Angry Birds Friends Tournament Level 5 Week 98 Power Up & 3 Star Walkthroughs | March 31st 2014

Below you will find our highscore Power-up and non Power-up walkthrough videos for Angry Birds Friends on Facebook Tournament Level #5 Week 98.

3-Star Walkthrough – Score: 126,240

Our non power-up strategy for this level is to fling the Yellow bird towards the TNT in the top octagon. Then use both Orange birds to destroy the remaining two structures.

Power-up Walkthrough – Score: 130,070

Our power-up highscore strategy for this level uses the following Power-ups:

  • Golden Slingshot + King Sling
  • The Wingman
  • Super Seeds

Our Angry Birds Friends Tournament walkthroughs show you how to obtain 3 stars and highscores with and without Power Ups. If you have a different strategy feel free to leave a comment below; however, don't just post your score via the comments. Tournament walkthroughs are added weekly as new levels come out, so be sure to check the walkthrough page.

Are you looking for help beyond this weeks tournament? You have an idea, or need a challenge? Be sure to check our Angry Birds Friends Forum.

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Comments (32)

Rank: Master Slinger with 6270 points
By joaoryo (@joaoryo)

My strategy for 129K points without power ups. Yellow bird and two oranges birds:

Rank: Shooter with 845 points
By pluislim (@pluislim)Score: 128,190
122020 – more points available

Yellow bird towards green balloon – a chain-reaction will follow.
Orange bird to construction that is still in the air.
Then clean up
1 or 2 birds left.

Rank: Sling God with 57260 points
By Terribletom (@terribletom)Score: 137,130

This is a strange one… least it’s different, and not a repeat!!!

Followed @pluslim strategy. Except I used “Jingle Sling” 132k

Rank: Master Slinger with 7455 points
By sasilik (@sasilik)Score: 137,680

Did little differently. First YB without acceleration, lower arc as @pluislim video, YB went through blue balloon top, between wooden pieces of middle ring(timing must be quite good to get bird between pieces) and to the TNT. TNT pushed it straight at the first ring TNT. One pig remained from first ring and destroyed last ring with orange bird and got lucky as some pieces destroyed the one remaining pig from first ring. 137K with 2 birds and without PU’s and special slings.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7455 points
By sasilik (@sasilik)Score: 137,680

Looked down the page and found out that @jodelson first shot was like mine.

By Annette

I got lucky here, followed your plan, got green balloon, used orange bird on right hand side and the debris finished off all the pigs. 139,320 :)

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16710 points
By thee-michelle (@thee-michelle)Score: 139,360

119110 is 2 star
120750 is 3 star

By Samer

score 122,210 try to hit the green ballon then you will solve the game trick

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16240 points
By Makin Bakin (@dseufert)Score: 143,800

This level seems to require a lot of the L-factor. It seems evenly matched cross-platform so far. There may be a way to 1-bird, but I haven’t figured it out yet :)

On iPad Mkni with PUs, 2-birds for >142k:
1) using JS, aim WM+SS (no KS) on medium arc (maybe 45-degrees) toward TNT;
2) launch OB to middle of lower “circle” and manually inflate to take out both TNTs. The rest is luck, the L-factor.

Rank: Deputized with 220 points
By craftyfox (@craftyfox)

very much the ‘L factor’

Rank: Master Slinger with 7320 points
By bambenio (@bambenio)Score: 143,590

js wingman ss
on a slight arc to upper tnt on balloon
after a couple tries I got it all to blow up
the first circle of pigs hit the ground
I left two pigs on the ground
almost 1 bird
used orange bird to clean up
will keep trying for 1 bird

Rank: Out of this World with 2770 points
By bomb bird (@spongebob)

thanks for the idea makin bakin

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By jodelson nopowerup (@)Score: 135,390

135,390 No PU –>>

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By JodelsonPowerUp (@)Score: 147,230
Rank: Hardened with 595 points
By stevoAB (@stefan-h)

Just about the same strategy (chain reactio) only no wingman used. 139.700

By Dan

score 141,160 using gold sling and only 2 birds. First yellow bird throw just below upper left tnt so it hits the top middle circle (note, without left clicking during its flight to the tnt!!!!), the tnt sends it into the bottom left circle tnt (L-Factor required) ! Throw second bird into far right circle inglating just below or above the tnt in the middle. Should send debry left and right, and all pigs should die…again luck factor required

By Piet

Got 139,840 on this level without PU’s, two birds. First bird accelerated through the first two balloons, dropping the TNT into the first structure. With a little luck it also destroyed the pig and balloon in the top structure. This took out almost everything on the left side, leaving just the right side structure. I blew that up with the second bird, leaving just a few planks and destroying everything else.

