Angry Birds Golden Egg Star Walkthrough Level 12

The second soundboard puzzle level is all about the birds and their beautiful harmonies. To get the star press blue bird, red bird, black bird (with eyes closed), blue bird, then finally the green bird.

* Note, the first part of the video shows you where to find the Golden Egg. The second part contains the walkthrough to unlock the Star. Video by FujiToast.

Category: Golden Eggs Stars, Walkthroughs

Comments (26)

By Goldie


By Ana

My screen is frozen what can I do to un freeze it. I tried to tap on the birds and it doesnt even sound. I can’t even use the back arrow button I can’t do anything HELP

Rank: Pig Leader with 11200 points
By FujiToast (@fujitoast)

Is it just your game that is frozen, or is the whole device frozen? If just the game, just do a restart on whatever device it is. If your whole iOS device is frozen, hold down on the home and sleep buttons at the same time until you see the Apple logo. If it’s a different device, let us know and maybe someone will know how to do a force restart.

By Jan

I have the same issue and it’s just the Angry Birds game. Even the other Angry Bird games work (like Free and Holidays) and I’d love to “reset” the game, but I have shut off the Ipod and tried everything and no matter what I do, when I try to open Angry Birds, it just opens up to the frozen screen! I just finished all 3 stars on the 3 levels and got the #12 Golden Egg and that’s where it’s frozen. I can’t do anything. Just shows a dialog box at the bottom saying Episode 3 Total Destruction – 3 stars in all levels. Back arrow doesn’t work. None of the birds move, and I can’t turn the sound on or off. I really don’t want to start all over. This took forever. Anyone have any hints? If I reset the Ipod, I’ll lose all my progress. HELP!

Rank: Pig Leader with 11200 points
By FujiToast (@fujitoast)

@Jan A soft reset won’t lose any progress. Any time your iOS device freezes, try holding the home and sleep button and that should get you back up and running.

By Jan

Thanks so much, Fuji. That worked perfectly and no progress lost! Phew! thanks again!


Rank: Pig Leader with 11200 points
By FujiToast (@fujitoast)

You’re very welcome. ;)

Rank: Sling God with 37300 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Have you tried tethering your phone and backing up your highscores.lua file? I can’t tell you exactly where it is on your phone, but if you can’t get things working and have to reinstall this may allow you to keep your progress (after you reinstall you’d overwrite the highscores.lua file on your phone with the one that you backed up). Now, don’t hold me to this, but if you are left with no other options it’s worth trying.

By Jan

thanks for the input Bird, but the soft reset that FujiToast posted did the trick. Happy Pig Gobbling all! :-)

Rank: Sling God with 37300 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

Great! Brain fart on my part, as I didn’t see that is was resolved.

By Jan

No problem. I Appreciate the reply! :-)

By goinggold

slow it down i dont even know wat to do but thanks for tring

By mhp

am I missing something here? How on earth did you figure this out? Were there instruction somewhere that I skipped over? Thank you very much for all of your help, it is greatly appreciated, but please explain how you came up with the bird tapping sequence too master this level.


Rank: Pig Leader with 11200 points
By FujiToast (@fujitoast)

I can’t take credit for coming up with it, and actually I don’t remember where I first saw it, but the sequence is the beginning of the angry birds theme song. Unfortunately my phone can only record video and not sound, otherwise you would hear it as you do the tapping. But you’re welcome!

By Natalie

“To get the star press blue bird, red bird, black bird (with eyes closed), blue bird, then finally the green bird.”

I have tried this over and over with no star. . . . is this still the code?

By Natalie

ok, that’s annoying, I literally followed your path thirty times with no luck, and then I tried it once more AFTER I posted that and it worked. Thanks

Rank: Sling God with 37300 points
By Bird Leader (@birdleader)

See, persistence pays off.

By OldBird

The PC version is completely different. Any tips?

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

Are you sure you are on the correct egg? Pause the level and see what number is says.

By caliee

it is one the first page of the golden egg pages

By caliee

one other way on that star in the middle that you can do it by taping is the bunch of birds than slingshot than red bird than TNT than glass than grandpa pig than you get it

By caliee

this is on the iphone

By shaniqua

where do i go to make the bird selections plz

Rank: Pig Leader with 11200 points
By FujiToast (@fujitoast)

What do you mean? If you’re hoping to be able to chose which birds you fire, sorry you can’t do that. They come in a predetermined order.

By Sandy

My angry birds game on my iphone 4 is frozen. Any suggestions on how to unfreeze this?? The phone is fairly new, so I don’t know alot about it yet! help??

Rank: Sling God with 32120 points
By AMslimfordy (@amslimfordy)

You can perform a hard restart by holding down the Home and Sleep buttons simultaneously for about 10sec.

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