Angry Birds Mighty Hoax 3 Star Walkthrough Level 4-15

Our strategy for Mighty Hoax level 4-15 is to loft a Black bird to land between the second and third structures, at least destroying the final one upon detonation. Fire the White bird straight-ahead to pop the first pig, then use the Black and Yellow birds to pop the pigs within the middle structure. The score in the video below is 81,460.

Version 2022:

Category: 02. Mighty Hoax, Angry Birds, Walkthroughs
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Comments (38)

Rank: Master Slinger with 6640 points
By E-Star (@e-star)Score: 93,850

Different methode:
First black bird straight into the left structure. Second bird straight through, taking out the leftside of the middle structure. The third bird between the gap between the remaining structures. Scored 93850.

Here’s the video

Rank: Master Slinger with 7205 points
By TruckDriver (@truckdriver)Score: 95,970

Thans for the strat, it seems a bit easier than the ABN video. And yielded more points, too.

Rank: Sling God with 70045 points
By wrw01 (@wrw01)Score: 95,530

@e-star Thank you for the video and the alternate strategy. It increase the score 10K. Worked Great!!!

By eggomaniac

tnx, found when I lobbed the 2nd shot in your strat, at same point, got 95,640.

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9940 points
By kimmiecv (@kimmiecv)Score: 95,790

Thx estar once again your video comes to the rescue!!

Rank: Out of this World with 2510 points
By brave1966 (@brave1966)

@E-star, my Dutchie friend, you are a genius! 16600 increase using your strategy, up to 97780. :D

Rank: Gold Flinger with 8000 points
By Green Woodpecker (@green-woodpecker)Score: 99,120

Thanks for the strat.
Improved by 9k today.
Slight modification, 1st bird into top of the two stone squares & detonate on impact.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6640 points
By E-Star (@e-star)Score: 93,850

Whoohooo, great scores all of you!! Nice!! Always nice to see my hard work pay out for you all!

Rank: Slinger with 1180 points
By drvrdeb (@drvrdebv)Score: 97,910

Thanks for the video @e-star, got a great score with your method! Color me happy!

Rank: Sling God with 26590 points
By SweetP (@sweetp)Score: 96,140

Woo-hooo! Thanks to @e-star, I was able to get 95,150 on the first try!

By Dana36g

Thanks, E-Star! Brought me up to 102,030 and the Gold crown! Took a screen shot for proof but I don’t know how to post it here.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6640 points
By E-Star (@e-star)Score: 93,850

WOW Dana36g that is amazing! if you create an account here at the nest, you will not only get the option to fill in all your scores in the leaderboards, but you will also have your own personal album to upload images into.

So maybe sign up and start punching in those numbers to go and reach for the top here at the nest :D

Rank: Hardened with 530 points
By Imparatralo423 (@origin)Score: 93,130

Thanks! I did this in a different order, with the first BKB in the centre and the white bird on the left structure. I used the second BKB to kill the moustache pig.

Rank: Hardened with 520 points
By BeeFans10 (@beefans10)Score: 102,620

Same method, 98600.
The last one is PURE RNG, but this one is easy peasy. Top scores in a few tries!

Rank: Well Traveled with 1655 points
By dembullocks (@dembullocks)

Thanks E-star
Scored 95,300 very quickly with your method.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6640 points
By E-Star (@e-star)Score: 93,850

You’re welcome, glad i could be of help :)

Rank: DaBomb with 285 points
By shanedelbianco (@shanedelbianco)Score: 100,900

100900 using E star’s method

Rank: Slinger with 1085 points
By jakeisquite (@jakeisquite)Score: 90,470

Got a two birder by putting the first black bird in the first gap and dropping a egg in the in the 2nd gap with the white bird. With a bit of luck it’s possible though it probably won’t get a higher score.

Rank: Debriefed with 1410 points
By BirdJo (@birdjo)Score: 100,670

The structures in this level were distributed very evenly so PERHAPS the only difference would be if we use White for the far right part, utilizing its toppling bounce and try to break as much objects as possible by pushing them over the ledge. I managed 97k+ using @e-star‘s method (unlucky with some near-destroyed objects), while my current 100k+ was with @amslimfordy‘s walkthrough (the 3-birder version of it – taking a lot of the right part of middle structure along with the far right structure with the first Black). Very much the same results to be honest… :)

Rank: Flinger with 35 points
By WereWolf69 (@werewolf69)Score: 101,100

Well, it seems that @e-star has done it again, I’ve managed to raise my score by 5k+ with her method, let’s see if I can raise it some more.

