Angry Birds Poached Eggs 3 Star Walkthrough Level 3-20

Our strategy for Poached Eggs level 3-20 is to lob the first Black bird to land above the fourth pig. The explosion should leave only two pigs in the first structure. Use the first White bird to take out the leftmost pig. Loft the next Black bird into the left side of the right structure, detonating to shift the blocks rightward and popping all pigs within. Use the remaining two birds to take out the mustachioed pig in the middle. The score in the video below is 112,230.

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Comments (61)

Rank: Master Slinger with 6960 points
By iamMighty (@iammighty)


1st b/b- To the second horizontal sloped stoneblock so that Black lands near the second pillar but a little deep.

2nd w/b- To the second castle but dont explode till you reach the castle. Explode when an inch near to the castle killing all the pigs.

3rd b/b- Cleanup! 20k Bonus!

Rank: Boss Hog with 14310 points
By Pointdexter5 (@pointdexter5)Score: 148,360

I did this different. First bird high arch, land on roof sloping down, right behind the 4th pillar. If it lands deep and explodes right, it will take out the back two pillars, sometimes the force will even knock out the front one. Second bird, same as you, pushing the whole back structure over. Next bird as your first bird, or whatever is left to destruct. Got over 141k this way.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7205 points
By TruckDriver (@truckdriver)Score: 132,400

I used this on PC, a mixture of @iammighty and Slim’s walkthrough. Got a 14k score boost, and this was the last stars I needed in PC Poached Eggs for the GE. So, it’s good all around. :-)

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8570 points
By Kartflyer (@kartflyer)Score: 142,450

Woah! This strategy brings a new level of fun into the level! Earned 142k after a few tries, thanks so much @pointdexter5!

Rank: Pig Leader with 12170 points
By sunshine (@sunshine)Score: 132,160

Mighty, I approach this the same way, you explains it perfect!! :)

Rank: Master Slinger with 6960 points
By iamMighty (@iammighty)

Dont forget to read the above reply by Pointdexter5, it might help you and glad to help.

Rank: Pig Leader with 12170 points
By sunshine (@sunshine)Score: 132,160

Mighty, you are right! I have been able to repeat my current score multiple, will keep working to improve. Thanks, Mighty & pointdexter!! :)

Rank: Boss Hog with 14310 points
By Pointdexter5 (@pointdexter5)Score: 148,360

I was able to improve mine with a small amount yesterday, with the approach I listed earlier, so keep trying and you may be able to add more points.

Rank: Pig Leader with 12170 points
By sunshine (@sunshine)Score: 132,160

I will, pointdexter, thanks for the motivation!! :)

Rank: Pig Leader with 12170 points
By sunshine (@sunshine)Score: 132,160

Poindexter, it worked, I increased my score!! Thank you so much for your help, and iammighty, thank you for suggesting that I try his method. E-star, I watched your video, Try Poindexter’s, as mighty suggested. I know you will improve even more!!!! Make sure your video is running!! :)

Rank: Master Slinger with 6640 points
By E-Star (@e-star)Score: 139,490

I will try, its a fun level to revisit. But for now I’m keeping focused on the aks at hand… Playing as much levels (and recording and putting everything on youtube and if its a different strat placing it here in the comments) before the new AB Space that’s coming the 22th of March (which offcourse i’m going to buy, play, record and upload as soon as possible). I’m just starting the levels of ‘Danger Above’ for the first time (just counted the levels I still have to do, 198!!!) so maybe you can imagin how much playing/work i still have to do.

If I revisit this level, i will press the record button and if I improve my score, you’ll be the first to know :)
(if you have a subscribtion of this thread)

Rank: Pig Leader with 12170 points
By sunshine (@sunshine)Score: 132,160

You have a lot of work ahead of you, good luck!! I know you will get it done. ;)

Rank: Master Slinger with 6640 points
By E-Star (@e-star)Score: 139,490

Thanks sunshine! I wil, get there… i’m a very persistent girl :) and offcourse an addict to the game!

Rank: Master Slinger with 6640 points
By E-Star (@e-star)Score: 139,490

I used the same methode as iamMighty. Way back when I didn’t make video’s I got 139490 with this methode, but I couldn’t replicate it. I did manage to make a video of this strat yielding a score of 128020.

