Walkthrough video and strategy for Angry Birds Friends on Facebook Tournament Level #4 Week 97. Our non power-up strategy for this level is to send the Boomerang bird over and back into the pink bouncing surface. With some luck, boomerang should slice through the main structure and clear all the pigs. The score in the video below is 83,970.
Our Angry Birds Friends Tournament walkthroughs show you how to obtain 3 stars and highscores with and without Power Ups. If you have a different strategy feel free to leave a comment below; however, don't just post your score via the comments. Tournament walkthroughs are added weekly as new levels come out, so be sure to check the walkthrough page.
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My strategy for 93K points with power-ups. Green bird SS and KS:
No PowerUp – 3 Stars
More points are available
GB high arc, backwards so it jumps low to construction.
Send second bird at the same way as first bird.
1 bird left
Thanks i just scored 95610 with this strategy
82840 is 2 star
83160 is 3 star
With PowerUps
Used Wood Chipper
King Sling – Super Seeds – High arc, backwards, low to construction.
Only used 1 bird
U could choose for a clean-up
Gold Sling-No P/U’s Green Bird up and over wall. Bring back into wall, bounces off, and clears structure. 84k
without PU’s,Score 84,740 point,flip the bird to touch the rubber
Used Power-ups and Jingle Sling…2 birds. First bird was wingman with SS…did an arc so he landed on the small bouncing pad on the right. Second bird was normal…(no KS) and used him to bounce of the left pads and go back to clean up some of the debris.
JS, then SS the first green bird. Launch with mouse pointer midway along beak of leftmost “bird in waiting.” Jingle bells knock triangle off top so you can get points for it. Activate green bird so that it hits about halfway up the wall bounce. Second green bird along same arc, activating a little later so that it bounces back along the ground and cleans up debris. Consistently in the mid 90’s, with 102K being my lucky best.
Wow! Perfect – One bird for 96k+. Thanks!
wingman ss ks
wood chipper sling
high arc to far right balloon pad
got lucky bounce
88,390 No PU, No Special Ling -> http://youtu.be/OXMz-tA__8A
My strat for 105k:
It’s a full destruction with 2 birds, higher scores need very lucky 1-birder ;)
Brillant execution!
thank you im using one bird got lucky 99K
One of the guys in Angry Birds Facebook Group found a better strategy: Wood Sling + KS + SS, boomerang cut through the top part, rebounds on the left cushion, then right cushion (back and forth a few times) then it crushes the right side. Very trick to pull off, but possible.
You mean this one ;)
oops lol
My Strat 101K (No WINGMAN) Power Up’s
@congo @xpogi @bambenio and all of us
got 2 say that video was a cool skilled shot..i just cant seem to manage a 1 birdie….the last one never rolls off like video..i hv study the video greatly and my playing but i still dont think im hitting exact same spot as in video..oh well keep on trying…
I think the highscore my have been entered wrong. Impossible to have a score that high