it working?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Only in select countries. Not yet in USA.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6065 points
By kooop (@kooop)

Not USA, not Poland. So where?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

I believe the first wave rolled out in the Scandinavian regions (biased, Rovio? ;) ). Not sure where it has rolled since.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9140 points
By betrayed2010 (@betrayed2010)

I’ve played two levels and think this game could be promising with a few changes. The first change I’d like to see is the ability to zoom out. The second would be the ability to aim myself and not have to aim at a predetermined arrow!!!!!

Rank: Boss Hog with 14280 points
By Josm (@josm)

Totally agree! , this 2 things really frustrate me… if they change that i would like it a lot more, (some kind of laser birds from space)

Rank: Explosive with 2445 points
By brandenburg5 (@brandenburg5)

I agree though I would put aiming as my first desire and zooming second. Because the pigs are moving, timing is much more critical here. I don’t care so much for that now, but I’ll keep playing and see if it grows on me.

I like the tie in with Bad Piggies, though I haven’t played it, and I also like that the pigs actually steal an egg. Maybe Rovio will tweak the format somewhat based on our comments.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6495 points
By CC Jolly (@cc-jolly)

Really great Update. The first chapter without scores. That makes the Original Version more interesting!!

Rank: Fling King with 4365 points
By grammyK (@grammyk)

BTW, I must admit, I dont like these type of levels or games because I cant even do them. Dont have the quickness required. AB lets me think, plan, execute :-) and the little bit of timing needed for those really close shots (e.g. tapping just before the bird hits the structure is all I can handle. :-)

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9830 points
By Chris (@chriss)

When I read all the negative comments, I thought people here are exaggerating. No update can be that bad.
Then I updated the game – and saw that this episode is even worse. It’s not at all fun. (What’s the opposite of fun, by the way?)

And I don’t understand why now there is the background with the flying items on all episode selection and level selection screens. Even on the Golden Egg page. What for??? What was wrong with the previous background?

I just filled in the survey and rated it with “horrible”. But please don’t say in the survey that the episode is too difficult. Otherwise they will add power-ups to this episode with the next update.

Rank: Sling God with 47130 points
By bernersenn (@bernersenn)

I love it when they are introducing new features. As the portals in Seasons. Played a few times #1, but needed all reds! Lol. This again will cost me lots of time – and offers me lots of fun. Lets fling!

By Kevin

I really like the new levels. They are an interesting take on ABo. People always complain when things change but I think can’t always please everyone. At least they are trying. Hope AB Go is different from this though, these 15 levels are enough of this style for now

By Padde

After playing it some time, i have to say its good and bad at the same time. But not in the same amount!

The first few seconds i was disappointed over the update, because its Not the classic AB. Then the nice warm feeling of something new took over and i was hooked. And then frustrated…BUT:

Please give the new gameplay abit time, look at the contraptions. Some of them are pure Art.
The First six Levels are totally workable without any walkthrough! Look at the things that come towards you, sometimes its easier to get them after they collected the egg.
I find the bouncy thingies still frustrating, but maybe there is a trick too, i dont know yet. So are the bubble machines.

The biggest negative might be, that you have to think fast, sometimes very fast. The pacing of the new gameplay seems to be a bit fast. A slightly slower gameplay or one or two contraptions less might be the trick for rovio. IF there will be updates of Mighty feather or IF they turn ist into a New game. *

Long Story Short: I like the Update. Its new. Its fresh. Its different. After all the levels (in all AB games) and years they are still able to make us our head scratch. And surprise us. Isnt that nice? Show me another gamepublisher that does so for a buck that i spend years ago. Trank you rovio.

* If that is going to be a new game or if there will be updates I think there need to be some minor changes (see above). I would like to see the other birds. They might work without changes or new abbilities. Though i cant See Stella work in this one or the boomerang. For Chuck would it be nice if he works like in Space.

Hm, some of the building parts might be nice in a future Bad piggies Update.

Rank: DaBomb with 420 points
By birdbrain423 (@birdbrain423)

Well, it’s definitely different! I’ve been playing AB since it came out, and play all of the iOS games (except Bad Piggies) and while I will risk sounding like a dinosaur, I prefer slinging birds and popping pigs and destroying as much structure as possible the classic way. I’ve three star’d all the games and when a new episode (or game) comes out, I quickly three star that, and wind up patiently awaiting a new episode for a month +/-. I agree that this would be a better fit for Bad Piggies than classic AB. I guess it’s back to waiting for a month or so for some classic play. On the lighter side….props to Slim and everyone at ABN for an awesome fan site. We would be hard pressed to find a better one….or better people.

Rank: Hardened with 570 points
By Kevin (@kprovance)

Not diggin’ it, but, to each their own. I’ll continue to wait for classic levels.

Rank: Out of this World with 2985 points
By Chucky (@chucky)

I have said my piece numerous times about this update but at the end of the day after numerous attempts to try and like it I am afraid to say my mind can’t be changed.

The gameplay is nothing, and I repeat nothing like any of the previous Angry Birds Franchise that I have passionately played for the past few years.

This wouldn’t be a major issue except I now have 1 part of an entire game I just don’t want to finish. You may say big deal, just don’t finish it…but that is not the point. Between myself and a few friends we pride ourselves on our scores between each other and who can finish first, get the highest score, get the most stars etc…This update is about none of that. You don’t control the bird like you do in other AB games, you just simply pull, press, hope.

Could this update be a teaser for Angry Birds Go? Well if it is I can promise I will not be buying it. Could it be a teaser for another new game? Again the same applies, I would not buy it. However if they plan on taking other existing Angry Birds games in this direction, all they have done is ruin the franchise for me and I might as well uninstall the game/s now.

Rovio, if by chance you are reading my rant…Please remove this update from ABO and either leave it untouched, or give us a proper ABO update in the same game style we have become accustomed to! Sure be quirky like Seasons and include new things like Portals (love the protals)…but don’t destroy the series and include updates like Red Mighty Feathers!

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