Here’s the video

Rank: Boss Hog with 14310 points
By Pointdexter5 (@pointdexter5)Score: 148,360

Glad to hear you were able to improve your score using my method. I don’t know how to record my games on the iPad, and often it takes hundreds of retries to get that magical score ou are trying to achieve. In some levels, it’s technique, in others it is just a one-time lucky shot. I had that happen in 6-15 yesterday. Same technique each time, then hit a lucky shot and increased my previous score by 10k, setting the second highest score on this level.

I’m excited too about space, but have to decide if I will get it, or try to achieve 30 million here first.

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 128,840

Oh my!! Tried all combinations of this strat finally it all came together. 128840…thanks to all of the above:)

Rank: Sling God with 45310 points
By Kathy (@kathy)Score: 128,840

oops meant to add I’ll b back to try for higher lol..but at least I beat average ty guys:)

Rank: Deputized with 125 points
By jayden (@jayden)

thx E-star again ur vid helped to improve

Rank: Sling God with 70300 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)Score: 132,020

@iammighty Thanks for the strategy. Had a below average score for this level and now in the 130k. Your description is easy to follow and implement.

Rank: Hardened with 520 points
By BeeFans10 (@beefans10)Score: 125,710

@iammighty Thanks for your method! I’m finally above average on this level and this episode as well

Rank: Fling King with 4000 points
By Bill (@dollarbill2208)Score: 134,980

On very rare shots, this technique will yield the nearly complete destruction of the entire first area, killing all the pigs. Then all you would have to do is topple the second area with the white bird, which is much easier, but still it doesn’t happen every time. I haven’t been lucky enough to do it.

Rank: Well Traveled with 1725 points
By murash (@murash)Score: 155,170

I agree with Bill.
With first shot, like the one from video, it’s possible to take down entire first area.
Second shot would be to shot the white bird with lower angle and to release the egg in front of the structure, so that white bird pushes all down the hill.
But you need to have A LOT of luck with both shots.

Rank: Explosive with 2075 points
By Vaporizer (@vaporizer)Score: 141,950

Well, the first shot is really ‘random’ (the black bird has to turn over to the left a little, that really helps), 2nd shot is actually quite easy. I think you could still make ~150k with 3 birds. But you will really need some luck for that. 141k is my best, but I hope to have that lucky shot sometime to do this in 2.

Rank: Fling King with 4000 points
By Bill (@dollarbill2208)Score: 134,980

I’ve done it with two, but the score still didn’t pay out. Just 130k, I expected much higher.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9485 points
By to mock a mockingbird (@vuelva)

147k with three as described by @iammighty: first to up-sloping part of the roof (50k+, taking out at least the two leftmost pillars), next the rightmost structure (90k+, low arc), and finally to the down-sloping part of the roof (110k+, coming to rest directly on top of the one but last pillar), each shot as described in other comments. only a few blocks of both the building and the rightmost structure remained and 2 birds bonus. 150k should indeed be possible with this strategy as i have had better collapses of the rightmost structure.
anyway, next time i will try to improve my score for this level i will go for the strategy described by @pointdexter5 because the building is not symmetric: the rightmost pillar will not collapse by a bomb bird on the left part of the roof, whereas the lefmost pillar (and more) may collapse by a bomb bird on the right part of the roof. from the other comments and my own experience i guess 160k should be possible with 2, but very difficult.

By James

I’m wondering if this is actually possible at all on the Facebook version- I’ve got 3 stars on almost every level, but can’t even get one star on this one, and had to use an Eagle to get past it at all.

Even following the guide here is getting me nowhere..

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 117,190

Yes, BirdLeader has 3-starred all of Poached Eggs on Facebook without power-ups.

By aksu

Yes it’s feasible, my best is 114k so far. One of the hardest of the FB version, no doubt.

By ddw

I seem to have the same Facebook version as James, even using the technique in the video doesn’t work. The birds and the blocks in the FB version just act differently, I guess. I had to use the Eagle as well.

By daria

same, same, directly same situation i got :( my bombs r not blowing same like these on videos… God knows why….

Rank: Slinger with 1065 points
By OneBadPiggie (@onebadpiggie)

This is a hard level on Facebook…

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By maryspitfire (@)

I SECOND THAT!! just had to show this, that’s nuts
Amazing Screen Shot

Rank: Boss Hog with 14310 points
By Pointdexter5 (@pointdexter5)Score: 148,360

The angle of that bird seems way to high. I have shared my strategy on this higher up, but have not player the FB version, nor will I, so I can’t comment on that aspect. But I know when I shoot de white bird to take down the back structure, it goes just over the top part of what is left of the larger first structure, then drop the bomb right before hitting the wall. The angle in your screenshot, shows this bird coming in from a high arc, which I don’t think will ever give the same result.