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 98,590

@e-star — Thanks yet again! So far improved my score by >15K to 98590.
Would be nice if some people with scores >100K would say how they got there.
A couple of things I noticed:
If you land the 1st bomb bird in exactly the right spot (below intersection of 1st and 2nd stone squares on left), it will go through almost to the step in the base and produce a score of almost 20K.
I have sometimes used a low arc on the 3rd BB, but not sure if this produces as high a score.

Rank: Sling God with 28590 points
By MVNLA2 (@mvnla2)Score: 98,590

Just got 22K + on first shot; muffed 3rd. I play on iPad, and for the first shot, pull BB back exactly horizontal and then raise sling 4 clicks / pixels (so there are 4 small steps in sling). I have been letting BB self-detonate if he goes through to step (he actually detonates shortly before reaching it, while still rolling). Good Luck all!

Rank: Hardened with 520 points
By BeeFans10 (@beefans10)Score: 102,620

Also me. Broke the top 100k barrier. Very helpful @e-star.

Rank: Sling God with 21330 points
By Stocktoad (@stocktoad)Score: 103,450

As always @e-star gives us a great video. My strat is the same as hers with an improved first shot. Aim the first bird on top of the cement blocks and just in front of the horizontal board on top of the blocks. Explode the bird on contact. What you want to do is keep the debris from flying to the left where it will be untouched with the other two shots. The score after the first shot should be at least 20,000 points, and 24,000 is even better. Reset if you don’t get the points on the first shot, or if the access to the middle section is blocked so that you can’t get in a good second shot.

Yesterday (or was it the day before?) I was 400 points from the top score when playing the challenge and today I am 210 away. Very frustrating!

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9470 points
By Myselfiandme (@myselfiandme)Score: 101,700

@stocktoad @e-star. Stocktoad, congrats on winning the daily challenge of this level today. I used E-stars method too and after about an hour of playing tweaked it slightly exactly as you described above. Small change in the first bird makes a big difference in final points….keeping the debris from going left allows it to be broken by falli g debris from second and third birds.

Rank: Hardened with 520 points
By BeeFans10 (@beefans10)Score: 102,620

@stocktoad got 102620 today & #3 on leaderboard. Score proof here:

Rank: Sling God with 21330 points
By Stocktoad (@stocktoad)Score: 103,450

@beefans10 …..Happy my 10 year old post is still helping people.

Rank: Master Slinger with 6825 points
By Sck2DthofU (@dronnord)Score: 95,030

98890 using original idea. Now I will try alternate method

Rank: Master Slinger with 6825 points
By Sck2DthofU (@dronnord)Score: 95,030

Oops 95,890. I never broke this using alternate version. Thks

Rank: Sling God with 21145 points
By Desperate Dan (@desperate-dan)Score: 106,090


As @stocktoad suggested with the first shot improvement over the @estar method, although i had no idea at the time, trying out a lot of alternatives in Classics. Scope for 105k with luck, I feel.


Rank: Sling God with 21145 points
By Desperate Dan (@desperate-dan)Score: 106,090
Rank: Sling God with 21145 points
By Desperate Dan (@desperate-dan)Score: 106,090


Getting there. Proof in album, if anyone wants it.

Rank: Sling God with 37475 points
By Dr O'Neski (@steviep147)Score: 103,820
Rank: Sling God with 46080 points
By karen68 (@karen68)Score: 106,158

Like the video from @e-star, with the helpful tip on the 1st shot from @stocktoad, thanks to both.
Had a slow collapse from the rightmost tower.

Video –

Rank: Sling God with 21145 points
By Desperate Dan (@desperate-dan)Score: 106,090

But even 106090 wasn’t enough. Smart shooting @karen68. That’s the third AB trophy I have lost in under 24 hours. They are all ganging up on me!

Rank: Sling God with 46080 points
By karen68 (@karen68)Score: 106,158

@desperate-dan sorry for being part of the carnage. 😬
Congrats on your puppy!

I update the Challenge spreadsheet so I won’t forget myself. 🙂

Rank: Sling God with 21145 points
By Desperate Dan (@desperate-dan)Score: 106,090

You might want to give @sweetp a nudge @karen68, or are you effectively part of the Challenge committee anyway?

Rank: Sling God with 21145 points
By Desperate Dan (@desperate-dan)Score: 106,090


RFF (or Classics if you prefer) is easier, but 106090 still pretty hard work plus the usual luck as well. I guess I can still get a pup for beating my own high score. I thought 104909 could be vulnerable so I persisted with the approach of making sure absolutely everything got flung to the right hand side after bird one, and also that this collapsed the LHS of the centre tower. Clean up LHS with bird two (usually just leaving the lower stone block) and then the money shot in between the two towers to the right. If you can get 46-47k after 2 birds and do this enough times, it’ll work out eventually; quite easy to get 103k. 106k was a big jump though.


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