Angry Birds Heikki Singapore Walkthrough

Like its predecessors, to achieve a decent score in the Angry Birds Heikki Singapore (level 6) requires the use of a power-up, which we’re using as our second bird. Fire the bomb bird at the lower left edge of the first horizontal stone. Ideally the bird should land on the tires located on the fourth floor of the first tower, causing quite a bit of damage. Now initiate the power-up then launch Terence towards the center of the middle tower, taking it down. The third bird is then launched on a medium high trajectory, dropping the bomb on the lower left tnt. Finally, use the remaining two birds to take down the far right tower. The score in the video is 298,570. If you net a highscore I’d love to hear your strategy.

Note, to obtain the power-up you need a code, which is available by "Liking" Heikki's Facebook page. If you're not a Facebook user we recommend checking the comments on our main article, as there is a lot of useful info there. Back to the main Angry Birds Heikki walkthrough page.

Higher Score Strategy

Below is another strategy from @birdleader, which at the time of writing was in the Top 50. It yields a final score of 320,050, but I’m sure it could be higher with a few more attempts.

Comments (3)

Rank: Master Slinger with 6760 points
By username12345 (@blahalb09)

Just got 33rd place using the highscore strategy!

Rank: Sling God with 37715 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Woot! Nice work @blahalb09!

Rank: Master Slinger with 7400 points
By Angryguy (@angryperson)

wow! great job @blahalb09, I think i’ll give it a shot myself, I’ve had trouble on this level

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