By myssmeow

This one is very tough but then out of sheer luck, I’d say, I finally got all of them. Facebook folks need to catch the golden egg on the block way above the second building. You may not notice it because the other people’s score is in the way.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16710 points
By thee-michelle (@thee-michelle)Score: 142,980

3 birds strategy.
I tried a strategy same as the first bird of the video.
While it was repeated, the first structure inclined to the left side, and most were broken leaving two supports and flakage.
I broke a piece with the second chicken as much as possible and destroyed the right structure in the third birds.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 7975 points
By caviar 101 (@caviar-101)Score: 150,340

Very high score (I have 150,340) is possible but rare using the approach described by Pointdexter5 on February 22. First black bird needs to wedge as deep as possible into the roof just to the left of the level of the next-to-last stone column of the large structure (but still in the roof above where the columns are). Allow the bird to explode on its own. Although many such shots will cause only moderate damage, every once in a while all 5 pigs are taken out, along with one or more of the stone columns. After hundreds of attempts, including at least 50 with all 5 pigs taken out, I just had a first shot that not only took out all 5 pigs but also all 6 stone columns. One-bird score at this point was more than 80K, but I didn’t write down the exact amount. This lucky shot left the smaller structure on the right wide open for attack by the second (white) bird, which needs to be detonated at the perfect location just to the left of the left-most column at mid-column level, such that almost all of the structure collapses to the right, getting all remaining pigs. Thus, success with only 2 birds, 3 unused birds for 30K bonus points, and a total score of 150,340. My suggestion is to practice making the second shot when the smaller structure is wide open, so that when you get a lucky first shot you have a better chance of following through with a really good second shot.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14310 points
By Pointdexter5 (@pointdexter5)Score: 148,360

Hey, glad my strategy worked. I have seen your scenario almost happen a few times, but almost, so I think it just needs some time and luck. Will have to retry when I have some more time.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 15315 points
By windwalker (@windwalker)Score: 143,410

Thank you @caviar-101 and @pointdexter5, was stuck on 126030 then with your description and @xebic88 video finally got things working

Rank: Avian Overlord with 15315 points
By windwalker (@windwalker)Score: 143,410

Find that with the first shot you have to get it to go through the angled stone bar second from the left and then it has to break the small horizontal bar so it snuggles between the pebbles. 2nd bird as described by caviar and pointdexter and third bird to clean up, all columns were down.

Rank: Sling God with 46235 points
By karen68 (@karen68)Score: 138,810

Came close a couple of times to that remarkable first shot described here, with scores of 70k+, but of course in true Angry Birds choke fashion I messed up the second shot. I found this to be a very unpredictable level, what appears to be a poor first shot can still produce a good score. With my current score of 138k I only had about 30k after the 1st bird (using Poindexter’s method) but I got some ricochet damage from the white bird, plus most of the right structure fell down the right side for more points. Somehow the 3rd shot (same as Mighty’s 1st) did enough damage to improve my score by 4k.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14685 points
By xebic88 (@xebic88)Score: 139,460

@karen68 i know exactly what u mean i had a few second shots that landed on the roof of last building ,lol ,and got up for a cuppa only to see that within a minute a fair bit still fell and 3rd bird went behind what was left of front so it blew it to the left ,and ended up with a nice score ,alot of the floor was also gone..have u noticed when u magnify the screen the floor slabs are not touching in some places ,i think thats why some shots are so different to others ,might be my eyes ( great score windwalker )

By hei88

still cant break 100k but i did increase my score by 6k or so

By Jimmy

Thanks Mighty. Your strategy was very useful. I scored about 112,000.

By Bonddgurl

This is impossible to get 3 stars.. My highest is 108 and I’ve tried for like a thousand times..!!!!

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)Score: 117,190

Our video disagrees ;) though it is difficult.

By Bonddgurl

Ok, then it is impossible for me to get three stars.