Rank: Debriefed with 1435 points
By BoBa FeeT (@angry-score)Score: 142,080

My Strategy is 142k on PC(Wings Up)

Wingman with only SS not KS aim upper wheel and KS with OB in 1st Wheel…

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By TienShenLong (@)Score: 143,480

143K 1-Bird JS No-PU’s

Hi-arc then accelerate to go through green ballon, pig on top “wood-wheel” etc to finally hit the central TNT on the rightmost wheel. Not easy shoot but the reward worth the time.
I think it is possible to get near 150K with this strat but not easy feat.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16240 points
By Makin Bakin (@dseufert)Score: 143,800

Nice 1-bird! @tienshenlong

Rank: Gold Flinger with 9325 points
By f91jsw (@f91jsw)Score: 139,480

The shot is easy if you are content with a 2-birder, where the second bird takes down the left wheel. 135-139k is repeatable.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7455 points
By sasilik (@sasilik)Score: 137,680

Hard one to pull it off. Got couple of shots in similar style but didn’t get good results. But I must admit that Jingle Sling adds nice touch to the chaos which sometimes happens. Despite the lesser score it was quite fun to watch what took place on field.

Rank: Fling King with 4415 points
By Congo (@congo)Score: 146,280

The trick is to use less than full power, JS and no other PU. If not a one birder, follow with Wingman

By Dave Navarro

THis level has timer/score error. I finally stopped it at 627,780,80. No telling how long it would have gone on.

By Sean

yup.. happened to me twice. First time it errored out. Second time it gave me over 2billion.

Rank: Master Slinger with 7455 points
By sasilik (@sasilik)Score: 137,680

In what way and on what platform it happens?

By Bill

Had it happen on my PC after throwing the 3rd bird……suddenly everything went berserk and the score shot up to 1,161,869,900. Very weird indeed.

Rank: Sling God with 21605 points
By Jronstad (@jonstad)Score: 137,770

2 birds, no PUs, no JS, first bird aim same as @tienshenlong, second bird into left wheel, didn’t get top two TNT.

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By TienShenLong (@)Score: 143,480


A- No-PU’s / No-Slings:

– You have 3 main targets for 1st shoot… All of them no-easy but if … IF…
Well the targets are:
-The Yellow globe the !@#$%^ hat-pig on the center is sitting right over the TNT
– The top side of the TNT with the light blue balloon (Aiming right to it or Hi-arc)
– The base of the TNT with red ballon on top-central pig-wheel.

WHY, you say? Because IF works, yellow bird start to go pinball-like to TNTs, etc BUT this ones let you have all debris/pigs close to each other… no scattered long way (most times). Choose your penance, Argos… Restart or 2nd bird.

B- Special Slings

Depending of the target choosed JS/GS/WC can be used.
Best options for targets could be:
-Top side of closest TNT with yellow ballon
-The unreachable right-top TNT from below… (lol)
– Hi-arc hi above without target anything, The goal is land directly over the right-wheel TNT.

3- PU’s

I do not post strats for PU’s

The few times I’ve got full destruction 1-birdie 4-6 TNTs remain 75%..
SO I must conclude there is no used and probably there is a “penalty” if you blow more than 2 TNTs that are NO the central-wheels-ones without bouncing on it. Go for the ballons instead.

BTW I don’t like this lvl.

(NOT USE JS for hi-arc to cross from up-left to right-whell-TNT for my previous posted strat because you will need the hi-left TNT later IF you can see that option.)

The hardest shoot

Rank: Flinger with 0 points
By TienShenLong (@)Score: 143,480

For the Top-Score hunting-addicts:

TWICE if have the chance for 150+K but 1 pig survive always with a TNT in the middle of the way.

If that 1-bird-full-destruction happens PLEASE post the pic.

Rank: Avian Overlord with 16240 points
By Makin Bakin (@dseufert)Score: 143,800

Want more bird coins and power-ups for free–legit? Click here:

Always Makin Bakin! :)

Rank: Flinger with 30 points
By Goforbass (@goforbass)Score: 140,360

Blue bird ks low to ice split before it hits and wait one birder.

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