Rank: Boss Hog with 14685 points
By xebic88 (@xebic88)Score: 139,460

Here is a link to a clip showing pretty much what Slim and @Pointdexter5 and IamMighty where talking about ,score 133,but can see how the higher scores are made with just 2 birds ,i needed 3 ,Good luck

Rank: Avian Overlord with 15315 points
By windwalker (@windwalker)Score: 143,410

Thanks for the video @xebic88 just put 12000 on my score, I always seem to do better when I can see how its done

Rank: Avian Overlord with 15315 points
By windwalker (@windwalker)Score: 143,410

sorry the score shown is the old one, forgot to register new score on leaderboard

Rank: Master Slinger with 5010 points
By misterparon (@misterparon)Score: 137,280

Thanks for the video @xebic88 i get 137k whit this

Rank: Boss Hog with 14685 points
By xebic88 (@xebic88)Score: 139,460

Glad to hear it @misterparon ,your video,s have helped me many times ,so its nice to pay 1 back:))

By Charlie Holland

WOW that was a difficult level – had to use all the birds but finally managed to get 3 stars – 119,020

Rank: Flinger with 35 points
By WereWolf69 (@werewolf69)Score: 126,330

@xebic88, you’re a lifesaver, I had forever been stuck at 115k, until I viewed your video, and that was the turning point for me. Thank you my friend. Now I need to raise my score just a little more to be completely happy.

Rank: Pig Leader with 10660 points
By bastieroxxor (@bastieroxxor)Score: 155,770


I just want to bring a little precision about the first bird:
it needs to land indirectly between the two tiny stones (by landing a little bit on the right of them) which are between the 4th and the 5th pillar and it is very important to detonate the bomb when it is housing between those two tiny stones (after landing on the right, the bomb goes back on the left). Look at my pictures:

Nothing special for the second bird.
To record my 155k, I get 83k after the first bird..

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9485 points
By to mock a mockingbird (@vuelva)

thanks @bastieroxxor. this time did as you wrote. definitely the way to go: every half an hour or so a 150k+ score, but found it difficult to get top score, because hardly ever got a good 2nd. finally got top score for the moment after 86k after the 1st. was sometimes also playing the 2nd if just the columns to the left and right of the second pig (from the left) would be standing hoping that structure would be taken out by the ricocheting carcass of the 2nd. got 153k with that. it can even be taken out with the 3rd, usually sending it straight just above the left pillar. in fact, got the most of my 150k+ with 3 birds in that way, the best score with that being 154k. still think that 160k should be reachable, but probably not easy (and then with 2 not with 3 birds, as i never got more than 139k destruction with all 5 birds, which was with very little debris left; was playing for full destruction on failed attempts just for fun).

Rank: Pig Leader with 10660 points
By bastieroxxor (@bastieroxxor)Score: 155,770

You are welcome and well done!
I tried 10-15 attempts when I saw your high score and did 155,220 :(
I’ll revisit this level after having revisited Mine and Dine.

Rank: Explosive with 2485 points
By Silkebird (@silkebird)Score: 142,230

I lobbed high aiming the black bird towards the third upward sloping stone, towards the middle just past the third pillar. If it lands right it buries right in. Then high arc the white bird so it gets into between the two structures, and the bounce after releasing the egg pushes the structure over. Last black as deep as possible into the remaining stone on the first structure to clean up.

By barbara

How do you find the feathers? I am unable to figure this out.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7130 points
By Kelani (@kelani)Score: 120,700

Barbara, you don’t find feathers. You earn them by purchasing the Mighty Eagle (ME) add-on, which lets you try to destroy the entire level by flinging a sardine can, which makes the eagle dive for it, and blow the level to bits hen he bounces off the ground. If you destroy enough of the level, you get 100% destruction, and earn the feather. On some games, getting a certain number of feathers allows access to bonus levels. We have walkthroughs for how to get 100% on all levels with ME. You can find these on the Walkthroughs- Mighty Eagle drop-down menu on the gold nav bar at the top of each page.

Here’s ABN’s ME guides: Mighty Eagle Explained.
and: Harnessing the Mighty Eagle’s Power

Rank: Explosive with 2355 points
By CakeyFA (@cakeyfa)Score: 126,640

I hate the whitebird strategy here. Simply robs me of 10k because 95% of the time, it just doesn’t have ANY force behind it and doesn’t even nudge that far right building.

I cleared ALL large building pigs + the ugly dad-pig in my first blackbird explosion, and then the eggbird came with it’s zero-force nudge.
At least in AB Rio it has proper force.

Rank: Hardened with 520 points
By BeeFans10 (@beefans10)Score: 125,710

I need a huge help. I’m stuck at 110k scores, even with the methods shown in comments.
Is there a method that works for, at least 130k? It’s the only level i have below average in this episode. Help please!

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